INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
September 6, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 12:12 pm
Presiding:        Everett Bedenbaugh
Attending:        Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Dick Hennig – Vice President, Barbara Pence – Secretary,
John Pappas, Jeannette Lee, John McClung
Absent:        Michael Gould
August Meeting Minutes:
A motion to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2014 meeting was made
By Dick, seconded by Barbara, the motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Susan advised the Board of a homeowner who is delinquent in paying assessments and not responding to a
discussed payment schedule.  The Board agreed we need to be consistent in going forward with the lien process.
Dick moved to have Susan notify the homeowner of the Board’s decision that a lien will be filed if there is no
response to request for payment.

John Pappas moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, Everett seconded.  The report was accepted.

Committee Reports:   All committee reports were presented at the Annual Meeting, September 6, 2014.
Everett moved to accept all reports, Susan seconded. The reports were all accepted.

Old Business:
     Foreclosure Update
An ad hoc committee to look into the possibility of foreclosure of delinquent properties was set
to meet on Tuesday, September 9.  The committee will look into the history of the properties, including tax
information and the possible need to hire an attorney.

Everett has been advised that there are still chickens on the property of one homeowner.  Everett will continue to
try to work with the homeowner to remove the chickens.

Old Board
Susan was thanked for her service on the Board and was excused from the meeting.

New Business:
     Everett continued to preside at the meeting in the absence of the new President, Michael Gould.
A motion was made to approve John McClung and Jeannette Lee as new Directors.
Dick moved and John Pappas seconded.  The new directors were welcomed.

Michael Gould was elected President, Dick Hennig, Vice President, Jeannette Lee, Treasurer, and
Barbara Pence, Secretary.

The Secretary made a motion to give Michael Gould, President, and Jeannette Lee, Treasurer,
signature authority for banking matters for Indian Lake Club, Inc.  Ed Tisdale should also retain
signature authority for banking matters for Indian Lake Club, Inc.  In addition Susan Sciullo and
Everett Bedenbaugh should be removed from signature authority for Indian Lake Club effectivc
September 6, 2014.  John seconded the motion, the motion passed.
Next Meeting

             The next meeting will be held October 18 at 8:00 a.m. at the fire station.

There being no further business, Everett made the motion to adjourn the meeting;  Dick seconded,         the
meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.

____________________________________                       _____________________________________
Barbara Pence, Secretary                                   Everett Bedenbaugh, President