INDIAN LAKE CLUB INC. – Indian Lake Estates

Board of Directors Meeting
December 6, 2014

The Meeting was called to order at 8:06 a.m.
Presiding:        Michael Gould
Attending:        Dick Hennig, Vice President, Everett Bedenbaugh, John McClung
Via Teleconference:  Jeannette Lee, Treasurer, Barbara Pence, Secretary
Absent:        John Pappas
President’s Report:  Michael advised things are quiet; there is no news to report.
Community:           There were no representatives from the community.
Minutes – October 18, 2014 – Everett made a motion to approve the Minutes of the October
Meeting, Dick seconded, the minutes were approved.
Secretary’s Report:
1.        Barbara reported receiving correspondence from Brian and Jan Gorman advising they will be pursuing
building a home on the lot next to the Waterfront Park.  Aleta and Michael have also been in touch with them.
2.        Amanda Reid and her daughter are new residents at 373 Toxaway Trail.
3.        Indian Lake files have been backed up to Drop Box.
Committee Reports:

4.         Dick reported two water leaks, one at Mac David’s home at the end of Toxaway Trail and one at Fred
Peterson’s ; both have been repaired.
5.        Dick will look into repairing the trunk line on the Harris property, probably will not happen until Spring.
6.         John McClung advised he is noticing a pink residue in water and humidifier at his home.  The Board
discussed, no one else had noticed this.   Dick advised the water is tested 5 days a week, only chlorine and soda
ash are added to water.   Dick will follow up with A&D to check into it.
7.        Paving has been postponed until Spring, and hopefully with a budget at that time,  we can do more than we
had planned to do in the Fall.
Lakes & Dams:
8.        Per written report, John Pappas advised that plans for the dam repair have been submitted to NCDENR
and we are awaiting approval.
9.        Once approval is obtained, we will begin spillway repair in the Spring.  Michael advised the dam is in
reasonably good repair, so waiting until Spring should not be a problem and will also allow us to accumulate more
reserves to take care of the repair.
10.        Repair work on the road to the dam is underway.  Additional funding of $2990 was approved by the Board
for an unexpected need to fortify the road at the dam end.
11.        Michael will follow up with John Pappas as to the status of the road to the dam.
12.        Addendum (12/11/14) John has advised that the road to the dam will be completed next week.
Architectural Control:   There was no news to report at this time.
13.         Anne sent in a report advising the park benches were packed up and stored at the Noyes home.  Leaves
have been blown in the park and picnic tables secured for winter.
14.        Christmas decorations were put up on November 25.
Treasurer’s Report
15.         Jeanette advised finances are in good shape.   Money Market has $190K, mostly in savings pending dam
repairs.  Checking has $8200, will have to move money into checking when invoice is received from Whitmire
16.        No major expenses expected, loan notes will be due in February 2015
17.        Club QuickBooks software has been updated, along with technical assistance for one year.
18.        Accounts Receivable is at $83,763, Subtracting out liened property of Burrell/Green and Melin, the
balance is $10,181. Attempts will be made to locate Melin as mail is being returned from known address.  Another
homeowner in arrears is receptive to making payments.  Discussion was held considering liening properties in
arrears where payments are inconsistent.  Michael said it looks like Jeannette is staying on top of Accounts
19.        Jeannette suggested possibility of backing up files on Intuit software for $5 a month which would secure
the data.  The Board agreed, Jeannette will proceed; this will also allow the President access if the Treasurer is
not available.
20.        Jeannette also advised that in order to continue her position, her employer has stipulated that she not be
a sole signer on a check.  The Board discussed this might slow down some payments, but if we pay bills twice a
month, it should not be an issue.
21.        Everett questioned if there was a way to designate the uncollectible Accounts Receivable.  It was
discussed possibly moving this to a Bad Debt column in the future.
22.        Jeannette will update the Budget estimates for 2015 and report at the next meeting.
Unfinished Business:
Contracts Update
23.         Road Maintenance: Everett advised we have received one bid from Robb Bennett for $9200 which
included adding access road to the dam.  Everett felt this was reasonable.  The Board agreed we will wait until the
end of December.
24.        Jeannette mentioned some homeowners were questioning blowing of leaves on the property from the
road.  Discussion was held, Everett will discuss with Robb.
25.        Snow Removal:  We still have no contacts;  Dick has exhausted all of his options.  Everett suggested
placing an ad in the Transylvania Times. The Board agreed, Everett will pursue.
26.        Water Maintenance:  Dick has received a contract from CLJ Maintenance. The board approved their
Website Development:
27.        Everett met with Liz Polfus.  She will do the development for $1400/ $200 down.
Website will work similar to current setup. It will be designed so we can update it ourselves.  She will produce a
user’s manual and will train Everett to start.  Goal is to have it complete by January.  Michael requested that each
member of the Board look at the website to see if there are any changes they would recommend.  The new
website will be optimized for tablets and smart phones as well.
Laura Green Foreclosures:
28.         Michael has been advised by Bill Gifford that as a nonprofit, we would not be liable for new taxes, but
would be liable for past taxes if we take title on a property where back taxes are owed.
29.        Michael advised that Laura Green has filed for bankruptcy; therefore we cannot file for foreclosure.  The
type of bankruptcy filed is a reorganization for an individual to discharge her debt.
30.        Bill Gifford advised that because we have filed a lien on her property, we are secured.  Michael will obtain
current information from Jeannette on what is owed and will file a Proof of Claim with the Trustee.  All lots will be
included in the Proof of Claim.
New Business
Letter from NCDENR regarding EAP
31.         NCDENR is requesting an update of the EAP required for the Dam.  Michael will work with John Pappas to
submit this online…due date is March 15.
Neighborhood Security
32.         John McClung advised a contractor was missing some equipment left by the side of the road at the
Acierno home.  A white Toyota pickup was seen in the area and an owner of a white Toyota pickup is also
suspected in the theft at the Pipkins recently.  Police advised they are familiar with the suspected driver of this
truck.  This suspect has not actually been seen taking anything, so any evidence would be circumstantial at this
33.        The Board discussed possibility of a security measures and agreed that communication by word of mouth
in the community would be most important.
List of Vendors for Website
34.        Jeannette asked if we could include a list of recommended vendors on our website.
The Board agreed we should come up with a list.  Everett will follow up.
35.         Everett requested Assessments be sent out, as many residents pay in December for tax purposes.
Jeannette will send them out shortly.
There being no further business, John McClung moved the meeting be adjourned, Everett seconded.  The
meeting was adjourned

Respectfully Submitted

___________________________                                        ______________________________
Barbara Pence Secretary                                        Michael Gould, President