INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
8 June 2013

The meeting was called to order at 8.07 a.m.
Presiding: Dick Hennig – Vice President
Attending: Everett Bedenbaugh – President (on speaker phone), Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Susan Sciullo –
Treasurer, Dave Crocker, John Pappas and Michael Gould (on speaker phone)
Absent: None – 2 members on speaker phone (see above)
Members: Don Harrison
Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 13thApr meeting were approved – proposed by Dave, seconded by John
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that the spate of bear sightings in our community had abated over the past week.
3.        The President reported that he had been working with Robb Bennett on the areas where some road
maintenance will be necessary despite the changes in weedwacking policy agreed to at the previous meeting. He
highlighted the main areas of concern but stated that in general the new policy was working well.
4.        The President also stated that the grass on both dams would be cut on Monday 10th June, weather
permitting. It was also stated that because of the height of the grass especially on Rainbow Dam that 2 cuttings may
be necessary to avoid large accumulations of cuttings.
5.        The President also stated that the issue of the washed out drains near the Hennig property would be
addressed on Monday afternoon.
6.        The President stated that there were new owners of the Eaton property on Indian Lake Road and that the
owners would be living in the community all year round. (see Secretary report for more details)
7.        The socials at the Waterfront will be starting next Thursday 13th June at 5.30pm
8.        The President reported that he had heard that the Pete Harris property was up for sale but had no details.
9.        Don Hair had agreed to audit the Club accounts and Susan had given him access to the accounts.
10.        Finally the president announced that Ed Tisdale will resign as Secretary and Board member when his term
ends in September. Dave Crocker will decide if he wishes to be considered for re-election over the coming weeks.
11.        The President reported the sudden passing of one of members last month – Mac David – but had received
no details from any family members.
Treasurer Report
12.        Susan presented the balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees to
the Board.
13.        The Club received approximately $106K in 2013 assessment payments through the end of May which
represents 91% of the budgeted amount. The Club would need to collect a approximately $10,000 to meet the
14.        Invoices, including interest, will be sent out to those property owners who haven’t yet made their payment or
who have not elected installment payments or are late with their installment payments  (see New Business regarding
proposed new rules on assessment payments and interest for multiple lot owners.)
15.        More owners have opted to make installment payments this year.
16.        Expenses thus far are tracking well to budget.
17.        Cash balances at end of May were:
a.        Operating and Money Market  $55.5K
b.        Savings 79.5K
c.        Total $135K
18.        The Finance report for May was approved; proposed by Dave, seconded by Everett.
Secretary Report
19.        The Secretary sent out an email to all members regarding the bear sightings over the past 4 weeks
reminding them to avoid leaving food outside on their decks, etc.
20.        As mentioned in the President’s report, there are new owners of the Eaton property on Indian Lake Road
although there has been no official notification received by the Club. They are Bobby Lee and Susan Richardson.
To date, the Secretary has their contact telephone numbers via information from the Treasurer who had made
contact with their attorney over the closing on the property. A welcome package will be sent to them as soon as is
21.        The Secretary had received a letter from DNER regarding the spillway repair and from Terry Allen on the
addendum to the repair plans. The letter of approval for the addendum of the plans was passed on to members of
the Lakes/Dams Committee. The Secretary expressed concern that if the Club does not at least start the repair work
before the 18th July deadline then the Club would be open to large fines from the State.
22.        The Secretary stated that he had sent an email to all Board members and one non Board member
regarding the misconceptions related to the slight changes in policy of our road maintenance because the response
from certain members of the community had been based on such misconceptions. Indeed, some of the responses
were not related to the road maintenance but to the fact that the grass on the dams had not been cut which is
covered by a separate contract.
23.        The Secretary stated that, although he was resigning from the Board and as Secretary in September, he
was willing to continue to support the Club Website if that was the wishes of the Board.
24.        The Secretary also stated that, due to vacations, he would not be attending the next Board Meeting in
August or the Annual Membership Meeting in September but would prepare for the membership the ballot and
information package that is needed for the Annual Meeting that is usually sent to members a month prior to the
Annual Meeting.
25.        The Secretary report for May was approved; proposed by Susan, seconded by John.

Community Speaks:
26.        Don Harrison stated his concern over the poor state of the access road down to the Indian lake Dam which
is on his property.
27.        Don stated that since he had granted access to the Club of this pathway to the Dam the Club is responsible
for its upkeep.  The frequent and heavy rains that we experienced this winter and spring have completely washed
out much of the pathway and blocked the main drain that went under the pathway.
28.        Don stated that the damage done to the pathway by the rains has been made worse by the poor grading of
a neighbor’s driveway opposite the entrance to the pathway and that this should be addressed when the Club
repairs the drainage ditch running along the side of the pathway.
29.        The Board stated that such repairs would be addressed since they needed to be done in order to get
equipment down to the Indian Lake Dam to undertake the spillway repairs.
30.        It was further suggested that for next year, the Road Maintenance contract be amended to include the
drainage ditch and culvert on the access pathway. Currently it is not included since it is on private property.

Committee Reports:
31.        Dick reported that there had been no issues with water since the last Board meeting.
32.        The well houses had been checked with no issues and the water usage was within acceptable limits.
33.        Dave Crocker stated that for some time he had experienced air in his water pipes and suggested that the
Club take a look at the piping between the road and his property.
34.        Dick suggested that it may be a valve problem. He agreed to get it looked at.
35.        The Water Committee report for May was approved; proposed by John, seconded by Dave.
36.        Dave reported that the areas of greatest need been identified by him and Aleta Tisdale last month.
37.        Dave had identified areas with orange stripes that were eligible for repaving
38.        Dave acknowledged that there may be no money available this year for paving due to the anticipated
expense of the spillway repairs
39.        Dave stated that he would not be contacting Rhodes because he would not wish to waste their time on
giving us an estimate of cost when it was almost certain that no money would be available.
40.        Dave mentioned two areas of concern –  the Rainbow’s End area near the Revie’s property and the area
near the Coggins property.  There was no likelihood that these areas could be addressed this coming year.
41.        The Road Committee report for May was approved; proposed by Dick, seconded by Ed.
42.        John stated that there was little new to report on the spillway repairs but stated that it was time to get moving
on securing a contractor to carry out the repairs.
43.        John also re-stated that the two original estimates had been $90,0000 and $120,000 from Whitmire and
44.        John suggested reaching out to Fred Peterson to see if he would be willing to be the contractor on this
project. He is highly regarded and is a member of our community.
45.        Dave Crocker volunteered to investigate the possibility that his company could do the repairs but only if
Fred Peterson was not prepared to do so.
46.        John further stated that the access road to Indian Lake dam would need some work done to repair damage
due to recent heavy rainstorms
47.        At present there is approximately $79,000 in reserve for repairs to the spillway.
48.        John re-stated that we should adopt a stepped approach to the repairs – start with one side of the spillway
to determine if the flow of water through the drainage pipes can be corrected and hopefully solve the problem of the
two leaking seams. Part of the new plan involves spreading the dirt removed from the side of the spillway on the face
of the dam to avoid the high cost of hauling the dirt away.
49.        Michael Gould raised the issue of the cost by suggesting that if the Club did not have the funds to repair the
spillway then a modest increase in fees for next year may help.
50.        The Lakes/Dams Committee report for May was approved; proposed by Dave, seconded by Dick.
Architectural Control
51.        Michael had nothing immediate to report except that there had been a change in ownership of the property
on Indian Lake Road (see earlier minutes) and that maybe things may pick up in terms of property being bought and
sold and that some new building may take place in the community since the housing market in general was
improving. However, such a trend may not extend to second homes as yet.
52.        One the Board mentioned that a lot on Mohawk Trail had been recently surveyed that may indicated further
activity in lot sales in our community.
53.        The Architectural Control report for May was approved; proposed by Ed, seconded by Susan.
54.        Everett reported in Joyce’s absence by stating that a volunteer cleanup day returned benches and
Adirondack chairs from storage, weeded and mulched the entrance, waterfront park and other flower beds as
55.        The picnic tables at the waterfront park had been put down and Don Harrison had volunteered to power
wash the tables prior to the first Thursday night social gathering next week at 5.30pm(13th June)
Old Business:
56.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are 13,000 +
57.        The Web Administrator noted that he would continue to support the Website after September.
Restricted Covenants to allow Chickens
58.        Dave Crocker presented to the Board the application used by the City of Brevard for the keeping of
chickens. It appeared to be straightforward.
59.        The Board asked Dave to get a copy of the actual new by-law used by the City of Brevard so that the Club
could model the necessary changes to our by-laws before we put it forward to the Annual Membership meeting in
September. Dave stated that it was not available when he visited the City Hall but would be available soon since the
City was in the process of updating their website.
New Business:
60.Tickler  – June 2013
Monthly Directors Meeting – 8 Jun, 8am; Road Committee Annual Report; Water Quality Report to membership;
Finance Committee formed; Water Committee Annual Report; Review Club documents.
61.        Tickler  – August 2013
Monthly Directors Meeting – 10 Aug, 8am; President’s Quarterly Newsletter; Plan Annual Meeting; Finance
Committee Report; Review/Evaluation- Sec/Treas.; Lakes/Dams Committee Annual Report.
62.        Tickler  – September 2013
Annual Membership Meeting – Saturday, 14 Sep, 10am*, Directors’ meeting to follow AM.
63.        Invoices to be cleared
The Club’s annual donation of $200 to the Fire Department was approved.
64.        Financial Consideration to Multiple Lot Owners
•        Susan put forward a proposal to change the dates on which fees for multiple lot owners are due before any
interest or administrative fees are incurred.
•        11 owners who own 3 or more lots would have some relief in paying their fees over the course of the year
•        11 owners who own 2 or more lots would have some relief in paying their 2nd lot fee by June 1st rather than
March 1st
•        Susan estimated that at least 71% of the total assessment budget would be paid by March 1st.
•        If payments are late, annual interest charges of 12% may be assessed. For owners with one or two lots who
choose to pay per an installment plan, a 10% interest charge will be added to the outstanding balance.
•        For the full details of the proposal see addendum to these minutes (each Board member was given a copy) .
•        Susan put forward the motion to adopt her proposal and Dave seconded it. The Board voted unanimously in

Other:  None
Next Meeting: Saturday 10 Aug 2013 at 8a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Dick asked for an adjournment, Dave moved the meeting be adjourned; John
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 10.45 am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbough – Vice President