INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
17 November 2010

The meeting was called to order at 801.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Paula Markert, Ed Tisdale
Absent: Julie Coggins, Dave Crocker
Member: Joyce Bedenbaugh

Minutes:  The minutes of the 6 October 2010 meeting were read.  Dick moved the minutes be accepted;
Ed seconded; motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  The monthly Budget Report, Bank Balance, and Customer Summary
were studied.   Customer Summary – Hobbs/Austin being paid regularly, leaving only Leblow owing part,
and Melin past due.
An update from Don Jordan was given.  The Darby lot has been signed over to the Club.  The
Burrell/Green foreclosing procedures are progressing.  Don asked the Board to recommend lots to be
turned over in lieu of actual foreclosing.  It was decided to accept Lot 19 in Section 10 (for a third well
site) and Lot 11 in Section 2 (1st choice) or Lot 14, Section 2.  If Ms Green cannot accept those
conditions, then foreclosing must proceed.
Ed moved the Report be accepted for audit; Dick seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
     Water: Dick reported that the pumphouses have been winterized and the heaters are working.  N&J
Maintenance is delivering 3 risers for the shut-ff valves at the Indian Lake Road/Hiwassee Road
intersection.  They will be installed prior to paving.  The Club received a letter from Haynes Utility; they
regret they cannot reimburse the Club for hitting water lines, as the map should have been correct.  This
is in accordance with NC law.  Haywood EMC sent a check for $2166, ap-
roximately 50% of the total spent over the past year.  N&J Maintenance invoices were paid.  Frank has
asked Aubrey to update the Testing/Analysis spreadsheet
so we can budget more accurately for that line item.

 Roads:  Everett and Dick have been in touch with Dave.  Rhodes Bros is due in next week and report
that it will take about 4 days to complete the work.
Everett explained the money available: $105,438 has been received from mem- bers; a contract for
$99,510 has been signed, leaving a balance of $5928.  $5000 will be placed in reserve for road repair.
Loan payoff will be $17,046 per year.

 Lakes/Dams:  Ed explained the Emergency Action Plan he has com- pleted, part of the final sign-off
on dam repair.  Fred Markert and Gerry Gaw- ronski both approved the work.  Other than two corrections
on directions to the dam access, the Board accepted the report.  It will be mailed Friday to the state.
Everett thanked Ed for his work on this project.
 Architectural Control:  Paula had plans for a deck addition to the Bedenbaugh house.  She
explained the plans to the group.  Action could not be taken as the material was incomplete.  The
Secretary will ship the plans to each committee member, receive a check for Impact Fees from the
Bedenbaughs, and proceed with approval.

Beautification:  Joyce Bedenbaugh reported for the committee.  The deck chairs and benches are
in storage. She thanked the Bennett boys for moving the mulch pile down the access drive to the park.
The tables have been upended for the season.
The Christmas Gathering will be hosted by the Harrisons; an invitation will be in the newsletter.
Two contractors have bid on the front entrance fencing, using a drawing sub- mitted with bids from last
year.  The fence will be post and split rail locust.  Dwight Rigsby bid $650; Roberto Martinez bid $550.
$300 has been donated to offset the cost.  Frank pledged $100 at the meeting.  After discussion, Frank
made the motion to accept the Martinez bid; Ed seconded; motion carried.  Joyce, Paula, Everett, and
Frank will meet at the entrance after the meeting to finalize the plan.  Joyce will follow through with

President’s Report:  Everett posed several questions to the group; these were on the Bylaws.  This will
be an ongoing part of his monthly report in order to fami- liarize the Board with the Club documents.

Community Speaks:  Joyce had no further comments as she reported for the Beautification Committee.

Old Business:
Review Water Utility Policy:
 Article II speaks to Rates and Charges.  Since
the Budget no longer breaks down a separate water fee, Dick was asked to get his committee together,
reword this section, and present the amended copy at the next meeting.
Tickler 2011:  This was part of the agenda package.  It was discussed and
accepted.  The meeting dates will be included in the newsletter.
Standing Committees Membership:  Other than the Water Committee, the list appears correct.  Dick
and Frank will check with Frank Eaton; Dick will seek other members.
2011 Budget: Everett presented an updated Budget Analysis.  With some
verbiage change, Paula made the motion to accept the budget; Dick secon- ded; motion carried.  This
page will be included in the newsletter.

New Business:
     Website: Ed presented a program he has set up to create a website.  The cost will be $156 per
year.  The group felt that the money saved in office supplies will offset the cost.  Ed has paid for the first
The domain is and the site is under construction.  After discussion, Frank
made the motion to accept Ed’s recommendation; Dick seconded; motion carried.  Frank will forward Ed
soft copies of the Club documents.
Trout Buffer Zone:  There has been a lot of discussion in the community concerning the rivers,
streams, and lakes in Western North Carolina coming under more regulation from the state.  Ed has
collected some pertinent information, and it will be filed.
Billing for 2011: Frank presented a mock-up of the billing procedures for 2011.  The Board
discussed the material.  Invoices for 2011 will go out 1 Dec.
Payment is due 1 January.  There are 2 payment plans that owners may choose from, if full payment is
not made upon receipt of the Invoice.
Roadside Maintenance Bids:  Frank presented the bid from Robb Bennett (Blue Ridge Irrigation
and Lawn).  The bid looked acceptable; the only question the Board has is the composition of Robb’s
crew.  Frank will bring the bid to the next meeting with that question answered.
Discussion followed concerning the other maintenance job – Dam Mowing and Trimming.  To see if the
Board can get the cost down, it was decided to ask Roberto Martinez and Robb Bennett to bid on this
job.  Frank will follow through.

Other:  Frank gave a copy of the ILE Overview sheet to Ed and Julie for their Board folder.  All other
Board members have received this copy in the past.
Frank asked the Board to officially consider consolidating Lot 24 and 25 to make the property more
saleable.  This had been discussed in February 2009.  Discussion followed including the setting of a
precedent and the fact that the Board ought to set up certain criteria regarding consolidation.
The notice of foreclosure on the Shedd property (Lots 22A and 23, Section 2)
was shared.
Frank has secured the Fire House as our meeting place for 2011.
Frank will be out of town for the Thanksgiving week; he will be available via mobile and the net.
Smoke Signals will be published within the week.

Next Meeting:  8 December 2010, 8 am, Fire House

There being no further business, Everett asked for a motion to adjourn.  Paula moved; Ed seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 1108.

____________________________________             _______________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer             Everett Bedenbaugh – President