INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
15 February 2012

The meeting was called to order at 8.20 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker and Paula Markert
Absent: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, John Pappas
Members: None

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 14th December meeting were approved – proposed by Dave, seconded by Dick
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that there were no immediate issues at this time and that the community seemed
unusually quiet with so many residents who are usually here during winter were absent.
3.        The President thanked Bonnie Croker for the great work that she has put into transforming the
community’s Notice Board near the main entrance. The Secretary will write a letter of thanks to Bonnie.  Dave
volunteered to enhance the structure of the Notice Board by making it a little larger and waterproof in the spring.
4.        The President will be writing his quarterly newsletter to members in the next couple of days.

Treasurer Report
5.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented by
Everett in Susan’s absence.
6.        Operating and money market cash at January 31st was $58,059. The savings account balance of
$40,479 is restricted funds reserved to fund future Rainbow Dam and beautification projects ($40,000 and $479
respectively). There was a transfer of $20,000 from the money market to the savings account in January to set
aside the budgeted reserve funds for the fiscal year.
7.        Accounts receivable balances at January 31st was $74,237. However, $44,394 of the total receivables
balance is related to properties where liens have been filed and is highly unlikely to be collected in the near
8.        Net income for the year was favorable to budget by $54,585 as anticipated due to the high percentage of
collections that were received through the end of January. Approximately 70% of the budgeted assessment fees
for 2012 were collected through the end of January. Ed and Susan have been emailing and calling the owners
who have not made their payments as of the end of January.
9.        Ed noted that in the past two weeks an additional $5,517.74 from member’s fees had been received and
deposited in the bank.
10.        Nothing notable regarding expenses for the month other than the quarterly payments of the asphalt loan
11.        The Finance report for January was approved; proposed by Dick, seconded by Ed.

Secretary Report
12.        The Secretary reported that he had received an email from Lec Hobbs related to his financial difficulties
in paying the assessment fees, having recently lost his employment. Lec hopes to get back on track with his
finances when he secures another place of employment in the spring.
13.        The sale of the Leblow foreclosed property has been postponed yet again and the County informed the
Secretary that the process would have to be started all over again with notices in the newspaper before a date
for sale could be processed. Ed contacted the temporary trustee of the foreclosure process and was told that as
of this time the property still belongs to the Leblow’s. If this is the case, then it would appear that the Leblow’s
are no longer in foreclosure.  A lien remains on their property for 3 years of assessment fees.  The Secretary will
consult the Club’s lawyer before contacting the Leblow’s regarding monies owed to the Club.
14.        The Secretary stated that the Club had not heard from one of our members regarding their monies
owed for the 2011 and 2012 assessment fees since they stated that theye would be making an effort to pay-off
the monies owed when they received their income tax refund.
15.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence has been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
16.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence has been collecting the checks for 2012 assessments and
depositing the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
17.        The secretary stated that the Club had received a letter related to the sale of the Jones’s property to
Everett Bedenbaugh plus a check for most of the remaining assessment fees owed. A small balance remains
that will be paid by the new owner.
18.        The Secretary reported that he had been in contact with the Revie’s regarding some missing shingles
on their roof.  The Revie’s are in the process of getting someone to attend to their roof in their absence.
19.        The Secretary stated that he had personally fixed the fallen Thunderbird Road sign, erected a new One
Way sign at the outcrop that had been missing for over a year (!) plus putting a new top wooden hand rail at the
Community Park that had broken in two by recent severe weather.
20.        The Secretary reported that he had received a Lakes/Dams Report from the two c-chairs of the
committee. (see later in Lakes/Dams Committee Reports section)
21.        The Secretary had received 2 requests for items to be put on the Club’s Website – one from Bonnie
Crocker to sell two puppies (since sold!); the other from Julie Coggin’s related to her daughter’s annual Girl
Scout Cookies sale.
22.        The Secretary reported that the Cooper’s had finally secured the purchase of the Rossi’s lot adjacent to
their property.
23.        The Secretary reported that Tony Austin from Toxaway Company had contacted the Club for their
address and website URL as part of their securing a listing for one of our property owners. When the listing is
secured Tony will send appropriate descriptions of the property to be added to our Properties for Sale

Community Speaks:
24.        None.

Committee Reports:
25.        Dick reported that in mid-January a valve on the water tank at Toxaway Trail had failed and caused
some damage to the insulation in the Pump House. The repairs were undertaken and a new Bladder tank
installed at a cost of $600.
26.        Dick reported that in January he discovered a water leak on Rainbow’s End at the Tims residence’s
drain valve close to the road that had been turned on. The leak was fixed by turning the drain valve off.
27.        Daily water usage is running as expected considering the few people who are in residence at this time of
the year – Toxaway Trail well running 800-1100 gallons per day; the Lake well serving Hiwassee, Tellico and
Cherokee running 3,000 gallons per day.
28.        Everett stated that based on his analysis of the electricity bills and water usage, the system in the winter
months was costing 12cents per 100 gallons compared with 7cents per 100 gallons during the rest of the year.
Everett estimated that the cost of the electricity to run the heaters would be approximately $500 during the
29.        Dave stated that the dead tree at the junction of Indian Lake Road and Hiwassee Road has been taken
down by himself and his son. The few feet of the trunk remaining above ground would be cut down in the next
couple of weeks
30.        Dave stated that he would re-visit the list of priorities for paving and start with the section in most need
that everyone agrees is the section between Beaver Dam and Dick Hennig’s house. Paving is expected to start
as soon as possible after 1st April 2012
31.        Everett asked Dave to get estimates of the cost of replacing the safety railings along Indian Lake Road
uphill from the Harris property following Dave and Bonnie’s accident early in January when icy conditions caused
their vehicle to slide backwards through the barrier and down into the gully below. Fortunately no serious injuries
were caused to either Dave or Bonnie.
32.        Ed suggested that the small budget surplus from last year be added to the Road paving budget.
33.        Everett reported in John Pappas’s absence. John had emailed the report to all Board members.  The
critter holes on Indian Lake dam had been filled. The full report is attached as an addendum to these minutes.
Architectural Control
34.        Paula reported that there has been no activity on any future building plans except for an inquiry by
Miriam Carlen regarding her potential new home.
35.        None
Old Business:
36.        The website has had its first anniversary and continues to be used daily on an increasing basis.
37.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery with over 400 visits.
Lot 25
38.        Everett stated that there had been no activity regarding the sale of the lot. He asked that an email/letter
be sent to all members asking if anyone was interested in buying this club-owned lot and to put a similar
message on the Members Only section of the club’s website.
William and Janet Jones Bankruptcy
39.        The Jones property has been purchased by Everett Bedenbaugh (see Secretary Report above)
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
40.        See Secretary Report above

New Business:
Tickler-February 2012
41.        President’s Quarterly Newsletter  (see President’s Report above)
Tickler-March 2012
42.        Monthly Director’s Meeting – 7th March, 8am
Invoices to be cleared
43.        Since the Treasurer was absent, there were no invoices presented to the meeting for approval.

Schedule for 2012 Board of Directors Meetings
44.        Everett suggested that Director’s meetings be reduced to every other month except during the busy
period leading up to the Annual Members Meeting.  If important issues arose during a month when no meeting
was scheduled an additional meeting could be called. Following a brief discussion, Paula proposed a motion that
Director’s Meetings should take place during the months of February, April, June, August, September, October
and December. Dave seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
45.        The next meeting would therefore be in April.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 11 April 2012 at 8 a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Paula moved the meeting be adjourned;
Dave seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 9.34am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President