INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
13 September 2010

The meeting was called to order at 131 pm.
Presiding: Cheryle Kirchner
Attending: Dick Endicott – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Everett Bedenbaugh, Julie Coggins, Dave Crocker, Nancie Naylor, Ed Tisdale
Absent: Paula Markert

Minutes: The minutes of 11 August were read.  Nancie made the motion to accept; Dick seconded; motion
The minutes of the Called Communication with the Road Committee were read.  Everett made the motion
to accept; Dick seconded; motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  The monthly budget report was approved at the Annual Meeting.
The Balance Sheet and Customer Balance Summary were studied.  Liens have been placed on 3 lots; a
lien is pending if the owners of the fourth delinquent account fail in their pledge to pay .
Don Jordan, Club Attorney, reported that the third owner of Lot 20 has signed the deed over to the Club.
Foreclosing procedures on the Green-Burrell lots are proceeding.  It may come to pass that the Club look
at accepting two lots in lieu of legal proceedings.  He will keep us informed.
Dick moved the Report be approved for audit; Everett seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
     Water: Report given at Annual Meeting
Roads: Main report given at Annual Meeting – after discussion, it was decided that the Club would
move forward with patching and as much machine patching as money made available allows.  A letter will
be sent to all members requesting those who pledged financial support to remit their checks by 1 October.
Pledges include:  “Operation Asphalt” – a loan to the Club; payment of assessments in advance (one or
more years); and those who now wish to support “Operation Asphalt”  with a loan to the Club.  In the
meantime, Rhodes Bros. Paving will be contacted and a date will be established to begin the work.
Lakes/Dams: Report given at Annual Meeting
Architectural Control:  The Private Property sign will be installed on the Harris property this week.
The signs on the trees put up by Mr Harris over the years will be removed at a later date.
Swim at Your Own Risk and Recreational Use Prohibited signs have been installed at the park and Indian
Lake Dam, respectively.
Lec Hobbs and Jack Austin removed the sign from the house at Sequoia Lane.  They have rented that
Plans for a dock at the Sciullo property and an extension of the deck at the Pappas/Gifford property have
been approved by the ACC.  The committee asked the Board for approval.  After the plans were studied by
the group, Dick made the motion to approve both plans, Everett seconded the motion; motion carried.
Frank will follow through with a letter to the owners.
Beautification: Report given at the Annual meeting.
Old Business:
Signage: Discussed in the ACC Report
Retiring Board: Cheryle Kirchner was thanked for her service to the Club for the past three years as a
board member and President of the Board.
Nancie was thanked for her service of many years to the community, the Club, and the Board of
Directors.  She has served under seven Presidents, beginning on 23 June 1998.  She was President of the
Board of Directors in 2007.
Cheryle and Nancie were excused from the meeting, if they wished to depart.

New Business:  As Vice President, Dick continued the meeting.   Ed Tisdale and Julie Coggins were
welcomed as new Directors.  Frank gave them a brief description of the contents of their notebooks.  The
Board of Directors list was examined for accuracy of information.
Election of Officers:  President: Dick nominated Everett Bedenbaugh for President; Ed seconded;
Everett accepted the nomination.  He was elected.  As newly elected President, Everett continued the
business of the meeting.
Vice President:  Frank nominated Dick Hennig for Vice President; Dave seconded; Dick accepted the
nomination.  He was elected.
Secretary/Treasurer: Dave nominated Frank as Secretary/Treasurer; Dick seconded; Frank accepted the
nomination.  Discussion ensued.  Ed stated that the Secretary/Treasurer position should be split and that
he was willing to serve as Secretary for no pay.  Dave, Dick, and Everett disagreed stating that there is no
protocol for this thought; Frank performs his duties adequately; and he has the thanks and support of the
community at large.  There is no need for change.  Ed further remarked that the President ought to assume
the full role of CEO. The Board will study the Bylaws regarding these feelings for the next meeting.  Frank
was elected.
The Board of Directors list will be retyped and circulated at the next meeting.
2011 Meetings – Time and Venue:  It was agreed that the fire station will continue to be utilized for
our meetings.  Frank will verify those arrangements.  After a short discussion, it was apparent that
Wednesday and 9 am remain a good time to meet.  The calendar will be set at the next meeting.
Julie had to leave at this time to pick up her daughter.
Addendum to Smoke Signals:  Frank suggested some items he felt should be included.  Ed stated
that the name of the newsletter is neither sensible nor politically correct; it should be changed to read
simply: Indian Lake Estates Monthly Newsletter. Discussion ensued describing the origin of the newsletter
and its contents.  A September edition of Smoke Signals will be published.
Tickler – October: ACC Annual Report:  There are some issues that may need to be corrected,
thereby amending the document.  A meeting of the committee will be called.  Ed told the group that his
builder, Steve Blythe, thought the document was excellent and well thought out.

Other:  Frank explained that up-to-date copies of the Membership Roster, Map, and Number of Lots per
Owner were part of the meeting materials.
Frank and the Fire Department have been in contact regarding The Water Point sign on Rainbow Lake
Dam.  It has been removed by the department for refurbishing.  Dick will contact the department to discuss
the possibility of an additional water point at the ‘beaver dam’.
Restocking: Jerry Hollar added four grass carp to Indian Lake two weeks ago.  They will help control the
abundance of grass at the headwater to Indian Lake.  The Restocking Fund balance is $343.10.
Everett asked Dave to chair the Road Committee.  He will determine that Gerry Gawronski, Pat Hawkins,
and Aleta Tisdale will remain on the committee.  Robb Bennett will be asked to join.  Everett asked Dave to
take over the repair of the roads at this point, consulting with and using Frank.
Frank asked, that in regards to the Board’s recommendation in August, the Board accept his removal from
all committees.  He would continue to be involved with every committee as the Secretary/Treasurer of the
Ed asked that he be added to the Architectural Control Committee.
Frank will set up the necessary paperwork with Fifth Third to remove Cheryle’s name and add Everett’s
name as the alternate signature for the Club’s checking system.  Ed stated that two signatures were
needed on every check.  After a short discussion including the history of same within the Club’s structure, it
was determined that status quo will be maintained.  The President will continue to sign the
Secretary/Treasurer’s payroll check.
Frank will be out of town for a week – 18-26 September.  As has been the custom, he reminded the Board
that in the event something happens, his children will make contact with the President.  At this time, they will
contact Cheryle, as she is still on the bank records.  Ed stated that there needs to be a permanent back-up
of the Club records outside of the home.  Everett told him that this has already been done.

Next Meeting:  6 October, 9am, fire station

There being no further business, Dave made the motion to adjourn the meeting; Dick seconded.  The
meeting was adjourned at 308.

____________________________________                     ___________________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                      Everett Bedenbaugh – President