President’s Letter

Dear Member

If you are at Indian Lake Estates or if you have visited our community lately, you probably noticed the additional road paving. The 2012 paving work has been completed at a cost of nearly $34k which means we have resurfaced 50% of our roads. Even more importantly, nearly all the potholes have been resurfaced making our streets much safer and more enjoyable to drive. The Road Committee wishes that it could have resurfaced even
more of the roads but with restraints on available capital they resurfaced the worst areas and the most used streets. Hopefully next year’s budget will allow for additional paving. The first priority of the 2013 budget will be on dam repair with a smaller portion being allocated to road resurfacing.

In the last President’s Letter, we celebrated the lack of expenses during the winter. Well, all good things have to come to an end. Besides the major expense for paving this quarter, the State has approached us with their concerns about Indian Lake Dam. Their major concerns:

  • Animal dens in the face of the dam. This problem has been addressed with the animals being removed and the dens are being filled in.
  • The State had questions about our Emergency Action Plan. After Ed Tisdale communicated with DENR, this was determined to be a non issue.
  • Caulking failure in the joints of Indian Lake’s spillway is the most serious concern and potentially expensive to remedy. We are being required by the State to retain an engineering firm to investigate the causes of the caulking failure and to design the corrective action. Your Dam Committee has approached two engineering firms, requested bids on the job from both. Once the bids are received the Board will issue a contract and work will begin. As part of this work, Indian Lake will have to be lowed to some extent. This may happen this month since we cannot delay. Any delay will subject the community to a stiff fine from the State.While the above developments are not something that we had anticipated, the Reserve Fund the Club established should supply the capital for this project. If it were not for this Fund, an occurrence like this would put the Club into severe financial peril. You will be kept informed, as this project progresses.

It is time for nominations for the 2012-2013 Board of Directors. If you are willing to be on the Nominating Committee, please let me know. Even more importantly, if you are willing to serve on the Club’s Board, let that be known. You do not have to be a full time resident to serve. Your Board has made that even easier since it established a bi-monthly meeting schedule.

May I suggest that the next time you see Bonnie Crocker, congratulate her for the excellent work that she has done in maintaining the bulletin board at the entrance. The art work is excellent and brightens the neighborhood.

Thanks Bonnie!

Soon the Wednesday evening socials will resume at the Waterfront Park. Joyce and I hope to see each of you there. Until then have safe journeys to our mountain get-a-way.

Everett Bedenbaugh
President, Indian Lake Club, Inc.