INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
February 22, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m.
Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Julie Coggins, Dick Hennig – Vice President, Barbara Pence – Secretary
Via Teleconference:   Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, John Pappas, Michael Gould
Members:  Aleta Tisdale,  Frank Campbell

Documents provided to Board members:  Agenda, Architectural Control Documents, January 2014 Financial
Statements, Dec 7 meeting minutes.

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        Welcome and thank you from the President to the Board members for all of their hard work.
2.        Minutes of the Dec 7 Board Meeting were approved.  Motion made by Barbara, seconded by Dick; the motion

Treasurer’s Report
3.        Susan reported being contacted by the bank about the lien on the Leblow property.  The bank advised they
would only be responsible for the lien from the time the property was foreclosed, leaving a balance of $2768.21.
Michael advised that legal costs to attempt to collect this debt would probably be prohibitive.  Susan will ask for a
motion in New Business to write off this debt.
4.        Balance Sheet cash is $176K;  Savings is $105K
5.        An impact fee of $3K was received from Aciernos.  This was not in the budget
6.        Accounts Receivable Balance as of February 6 was $125K  but assessments continue to come in and Susan
will follow up where necessary
7.        Quarterly loan assessment payments were made; reducing the loan balance to $30K.
8.        Expenses were higher due to a payment to Rob Bennett for $4200 to clean culverts; this was approved in
2013 and will be offset somewhat by the $3K impact fee.
9.        We have already spent $3K in February for snow removal and may have to spend more in Nov and Dec of
this year
10.        Other than the $4200 expense, we are tracking well.
11.        A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Dick and seconded by Julie.  The motion passed.

Secretary’s Report
12.        Barbara advised that Charles and Heidi Brown of Pisgah Forest purchased Lot 20, in Section 12 from the
Markerts.  They do plan to build.
13.        Julie discovered that Roe David will assume ownership of the David property.  Barbara will send him a
welcome package.
14.        The McClungs have moved into their home on Cherokee Circle and are making improvements
15.        A motion to approve the Secretary’s report was made by Susan and seconded by John.
16.        The President requested a list of the new owners.


17.         Culvert repairs were made on Indian Lake Road and Toxaway Trail which cost $500 more than planned.
18.        Frank Campbell discovered a water leak on Mohawk Trail.  The owners were contacted and the leak
repaired by C&J Maintenance.  Leak repair on Mohawk Trail and air release valve
on Indian Lake  Road cost $630
19.        A&D Maintenance replaced an air compressor on the lake well; we are awaiting a bill from them.
20.        The President said that we need to have some guidelines regarding salting the roads before next year.   It
was discussed that we are paying for salt that is not needed; some roads have not been plowed per agreement and
some residents are having difficulty with icy conditions that are not responding to salt.
21.        Susan advised that Derrick Moss requested we pay him directly; she said if this was to be done a 1099
would have to be issued.

Lakes and Dams
22.        John reported that Jim Perry at Pinnacle Grading did come out to look at the spillway repair project and that
he seems to be a viable candidate to compete with Whitmire Grading.  Pinnacle’s time frame would be 4-5 weeks
from start.
23.        John recommended that it might make sense to spend the money to have a second engineer consult on the
project.  The President agreed that the consensus of two engineers would be helpful before we proceed on the
24.        Michael asked if the Pinnacle bid included a quote.  Existing bid from Whitmire is $140K.
25.        Susan requested that John ask Whitmire Grading to provide a breakout of the bid if they were only required
to make partial repairs.
26.        Michael, John and Susan agreed a second opinion would be prudent.
27.        Susan questioned the timetable, wondering if time would allow pursuing a higher yield on the $105K in
savings.   She will look into this.
28.        Everett requested John put a reasonable time frame on receiving a bid from Jim Perry.  Included in the bid
would be road repair on both sides of the project.
29.        Susan suggested we may be challenged as our entire cumulative infrastructure budget is limited to $125K
this fiscal year.

Architectural Control
30.        Michael reported positive activity on his committee and thanked Aleta Tisdale for her tremendous help with
the building documents which will be discussed in New Business.
31.        Aleta also walked the Acierno property with Fred Markert to review the setback restrictions.
32.        Conditional approval has been granted to the Acierno construction project.   We have the modular plans
and foundation plans and are awaiting the County Septic permit.
33.        There was no report, but Joyce has advised that Spring cleanup and opening of the waterfront park will
begin soon.
34.        A motion was made by Dick to accept all committee reports.  Barbara seconded and the motion passed.
Old Business
35.        Algae in lakes
a.        This has been put on hold until Spring when we will see if the algae returns and review our options at that time
36.        Covenant 12 Ballot
a.        The Secretary reported the following tally of the votes.  Of the 130 lots eligible to vote, 27 ballots were cast in
favor of the change and 29 votes were cast against the change.  74 Lots did not vote (these constitute a “no” vote)
b.         Therefore the vote to amend the covenant did not pass.  The President will advise the residents in his
Quarterly Newsletter.
37. Architectural Control Regulation Updates and New Application
a.    Michael advised Aleta Tisdale had been very helpful in revising and clarifying the   steps for the ACC Approval
when building a new home at ILC and for creating a Review Worksheet for the committee to use in tracking the
b.    He also requested approval to make changes to the ACR to show that project plans will be approved within 30
days once all required documents are submitted and any impact fee received.  The ACC has approved these
c.    John made a motion to accept the changes,  Dick seconded and the motion was approved.  The President  will
include these changes as an attachment to his Quarterly Newsletter.  Aleta will ask Ed Tisdale to post these to the
38.  Property Updates
c.         David Property – Previously discussed in Secretary’s report
d.         Leblow Property – Previously discussed  in Treasurer’s report.  Dick made a motion to write off the
uncollected $2768.21 lien.   Barbara seconded.  The motion passed.
e.        Green Property –
i.         Susan asked the Board for advice for collecting the outstanding accounts receivable on the properties owned
by Laura Green and those co-owned by Burrell.  All properties are liened to protect the club.
ii.        Michael suggested that if the real estate market is picking up perhaps we could negotiate a transfer of some
property to ILC.  Everett suggested Lot 19 would be a good spot for a future well.
iii.        With no Board member knowing Laura Green, Susan agreed to attempt to open up a conversation with her
and will advise the Board.

38.  Lakes and dams
Everett asked for a motion to spend up to $1500 for a second engineer to consult on the dam repair.  Dick moved,
Julie seconded.  John will contact the engineer.

39.  Quarterly Newsletter
Everett advised he will send out the quarterly newsletter in the next two weeks.

Next Meeting, April 5, 2014 at 8:00 a m. at the Fire House.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

____________________________________                __________________________________
Barbara Pence – Secretary                                  Everett Bedenbaugh – President