INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
9 March 2011

The meeting was called to order at 810.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer, Dave Crocker,
Paula Markert, Ed Tisdale
Absent: Julie Coggins, Dick Hennig

Minutes: The minutes of the 9 February meeting were read.  Ed made the motion to accept the
minutes; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Secretary/Treasurer Report: The reports were studied.  An amended budget for 2011 and the
monthly budgets for January and February were presented.  An update of forecasted expenditures was
presented, as well as an update of Operation Asphalt and its effect on this year’s road repair budget.
Customer Balance Summary: Active owners unpaid balance – $22,594.75; amount in foreclosure –
$28,129.62; total customer balance is $50,724.37. Credit balance is $13,730.50.
It was recommended by the Secretary/Treasurer and the President that the $20000 line item for
Rainbow Lake Dam be moved into a CD or similar savings program with the Bank.  This was agreed to,
and Frank will follow through.
Dave made the motion to accept the report for audit; Paula seconded; motion carried.
Note: Don Hair has completed the audit of the Club’s financial record for 2010. His report states that
everything has been found to be in order.
Old Business:
    Water: Frank reported for Dick.  The water system went off line last Monday – 28 February.  A&D
was notified and was on duty Tuesday morning.  Lightning struck the Hiwassee pumphouse and fried a
contactor.  It was repaired and the system brought back on line.  The Toxaway system had to be
drained, cleaned and pressurized before it could be brought back on line.  Frank will present the bill to
the insurance agency for reimbursement.
Ed said that the Keadles evidently had a leak as the restoration/clean up folks were at the house this
week.  Frank will follow through with the Keadles as this may be the cause of the extraordinary amount of
water being pumped.
Everett will write a letter to the owners requesting that their houses be checked carefully for leaks due
to the immense amount of water being pumped.
Roads: Dave reported that Bill Enloe, Rhodes Bros Paving estimator, is due in the community this
week. Some discussion followed about what sections need repair.  Dave’s committee will prioritize the
work, receive a bid, and present that information at the April meeting.
Discussion ensued concerning the width of roads and the necessity to place barriers of some type on
roads with a steep drop-off.  The question of speed and its control was discussed as well.  It was
decided that the paving bid be determined first, and the committee continue to look at the other
problems and formulate possible decisions.
Roadside Maintenance:  Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn (Robb Bennett), our current contractor, is
working up an inventory of what needs to be completed along the roadsides.  This includes ditching and
trimming.  His monthly service will begin in April.
Lakes/Dams: EAP (Emergency Action Plan) update – Ed reported that he has met with the Fire
Department – Chief Brian Cash – and secured more information for the hazard map as requested by
DENR – Division of Water Safety.  The finalization of the EAP document is in progress.
Water is flowing over the dam at a great rate, due to the recent rains.  There is a dead tree on the edge
of the spillway.  Ed will ask Don Harrison for help in removing it.  It was recommended that he also
request the aid of Robb Bennett.
Architectural Control:  Paula reported on her findings concerning consolidation of lots.  Based on
what some neighboring communities do, her recommendation is as follows.  If a percolation test fails for
the minimum of a 2-bedroom house on a given lot, the Board will consider the consolidation of two lots
into one.  The owner will incur all closing costs including, but not limited to, surveying and re-platting said
lots.  A one time fee of ________ is payable to the Club to offset the annual assessment of the lot that is
removed from the records.
Discussion followed; after different sums and means of collection were brought up, Frank made the
motion ‘a 5-year fee equivalent to the assessment at the time of consolidation, or a fee paid yearly for 5
years at the prevailing annual assessment rate’.  Dave seconded the motion; motion carried.
Paula will write up the information and send it to Frank.  The amended document will be presented at
the April meeting.
Beautification: Paula reported that positive remarks have been received on the entrance.  Plans are
in progress for work on the outcrop during this year.
Everett added, from Joyce, that plans are underway to work on repairing the post and rail along the
Rainbow Lake Dam.

President’s Report:  Frank has agreed to stay on as Secretary/Treasurer, if needed, through his term
expiration in August, before retiring.  Susan Sciullo has agreed to consider the job of Treasurer.
Someone will need to be Secretary.  Everett has requested we all ask around.  Frank will update the Job
Description for Secretary, Treasurer, and Secretary/Treasurer and have those materials at the next
Bylaws study:  The question of quorums was presented.  Is a quorum needed to adjourn a meeting?
No.  To call a meeting of membership, 25% of the eligible voters must be present in body or by proxy.  If
that meeting is adjourned, to be recalled, the quorum necessary is15%.  To call a meeting of the Board,
a simple quorum is necessary – 4 or more out of 7.
Community Speaks: no members present
Old Business:
    Water Utility Policy:  The amended document was presented. Dave made the motion to accept, Ed
seconded; motion carried.
Bylaws Committee Report: No report
Website Update: A handout was part of each Director’s packet. Ed updated that report as follows:
From 1366 views as of 14 February, the number had increased to 1997 by 4 March and to 2155 by
meeting date.
Lots 19/20: Mary Coker – Hummingbird Realty – has accepted the Club’s invitation to list the lots.
The Club will proceed with the consolidation of the lots, as it was reported by the original owners that
neither lot would perk.  The resulting lot will have to perked and platted.  Frank will follow through.
New Business: None
Other:  Dave asked if there would be an update on the wooly adelgid/sassy beetle program.  Frank said
this would be appropriate in May and will talk to Lec Hobbs who spearheaded the program 3 Years ago.
Ed had some suggestions for the turnover of the Secretary/Treasurer position.
Some compensation might be considered, as in waiving of the assessment for that person.  A
compromise might be reached where there are two people who volunteer to do the job, with other
Directors assuming more responsibility in several different areas.
Frank requested that the June meeting be moved up a week to the 15th.  That change was acceptable.
Next Meeting: 27 April, 8 am, Fire House
There being no other business, Frank moved the meeting be adjourned; Paula seconded.  The meeting
was adjourned at 1036.

_____________________________________                ________________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                             Everett Bedenbaugh – President