INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
8 September 2012

The meeting was called to order at 11:55am, immediately following the Annual membership meeting
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Dave Crocker, Paula Markert (retiring Director), John
Pappas and Michael Gould (Newly elected Director)
Absent: Dick Hennig – Vice President,

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        Michael Gould was officially welcomed on to the Board of Directors. The Secretary provided Michael with a
package of essential documents as the newly elected Director.
2.        All officers of the Board were duly elected (see details below)
3.        The minutes of the 11 August meeting were approved – proposed by John, seconded by Susan.
President’s Report
4.        The President’s report was presented to the Annual meeting.

Election of Officers
Some discussion took place regarding the position of President and John Pappas was proposed but he
declined for this year but did offer to be considered for the position next year. Everett was proposed for one more
year and he agreed. The positions of Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer were agreed to remain in place.
5.        Everett Bedenbough was duly elected President for another year.
6.        Dick Hennig was duly elected as Vice-President for another year
7.        Ed Tisdale was duly elected as Secretary for another year
8.        Susan Sciullo was duly elected as Treasurer for another year
Treasurer Report
9.        The Treasurer’s Report as presented to the Annual Meeting was accepted as read
Secretary Report
10.        The Secretary reported that of the three letters sent out to members with delinquent accounts with the threat
of having a lien put on their property, two had responded positively and one had already payed at least 2 month’s
payment and the other stated that the payment of at least $500 would be payed by September 17th.
11.        The Leblow’s foreclosure sale had taken place on August 17th with no bids offered. The County stated that
the property was now with the bank.
12.        It was agreed that the Secretary send a letter to the bank with a statement of the fees owed on the property
since a lien had been in place since August 2010.
13.        The Secretary continues to check mail and collect checks and invoices for Susan in her absence.
14.        It was proposed by Paula and seconded by John that the Secretary becomes an additional signatory at the
bank so that balances can be viewed and any emergency checks can be written if the need arises.
Committee Reports:
Water, Roads, Lakes/Dams, Architectural Control and Beautification
15.        All Committee reports were presented to the Annual Meeting accepted as read
Old Business:

16.         Website – continues to be well used. Encouraging to see that views of the Members Only info continues to
Lot 25
17.        No updates to report.
New Business:
Notice Board
18.         The Board thanked Bonnie Crocker for her excellent work with the notice board and look forward to her
continuing with her outstanding work.

2012 Meetings – Time and Venue
19.        The Board agreed to move the next scheduled Board Meeting of 2012 to Saturday 20th October at 8 a.m. at
Everett’s home, and
20.        The December meeting will take place on the day of the Christmas Party – date to be confirmed. Paula
Markert volunteered to be the host of the Christmas Party at her home.
Invoices to be cleared
21.        The Treasurer will send a check for $200 to the Lake Toxaway Fire and Rescue  for the Board’s
appreciation for the use oof their premises for meetings.

22.         Paula repeated her suggestions made at the Annual Membership Meeting to be tabled for further
discussion at the next meeting to encourage new owners into our community.
23.        The minor changes to the Emergency Action Plan for the Indian Lake Lower Dam will be sent to the
appropriate State department.

Next Meeting: Saturday 20th October at 8 am at Everett’s home.
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dave moved the meeting be adjourned; John
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 12.20pm
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President