INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
14 December 2011

DRAFT ONLY – pending approval at next Board Meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 8.04 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker
Absent: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Paula Markert, John Pappas
Members: Frank Campbell

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 9th November meeting were approved with amendments– proposed by Dick, seconded
by Dave
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that there was concern over some of the wording in the Myers Deed (see later
3.        The President thanked other Board members for their assistance in securing bids for 2012 for Water
Repairs, Roadside and dam maintenance and Snow removal.
4.        The president reminded members of the upcoming Christmas party hosted by Paula and Fred Markert on
Saturday 17th December.
Treasurer Report
5.        Operating and money market cash at month end was $8,363. However, $4,751 of the cash balances
related to 2012 prepayment dues assessments. The net cash balance before the prepayment income was $3,612.

6.        The balance sheet reflects the accounts receivable that was due at November 30th (excludes 2012
assessments) as these payments are not due until January 2012. However the accounts receivable report reflects
both the 2011 and 2012 outstanding balances.

7.        A number of lot owners have contacted the Treasurer asking to pay monthly installment payments which
she is arranging on their behalf.

8.        Expenses were light during the month of November and utility expense continues to be more in line with the
budget for the year. No expense was recorded during the month for roadside maintenance management fees. As
a result, the net income year to date for the Club was $5,771.32. Unless there are unexpected expenses during
the month of December, the Club will be able to meet its budget for the year without tapping into the funded
reserve account that has been set aside for the Rainbow dam and operating contingencies. The balance of the
reserve account at November 30th was $21,249.59. $20K is reserved for the Rainbow dam and other operating
contingencies. $1,249.59 is the cash balance that is available to support beautification projects.
9.        The Finance report for October was approved; proposed by Ed, seconded by Dick.

Secretary Report
10.        The Secretary reported that the Club had signed a contract for Snow Removal with Advanced Ground
Maintenance based in Sapphire from Dec 2011 until Dec 2012.
11.        The Secretary reported that the Club had received bids for Roadside and Dam Maintenance from four
companies out of the five requested.
12.        The sale of the Leblow foreclosed property has been postponed for a third time and is scheduled for 21th
December 2011.
13.        The Secretary stated that the Club had written to Kathy Godwin regarding her monies owed for the 2011
assessment fees and the Board’s consideration of putting a lien on her property. The Secretary had spoken
personally with Kathy and she is making a real effort to pay off the balance owed. An initial payment was made in
December and the balance should be forthcoming within the next month.
14.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence has been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
15.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence has been collecting the checks for 2012 assessments and depositing
the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips. To date, over
$28,000 has been collected
16.        The secretary stated that the Club had received a letter related to the Jones bankruptcy stating that a
hearing will take place in January in Florida.
17.        The Secretary reported that he had received several positive comments on the work done during the Fall
on the clearing of leaves by Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn Care.  It had also been noted that leaves had not
been cleared on Sequoia Lane off Toxaway Trail. Robb Bennett had been contacted and this omission will be
18.        The Secretary stated that he had done some research on the Myers property at the President’s request.
The property is not a part of Indian Lake Club, Inc.(see later discussion)
19.        The Secretary reported that he had emailed and snail mailed to all members the Christmas Party
invitations kindly created by Bonnie Croker.

Community Speaks:
20.        Frank Campbell (member) who was present stated that he had nothing in particular to bring to the Board
but that he is allowed to comment where necessary for the remainder of the meeting. There were no objections to
this request.

Committee Reports:
21.        Dick reported that he had asked for bids on water repairs from two companies and that only one had
been received.
22.        The Board agreed to accept the bid from Carl Johnson of CLJ Maintenance for the coming year.
23.        The investigation and analysis of the proposal that the Club install gas heaters in both pump houses will
be tabled until a later date.
24.        Everett stated that based on his analysis of the electricity bills and water usage, the system in the winter
months was costing 12cents per 100 gallons compared with 7cents per 100 gallons during the rest of the year.
Everett estimated that the cost of the electricity to run the heaters would be approximately $500 during the
25.        Dave stated that he had received information regarding a significant bump leading up to the new paved
section on Toxaway Trail near the Coggin’s property due to the thickness of the new paving. Dave suggested that
the Club put down crusher run to lessen the bump as cars pass onto the new paved section.
26.        The dead tree at the junction of Indian Lake Road and Hiwassee Road has yet to be taken down. Dave
stated that he had asked Robb Bennett about him clearing up the limbs and trunk of the tree if Dave could either
cut it down himself or get a tree felling expert to do so. Robb had not responded to date.  Dave stated that he
would hire Earl Owen to cut the tree down and have the limbs and trunk put on his property for storage and use
as firewood.
27.        Dave stated that next Spring he would re-visit the list of priorities for paving and start with the section in
most need that everyone agrees is the section between Beaver Dam and Dick Hennig’s house.
28.        John Pappas, member of the Lakes/Dams Committee, reported via email to the Board in his absence.
The caulking on Indian Lake Dam spillway has yet to be done and due to the onset of winter will not be completed
until Spring 2012.
29.        The critter holes on both Indian Lake dam and Rainbow Lake Dam need to be filled as soon as possible
30.        It was further noted that there was some disagreement amongst the Committee on whether or not to fix
the bracket holding the outlet pipe out of rainbow lake.  Rance Jones will be approached for an estimate on fixing
the bracket.
Architectural Control
31.        Paula was absent but Everett commented that Breedlove had erected a realty sign on one of the lots on
Hiwassee Road and had been asked to remove it. Breedlove were also reminded that property information can be
placed in the Property for Sale box near the entrance to our community. The sign has been removed.
32.        Everett reported for Joyce and stated that the Christmas party will be held at the Markert’s home on
Saturday 17th December from 4.30pm until 7pm.
33.        Additional decorations had been purchased for the entrance to the community.
34.        The lights at the entrance had been fixed once again.  The trip wire had been activated during recent
high winds.
Old Business:
35.        The website is approaching its first anniversary and continues to be used on a regular basis. The cost of
maintenance of the Website will be $11.99 per month going forward. The Web Administrator will continue to fund
the monthly admin costs for next year.
Gas Heaters in the Pump Houses
36.        See Water Committee report above.
Lot 25
37.        Everett stated that he had cleared some of the brush at Lot 25 that would help if potential buyers wished
to walk the lot.
Bids for 2012 Contracts
38.         Four bids were presented by the Secretary from Myers, Advanced Maintenance Group, Randall Galloway
and Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn Care. After discussing each bid the Board unanimously agreed to renew the
Club’s contract with the existing contractor, Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn Care.  The Board agreed to accept the
2011 prices for both Road Maintenance and Dam Maintenance but ask Robb Bennett to provide an estimate for
any additional leaf blowing that may be required during October and early November.
39.        The Secretary will write to all the companies who submitted a bid and thank them for their interest
40.        The Secretary will contact Robb Bennett for the additional leaf blowing estimate.
Schedule for 2012 Board of Directors Meetings
41.         The secretary presented a schedule for the 2012 Board Meetings and there was unanimous agreement
on the dates set. Dick Hennig will inform the Fire Department of the dates.
William and Janet Jones Bankruptcy
42.        See Secretary Report above.
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
43.        See Secretary Report above

New Business:
Tickler-January 2012
44.        Monthly Directors Meeting will be held on January 11th  2012 at 8am
Invoices to be cleared
45.        Since the Treasurer was absent, there were no invoices presented to the meeting for approval.

Myers Property
46.        The deed of the Myer’s property, Lot 8 of Block A of the subdivision of a portion of Indian lakes Estates,
Inc. is being sold as part of a foreclosure.
47.        Everett stated that the deed on the Myer’s property had numerous inaccuracies particularly in describing
the property as part of Indian lakes Estates.
48.        Everett had been in contact with the attorney dealing with the sale of the property as part of a foreclosure
49.        It was agreed that the Club should take advice from Don Jordan on this matter.
50.        The Secretary will speak with the Club’s attorney, Donald Jordan as soon as possible.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 11 January 2012 at 8 a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dick moved the meeting be adjourned; Ed
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 9.35am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                             Everett Bedenbaugh – President