INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
9 November 2011

These are DRAFT minutes to be approved at next Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 8.06 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave
Crocker, and John Pappas
Absent: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Paula Markert
Members: Frank Campbell

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 10 October meeting were approved – proposed by
John, seconded by Dick.

President’s Report
2.        The President stated that the Board should make every effort to keep
the meetings short. Recently meetings have taken up to 3 hours to
complete.  A good precedence was set last month when the meeting was
completed in one hour and a half.
3.        The President apologized for having not made any progress to date
to liaise with all the committee’s to produce a mission statement plus their
areas of responsibility.
4.        The President stated that some progress had been made on getting
contract bids for 2012.
5.        The responsibility for the upkeep and posting of messages on the
Club’s Bulletin Board near the entrance to our community was recently
assigned to Bonnie Crocker.

Treasurer Report
6.        Operating and money market cash balances at the end of October
were approximately $5K.
7.        Quarterly asphalt loan re-payments were made during the month.
8.        Cash will be very tight during the months of November and December
and the Club may need to draw from the reserves to cover operating
9.        2012 assessment invoices have been sent out and the Club did
receive one payment of $941 during the month of October that was paid in
10.        Expenses that continue to run over budget relate to water services.
Maintenance and repair expenses have been very high due to the number of
leaks in the community.  Testing and analysis expenses have also exceeded
the budget.  Utility bills have been lower over the last few months.
11.        The sale of lot 20 combined with the estate sale have enabled the
Club to not utilize its’ small reserves to date.
12.         A few residents have continued to be delinquent in their payments
and to date the Club has not placed a lien upon their home.  The Board
decided to write an initial warning letter indicating that a lien would be placed
on these homes at year end if payment was not forthcoming.
13.        The Finance report for October was approved; proposed by Ed,
seconded by Dick.

Secretary Report
14.        As a follow up to last month’s meeting, the Secretary investigated
the situation with the Bruce family who own property at the end of Pathkiller
Road that is not part of our community but is accessed via our roads. In
2003 efforts were made to obtain some fees to cover the maintenance of the
roads from the Bruce’s. Based on the correspondence in the files on this
matter, the Board decided not to pursue the matter any further since the
legal documentation does not obligate them to contribute any fees to the
15.        The sale of the Leblow foreclosed property has been postponed for
a second time and is scheduled for 29th November 2011.
16.        The Secretary stated that there are no restrictions either in the By-
laws or the Restricted Covenants to prevent the Cooper family from
changing the boundary lines between adjacent lots when the purchase of
their neighboring lot from the Rossi’s is completed. The closing on the sale
of the Rossi’s property to the Cooper family is expected to be completed very
17.        The Secretary received notification of bankruptcy proceedings
against one of our members.  Despite the proceedings the Club is receiving
the monthly fees from the member in question.
18.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence has been collecting the invoices
and passing them on to Susan.
19.        The Club has paid its annual Water Fee from the State that was due
on November 4th ($270) and this was accompanied by a form that was
signed by the Club’s water management company – A&D Maintenance. The
Secretary thanked Dick for his assistance in this process.
20.        The secretary reported that the transfer by deed of part of the
Harrison’s property that impinged the Dam to the Club had been completed
together with the Grant of Easement to the Club for access to the Dam via
the Harrison’s property.  Don and Louise Harrison shared the payment of the
attorney fees with the Club and the Club thanks them for that.
21.        The Secretary re-iterated the change to the oversight of the Club’s
Bulletin Board and stated that Bonnie Crocker has already put the previous
keepers of the Bulletin Board to shame with her vibrant notices during
22.        Shirley and Bob Bartel hosted a party of invited members on Friday
21st October at their home on Cherokee Circle at 2pm to meet and listen to
his long standing distinguished friend from the UK, Sir Patrick Duffy.

Community Speaks:
23.        Frank Campbell (member) who was present stated that he had
nothing in particular to bring to the Board but that he be allowed to comment
where necessary for the remainder of the meeting. There were no objections
to this request.
24.        The Secretary and the President had received an email from Sally
Timms regarding the merging of her lots to reduce her annual fees and the
President had responded to Sally’s email stating the reasons why that would
not be possible in the foreseeable future.

Committee Reports:
25.        Dick reported that the leaks to the water system have subsided so
26.        Heaters were on at the Toxaway Well House due the colder
temperatures in recent weeks.
27.        The investigation and analysis of the proposal that the Club install
gas heaters in both pump houses was near completion and will be presented
to the Board at its next meeting.
28.        There was a suggestion that as an alternative to the gas heaters
small propane heaters be used at times of power outages when the existing
small electric heaters would be out of action.
29.        Dave Crocker stated that his water pressure was low at his
residence and Dick stated that he would investigate immediately after the
30.        Dick stated that another Bid was obtained from another water
management company to possibly take over the management of the
community’s water system but it transpired that the company would have to
use our existing company to assist in some of the more critical tasks. It was
therefore decided to continue to use our existing water management
company – A&D Maintenance.
31.        Dave stated that no new paving would be possible until the Spring
due to lack of funds.
32.        Frank Campbell (member) reiterated his plea for the Club to ‘patch’
the remaining pot holes on our roads. He stated that it would cost
approximately $32,000 to patch all of the potholes and that they would be
good for 3-4 years although it would not be ‘pretty’. He argued that such a
process would be ‘fair’ to all our members.
33.        Dave confirmed his and the Road Committee’s opposition to
patching the roads and also reminded Frank that this was discussed and
dismissed by the members at the Annual Members Meeting in September as
a waste of the Club’s funds.
34.        The dead tree at the junction of Indian Lake Road and Hiwassee
Road has not been taken down by Robb Bennett’s company because of the
potential damage to the new fencing when the tree is cut down. Dave will
follow up with Robb to get the job done.
35.        Dave stated that he was not happy with the job being done by the
Road Maintenance crew during the Fall. Leaves have been cleared only
once since the last Board Meeting and the large amount of leaves on the
roads has prevented him from putting the white lines at the corners as
agreed to last meeting
36.        It was decided to get other estimates for Snow clearing since Rigsby’
s contract expires at the end of the year. Dick volunteered to obtain a bid
from Steve Riddell.
37.        It was also decided to review Robb Bennett’s contract and include
specific tasks related to ditch clearance and maintenance.
38.        It was decided to obtain bids for 2012 for road/dam maintenance
from Myers and Roberto.
39.        John Pappas, recently co-opted onto the Lakes/Dams Committee,
replacing Ed Tisdale, reported after conversations with Fred Markert that the
caulking repairs had not been possible to date but that, weather permitting,
the caulking would be done as soon as possible.
40.        Some discussion on the use of carp and chemicals to reduce the
amount of grass growing in the large Indian Lake. It had been suggested that
the Club approach Eric Caldwell at the County Services department in
Brevard to assess the severity of our grass problem and possible future
steps to contain/eradicate it.
Architectural Control
41.        Paula was absent but Ed stated that there were no immediate plans
being submitted to the AC Committee and that the Cooper’s had stated that
the work that they were planning on their property would not be done until
the Spring and their plans would be submitted nearer the time.
42.        Everett reported for Joyce and stated that plans for the Christmas
party were in progress. With the approval of our hosts Paula and Fred
Markert, the date would be Saturday 17th December from 5pm until 8pm.
43.        Invitations would be created by Bonnie Croker and Joyce will be in
contact with her.

Old Business:
44.        The website is approaching its first anniversary and continues to be
used on a regular basis. The cost of maintenance of the Website will be
$11.99 per month going forward. The Web Administrator funded the initial
set up and monthly admin costs for the first year.
Review of the Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
45.        The Secretary stated that he received no feedback for any changes
to the draft minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting that was distributed
to the Board members for their review.
46.         The draft minutes will be posted on the Website awaiting final
approval at next year’s Annual Members Meeting.
Gas Heaters in the Pump Houses
47.        See Water Committee report above.
Lot 25
48.        Lot 25, Section 3 is now listed with Hummingbird Realty for 1 year.
They will handle the sale of this Club owned Lot.

New Business:

49.        Monthly Directors Meeting will be held on December 14th at 8am
50.        The Holiday Party will take place on Saturday 17th December at the
home of Paula and Fred Markert from 5pm until 8pm.
Invoices to be cleared
51.        Since the Treasurer was absent, there were no invoices presented
to the meeting for approval.
Bids for 2012 Contracts
52.         See Water and Roads Committee sections above.
Interest Rates applied to late payments
53.        The current rate of 1% per month(12% per year) will remain in force.

William and Janet Jones Bankruptcy
54.        See Secretary Report above.
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
55.        See Secretary Report
Schedule for 2012 Board of Directors Meetings
56.         Deferred until the December meeting.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 14 December at 8 a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, John
moved the meeting be adjourned; Dick seconded.  The meeting was
adjourned at 9.32am
____________________ ________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary               Everett Bedenbaugh – President