INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
20 Oct 2012

The meeting was called to order at 9.07 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President (on speaker phone), Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Michael Gould and John
Absent: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Dave Crocker

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 8th September meeting were approved – proposed by Michael, seconded by John
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that a Board member should be represented on all committees.
3.        Michael Gould volunteered to be the Board member on the Architectural Committee.
4.        The President would ask Susan if she would be the Board representative on the Beautification Committee
5.        The President stated that the role of the Board member on a committee was a) support the chairperson,
particularly if the chairperson was new to the position , b) report back regularly to the Board on the activities of the
committee and c) take on critical issues that may arise from time to time that need immediate action.
6.        The President stated that in his upcoming Presidential Quarterly letter he would be sounding out member’s
opinion on the concern by some members that the roadside maintenance workers reduce the amount of cutting
especially on the banks next to the roadside where many native plants thrive and enhance the beauty of our
community.  The proposal would be that the cutting down of grass and plants at the roadside be confined to the
drainage ditches and any large Rhodo branches that reduce visibility for motorists.
7.        The President stated that next month (November) bids should be sought on the annual contracts for the
community. The Secretary will write to all parties concerned.
Treasurer Report
8.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented to
the Board by Everett in Susan’s absence.
9.        Assessment revenue is running at 98.3% of budget or approximately $115K; there is only $2k remaining in
assessment fees to meet budget for the year.
10.        Received $4,608.39 in payments during the month of September. During early October received a further
$1,200 towards assessments. Statements have been sent out by the treasurer for all owners who are past due.
11.        Expenses continue to run favorable to the budget and no extraordinary items
12.        Cash balances
a.        Operating and Money Mark $24K
b.        Savings $41K
c.        Total $65K
13.        Susan purchased the 2012 Quick Books and has upgraded the ILC application; this is Susan’s donation to
the Club.
14.        The 2013 assessment invoices will be sent out via email by the end of October for those with email
addresses. We appreciate the property owner’s prompt payments.
15.        The Finance report for September was approved; proposed by John, seconded by Dick.

Secretary Report
16.        The Secretary had been out of the country for almost 3 weeks from late September until mid October
17.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
18.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2012 assessments and depositing
the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
19.        The Secretary had processed a lien on the property owned by Julie Ross in September and following full
payment in early October had released the lien on her property
20.        A Lien was released on the property owned by Crockett Jones following the full payment of assessment
fees owed totaling in excess of $2,000
21.        No further payments have been received from delinquent accounts.
22.        The Annual Water Permit fee is due in early November. A check for $270 will need to be sent to Aubrey
Deaver to accompany the application form that he fills out and signs on our behalf.
23.        No further updates on the Leblow foreclosure. The Secretary wrote to the temporary trustee requesting
that the details of the lien on the property be passed on the bank (New York Mellon) who apparently now owns the

Community Speaks:
24.        None

Committee Reports:
25.        Dick reported on speaker phone from Virginia stating that there had been some issues over the past
month with both a leak near Jerry Holler’s property and problems with the water pumps at the Toxaway well.
26.        Dick stated that the water tank on Hiwassee Road is 41 years old and will need to be replaced in the
coming years. Dick has been in conversation with A&D Maintenance and has estimates for replacing the tank in the
region of $15,000 plus labor. Dick is suggesting that money be put aside in the budget for the subsequent
replacement within the next few years. There are alternative solutions to the tank replacement that Dick will
investigate with A&D and bring them to the next Board meeting.
27.        An estimate of $500 has been obtained from a reliable local painter for the repainting of the water tank on
Hiwassee Road that was accepted by the Board.  Proposed by John, seconded by Michael and unanimously
agreed to. The work will include cleaning all rust, two coats of a two part epoxy that is specially designed to keep
rust from coming back.
28.        Dick also stated that there is an issue with moisture in the pump houses that will need to be addressed.
29.        The Pump Insurance expires this month and a new policy was discussed in detail. The Board agreed
unanimously to go ahead and purchase the new policy. Proposed by Michael, seconded by John.
30.        Everett reported in Dave’s absence that there was no updates to report other than Dave will call a meeting
of the committee in the new year to discuss paving when it is clear on how much there is to spend out of the
31.        John stated that the plans for the spillway repairs had been received from T.E. Allen and that the State
had approved those plans.
32.        Five contractors had been contacted for estimates on the repair work and only one to date had been
received from Cantrell for $96,000
33.        John stated that one of the issues in undertaking the repair was access – would need access from both
sides of the dam and a possible holding area for dirt to be used in the repair work. It had been stated that the soil
removed from the sides of the dam would be too wet to put back!! and that new dirt would need to be brought in
adding to the cost.
34.        John stated that he was expecting further estimates this coming week.
35.        Some discussion on possible alternative methods of repair using separate contractors rather than a large
company – the Lakes/Dams committee would investigate.
Architectural Control
36.        No activity was reported.
37.        Michael has volunteered to be the Board member on the committee and to review the ACR’s and report
back on any recommendations for changes.
38.        Everett stated that the Christmas party would take place on Saturday December 8th at Paula and Fred
Markert’s home. Time to be determined and Bonny would create a poster/invitation that would be distributed to
39.        Additional Christmas decorations will be purchased for the entrance to Indian Lake Estates
Old Business:
40.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are over 12,000
41.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery with over 500 visits and that the Properties for
Sale page was also over 400 visits.
Lot 25
42.        The contract with Hummingbird Realty is due to expire and the Board agreed not to renew it
43.        The asking price for the lot was lowered to $4,500 after some discussion by the Board. Proposed by Dick,
seconded by Michael.
44.        There was discussion on how difficult it would be to build on this Club owned lot and that perhaps in such
circumstances the ACR rule regarding consolidation of lots should be exempt for Club owned lots that had no
realistic chance of ever being sold other than for possible buffers for privacy of adjoining property owners
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
45.        See Secretary Report above
New Business:
46.        Tickler – October 2012
Monthly Directors’ meeting – 20 Oct, 8am; Architectural Control Committee Annual Report; Review EAP (dam)
45.        Tickler  – November 2012
No Monthly Directors’ Meeting; President’s Quarterly Newsletter; plan Community Holiday party; bids on annual
46.        Tickler  – December 2012
Monthly Directors Meeting – 8 Dec, 8am
47.        Tickler 2013
48.        Invoices to be cleared
49.        Insurance Policy on Pumps
See above Water Committee report
Next Meeting: Saturday 8 Dec 2012 at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Michael moved the meeting be adjourned;
John seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 9.16 am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President