INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
6 Feb 2013

The meeting was called to order at 8.05 a.m.
Presiding: Dick Hennig – Vice President
Attending: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer (on speaker phone), Ed Tisdale – Secretary and Michael Gould
Absent: Everett Bedenbaugh – President, Dave Crocker, and John Pappas
Members: none

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 8th December meeting were approved – proposed by Susan, seconded by Michael
President’s Report
2.        The President was absent from the meeting due to a family illness but would be available by phone if
needed during the meeting.
Treasurer Report
3.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented to
the Board by Susan over the speaker phone.
4.        Susan stated that the Club had a surplus of approximately $12,000 at year end that was transferred to the
savings account as part of the emergency and dam repair fund.
5.        Apart from those owners with liens, fees have been coming into the Club in a timely manner.
6.        Net income is $52,799.88 at January month end
7.        Susan stated that members were responding favorably to her reminders about paying fees and that 63% of
all fees had been paid by end of January.
8.        Cash balances
a.        Operating and Money Market        $66K
b.        Savings                                          $52K
c.        Total                                             $118K
9.        The Finance report for January was approved; proposed by Ed, seconded by Michael.

Secretary Report
10.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
11.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2013 assessments and depositing
the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
12.        Payment of $1,000 had been received from one of our members who has a delinquent account. The
member has committed to paying an additional $100 and $80 per month for current fees owed going forward.
Over the past 6 months this member has reduced their debt considerably and is on track to be up to date with
their payments. If the member does not meet their commitment to regular monthly payments, additional interest will
be added.
13.        One update on the Leblow foreclosure. The Secretary wrote to the current owner of the property – Bank
of New York Trustee based in Texas but had not received any reply. The Leblow’s allegedly have a Federal Law
suit against the bank and in the last conversation that the Secretary had with Jim Leblow, it was stated that the
fees owed for the past 3 years on their property would be paid when the law suit was settled.
14.        The Secretary sent out a letter to CLJ Maintenance accepting their 2013 Water Repair rates plus signed
contracts to Robb Bennett for both Road and Dam Maintenance and to Derrick Moss our new snow plow
15.        Since the last Board meeting, the Secretary had received a call Mr. Goodfellow who is trying to sell his lot
on the lake who pointed out that the write up on “About Us” on the website was a little out of date since it still
referred to Haywood Electric digging up the roads etc. The Secretary has since updated the information.
16.        The Secretary stated that he had finally communicated with the State on the two minor updates to the
Club’s Emergency Action Plan. He also stated that updated copies had been delivered to both Transylvania
Emergency Services and Lake Toxaway Fire & Rescue.

Community Speaks:
17.        None.

Committee Reports:
18.        Dick reported that there had been two water leaks discovered since the last meeting: one at the Timms
residence on Rainbows End, where a drainage valve had been left partially open and the second on Hiwassee
Road next to the Mailloux residence, which turned out to be a mains fracture that was fixed by CLJ Maintenance.
19.        Since the repairs, water usage levels have been back to acceptable levels.
20.        No report in Dave’s absence.
21.        No report in John’s absence. It was agreed that the Secretary would email John to get the latest update on
the status of estimates for the Indian Lake Spillway repairs. If necessary a separate Board meeting would be set
up to discuss the situation before the next scheduled Board Meeting in April.
Architectural Control
22.        Michael gave a summary of his recommendations on changes to the ACR’s based on his report that was
given in his absence at the last Board Meeting.
23.        He also noted that there would be potential controversy if the Club owned lot (Lot 25) was made an
exception to the current rules on consolidation.  Further discussion would be need on this matter when the full
Board was present.
24.        It was also stated that the current rules on signage should be relaxed to encourage potential buyers to
see ‘at a glance’ what properties were for sale when driving around the community. This will be discussed at the
next full Board Meeting.
25.        It was also stated that there were currently no plans in the pipeline for any new building projects in the
community. Furthermore, current impact fees should remain unchanged.
26.        No report due to Everett’s absence.
Old Business:

27.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are over 12,800
28.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery(455) with over 568 visits and that the
Properties for Sale page was also over 450 visits.
Lot 25
29.        See Architectural Committee report above
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
30.        See Secretary Report above
New Business:
45.        Tickler  – February 2013
Monthly Directors Meeting – 16 Feb, 8am; President’s Quarterly Newsletter
It was agreed that the Secretary would send an email reminder to the President regarding the quarterly newsletter.
46.        Tickler  – March 2013
No Monthly Directors Meeting
47.        Tickler  – April 2013
Monthly Directors Meeting – 13 Apr, 8am; Beautification Committee Annual Report; Annual Financial Report to
48.        Tickler  – May 2013
No Monthly Directors Meeting; Nominating Committee formed; President’s Quarterly Newsletter; Wednesdays at
the Waterfront begin.
49.        Invoices to be cleared
51.        None
Next Meeting: Saturday 13 Apr 2013 at 8a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Dick asked for an adjournment, Ed moved the meeting be adjourned; Michael
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8.50 am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Dick Hennig – Vice President