INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
August, 11, 2013
(revised August 25, 2013)

The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m.
Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Dave Crocker, Michael Gould
Absent:  Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, John Pappas
Members:  Joyce Bedenbaugh (acting secretary), Frank Campbell
Documents provided to Board members:  President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Secretary’s Report, Dam
Committee Report, Water Report, 2014 Budget Draft, Erosion Control Report (Rob Bennett), Audit Report (Don
Hair), Nominating Committee Report (Frank Campbell)
Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the June 8, 2013 meeting were approved at 8:19 a.m. – proposed by Michael, seconded by
President’s Report:
2.        Don Harrison was told incorrectly that he could not be present during the regular board of directors’
discussions.  Everett will let him know.  They close on their property sale September 6.
3.        Chris Bartol called Everett and reported an incident occurred at the dam during the July 4th holiday in
which some people were playing at the dam and spillway.  Chris was concerned about the legal liability of playing
in the area.  Michael also talked to Chris about the incident; Dave mentioned how enticing it is for folks to be in
the area.  Everett will address the issue at the annual meeting in September.  Additional signage may be needed
in the future; the area is off limits at present due to major work on the dam in the near future.
4.        There appears to be an increase in interest in property sales: Don & Louise Harrison’s property has sold
recently and the Richardsons bought the Eaton’s property. Everett has had several calls from real estate agents
concerning certain properties and about ILC covenants and assessments.  Michael’s real estate agent said some
activity is occurring in general but vacation home sales are still about two years behind.
5.        Everett has taken on the assignment of roadside maintenance – see Roadside Trimming Guideline 2013
and attached member petition signatures and email statements.  Dave asked if the roadsides were under his
responsibility.  Everett stated that no committee has been assigned to oversee roadside maintenance but that the
board may want to assign it to a committee or create a new committee in the future.  Everett stated that we have
returned to the original guidelines for maintenance except the banks are not being cut unless they hinder road
use, provide hiding places for snakes or block site lines. Michael commented that the wildflowers seen along the
banks look nice.  Dave mentioned he had an area that could be trimmed.  Everett said he could place blue
reflectors where he did not want cut.

Treasurer’s Report:
6.        Everett said the Treasurer’s Report, Balance Sheet and A/R Aging Summary were sent via emails from
Susan Sciullo who is in Sri Lanka. Everett said the Club has approximately $50K in money market funds and
approximately $80K in savings/reserve for a total cash balance of $129K.  Outstanding liability on loans is $38K
which is more than 50% of the original $80K loan amount and will be paid off by 2015.  Everett pointed out that
Susan’s report recommended The Board discuss collection actions on two members whose assessments are in
arrears. He also stated that the board had been very lenient with the members making payments. Everett
recommended The Board should proceed with lien-holds on these two properties.  Michael stated that the club
should not have exceptions to payment rules.
7.        Proposal was made by Michael Gould to proceed with liens on the Godwin and Vermeulen properties,
seconded by Dick Henig.  The vote in favor was unanimous.
8.        Everett stated the bank trustee for the Leblow property had requested information.  Susan sent a copy of
the Club’s W-9, a copy of the delinquent assessment on the Leblow property and the Club’s address.
9.        Everett stated that Robert Hinnant had contacted him about how much he owed in assessments on his
property.  Hinnant said he is putting his property up for sale.  We received a check for $2,162.52 last week to
settle his balance.
10.        Everett reviewed the A/R Aging Summary with the Board members.

Secretary’s Report:
11.        In regards to the Secretary’s Report about The Club’s old computer being too slow, Dave Crocker stated
that he has two laptops for Club use if needed.  Everett stated that the Club will keep the offer in mind until a new
Club Secretary is appointed.
12.        Proposal to accept Treasurer’s and Secretary’s Reports by Dick Hennig, seconded by Dave Crocker.

Community Speaks:
13.        No community members requested to speak.

Committee Reports –
Water Committee Report:

14.        Dick reviewed the letter from NCDENR of August 2, 2013.  Deficiencies have been corrected with the
exception of Paragraph 1.  Dick stated that there is a more recent copy of a letter from 2009 from Jerry Merrill, a
consultant who stated that our current well system is approved for approximately ninety (90) houses.  Dick has
requested a copy of the letter from Jerry.
15.        Dick reported there is a rodent problem at one of the wells and that he is working to eradicate the
16.        Dick pointed out that Paragraph 3 states that a check of the wells be performed at least once a week.  He
stated that the Club is paying an operator (Aubrey) to check the wells five days a week.  A discussion followed
about how frequently we should test the wells.  Michael stated that the community may feel the water is safer if we
continue to test more often than the state requires.  Dick will investigate to determine exactly what NCDENR
requires and to ask Aubrey how often other communities test their water systems.
17.        Dave asked how old the underground water pipe system throughout the community is.  Frank and Dick
stated that most of the system is original to the development of the community and that the pipes are all PVC.  It is
suspected that the various problems experienced two to three years ago were a direct result of heavy trucks
during the dam repairs and replacement of electrical cables.
18.        There was a discussion about rust showing through the paint on the Hiwassee water storage tank.  Frank
reported that the painter suggested that a vent fan be installed to reduce the humidity in the Hiwassee well
house.  Dick stated that he will follow up on the issue.
19.        Dick reported that he is getting cost estimates for replacing the Hiwassee storage tank with a bladder tank
system.  A discussion followed.
20.        Dick reported there is a suspected leak in the Hiwassee system area.  He is investigating.
21.        Dave stated he will get a cost estimate for adding wiring to one of the water pumps so that a generator
can be used to pump water in an emergency.  He volunteered the use of his generator in the event of a
prolonged power outage.

Roads Committee Report:
22.        Dave stated there is no new business to report.

Dam Committee Report:
23.        Everett referred to John Pappas’ “Amendment to Report” that we have a favorable report from NCDENR
on the progress of dam repairs.
24.        A discussion followed, begun by Michael concerning costs expected for the dam repair project.  Whitmire
Grading’s initial bid was approximately $100K.  Based on the modified project plan, it is expected the cost may
decrease.  However, the original bid did not include costs for repairing the access road (beside the Harrison’s
property.)  Michael expressed his concern about recurring problems with the dam even after the repairs are
completed.  Dave brought up the question of maybe installing a liner on the lake side of the dam to prevent
25.        Dick questioned if the Harrison’s deed provides for permanent right-of-way to the dam access road.
Everett is to contact the Harrison’s to confirm the deed passes right-of-way to the new owners.  At the same time,
Everett will send a letter to the Harrisons to confirm that the dam access road will be repaired as part of the dam
repair project.

Architectural Control Committee Report:
26.        Michael reported that the Richardsons received approval to add a storage shed on their property.
27.        Michael stated that Chris Bartol approached him about deeding to The Club a portion of his property that
is part of the dam.  Michael will contact Chris and inform him that the expense for a survey, new deed, etc. must
be born by the Bartols.
28.        Michael stated that Lois Noyes informed him that a trailer was parked on Thunderbird Lane in front of the
Carlens’s property and blocked the Noyes’ access to their property.  Everett stated he would talk to the Coopers,
owner of the trailer.

Beautification Committee Report:
29.        Joyce Bedenbaugh reported that a load of mulch had been purchased and spread at the Waterfront Park
and entrance.
30.        The Committee has plans to weed and prune the rocky outcrop.
31.        The ILC Labor Day picnic will be held on Monday, September 2, and will also be a celebration to honor
Don and Louise Harrison before they move to Knoxville.  She will have Bonnie Crocker prepare an email invitation
with details.
32.        Dave requested that some flowers be moved as they obstruct the entrance sign.  Joyce stated that the
Committee plans to relocate the flowers this fall.
33.        Proposal was made by Dave to approve all Committee Reports as read, seconded by Dick.

Website Committee Report:
34.        No new business to report.

Old Business:
35.        Dave reported that he has a copy of Brevard’s ordinance concerning owning chickens.  He will present a
proposal at the Annual Members Meeting.

New Business:
36.        Everett requested that each Board Member make a presentation of their reports at the Annual Members
Meeting.  Reports should include past accomplishments and plans for 2014.
37.        Everett reported that the Beautification Committee has agreed to provide refreshments at the Annual
Members Meeting.
38.        No invoices to be cleared.
39.        Everett reported that the Nominating Committee has been selected, Frank Campbell, chairman.  Frank
reported that his committee includes Joanne Revie and Janet Mailloux.  Frank also reported they have two
members who have accepted nominations: Julie Coggins and Barbara Pence.  Their biographies are included in
his report.
40.        Everett reported that the 2014 Budget Committee consists of Susan Sciullo, chairperson, Don Hair,
Everett Bedenbaugh and Gerry Gawronski.  He reported the committee’s recommendation is to raise annual
assessments from $941.00 to $984.00 and to provide for installment payments for owners with multiple lots.
41.        Everett gave time for the Board members to study the 2014 Budget Draft and to ask any questions.  A
discussion followed.
42.        Proposal was made by Michael to accept the 2014 Budget Draft as read, seconded by Dick, voting in
favor was unanimous (write-in votes from John Pappas and Susan Sciullo.)
43.        Erosion Control: Everett reported that Rob Bennett submitted a bid for work to provide erosion control at
the ditches.  After discussion, Everett asked Dick and Dave to meet with Rob and prepare a more detailed
proposal and cost estimate.
44.        Audit Report: Everett presented the audit letter from Don Hair in which he stated that the Club’s books
are well organized and are maintained in appropriate order.
45.        Proposal was made by Everett to accept the Audit Report as read, seconded by Dick, voting to approve
was unanimous.
46.        Impact fee:  Michael made a motion to add a $100.00 penalty assessment if impact fees are not paid prior
to construction.  Proposal was made by Michael, seconded by Dick, voting was in favor by Everett, Michael and
Dick, opposed by Dave.
47.        Dave suggested that sterile Koi fish be released into Rainbow Lake to reduce algae growth.  Everett will
contact Jerry Hollar to investigate and report back to the Board.
48.        Dick will develop a proposal clarifying the ability of the Board to use their discretion to set terms,
conditions and prices for the sale of Club-owned property.

Next Meeting:  Annual Members Meeting, Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the Fire House.
Board of Directors meeting to follow afterwards.
There being no further business, Dave proposed the meeting be adjourned, Dick seconded.  The meeting was
adjourned at 9:56 a.m.

____________________________________                __________________________________
Joyce Bedenbaugh – acting Secretary                        Everett Bedenbaugh – President