Spring Greetings to everyone. We anxiously await the return of our seasonal
residents and especially the resumption of our Wednesday evening social
gatherings at the waterfront park. The tentative date to begin our Wednesday
gatherings is May 29, 2024. I would like to encourage everyone to join us,
bring a dish to share, enjoy the food and meet old friends and welcome new
members of our community. We would like to welcome our newest homeowner in Indian Lake Estates. Jill
Carter has purchased Barbara Fredricksen’s home on Hiwassee Road and I
believe she will become a full-time resident.
To update you on our maintenance projects so far this year…we have installed
a safety locust fence in the waterfront park, (positioned between the picnic
tables and the drop off to the lower level). A roadside fence has also been
installed on Indian Lake Road above the washout. Reflectors were placed on
that fence as well.
We will be installing a stop sign and convex mirror at the intersection of
Toxaway Trail and Indian Lake Road, and a convex mirror at the intersection
of Rainbow’s End and Cherokee Circle.
Culvert and shoulder repairs have been completed on Cherokee Circle.
Asphalt paving on Cherokee Circle and Indian Lake Road is scheduled to
begin mid-May. Dam Repairs: The big news from John Pappas, Chair of our Lakes and Dams
Committee is that the State of North Carolina has approved all our plans to
repair the mudslide washout and repairs to Indian Lake Dam. The dates to
begin these projects have not yet been established. Now that we have official
approval, we can also move forward with an application to request
FEMA/State of NC assistance on subsidizing some of the repair costs.
During our April Board Meeting, the Board received recommendations for
regulating the use of the Waterfront Park for group events. The Board
approved the following regulations:
a. If a property owner would like to use the park for a group event, that
property owner must be in good standing and would make a request to
reserve the park. The property owner must attend the event. Kathy
Peerson volunteered to manage the reservations.
b. The club would charge a $100 fee for a group event which would
provide some income to the park and charge an additional refundable
$100 security deposit to cover any destruction to the park.
c. The group would be responsible for cleaning up and removing any
d. The group must abide by local noise ordinances – quiet before 10:00
a.m. and after 10:00 p.m.
e. Access to the waterfront dock would always be open to any property
owner or guest even if the park is reserved.
f. Any misuse or concerns should be directed to a Board member, the
group should not be approached by residents.
g. Use of the lake would be restricted to property owners and their guests.
Ron Harden, President
Indian Lake Club, Inc