INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
13 April 2013

The meeting was called to order at 8.05 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary,Dave Crocker and Michael Gould
Absent: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer and John Pappas (on speaker phone)
Members: Aleta Tisdale, Tyler Allen, Bob Gibson and Alice

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 16thFeb meeting were approved – proposed by Dick, seconded by Michael
2.        The minutes of the 7th March meeting were approved – proposed by John, seconded by Michael
President’s Report
3.        The President stated that he would be sending a card to Nancie Naylor following the sad passing of her
husband Dick who was one of the founding families to settle in Indian lake Estates. The President expressed
concernabout the growing number of ageing members who were suffering through illnessand that there were not too
many younger folks coming to our community. The President also mentioned the complaints from a member about a
new renter at a neighboring property on Toxaway Trail concerning their dog barking throughout the day and the
regular fires burning in the renter’s yard. The members who rent out the property had responded by speaking with
the renter and the President stated that the situation will be monitored to see if the problem is resolved.
Treasurer Report
4.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented to the
Board in Susan’s absence.
5.        The Club received approximately $93K in 2013 assessment payments through the end of March which
represents 79% of the budgeted amount.
6.        Emails have been sent out to all property owners who haven’t yet made their payment or who have not
elected installment payments last month reminding them to pay their assessment fees before interest begins to
7.        More owners have opted to make installment payments this year.
8.        Susan will need to send out statements to a few owners who apparently have not checked email invoices or
they have gone to their spam mail.
9.        Expenses thus far are tracking well to budget.
10.        $2000 infrastructure dam expenses were recorded during the month of March.
11.        Cash balances at end of march were:
a.        Operating and Money Market  $52K
b.        Savings 79K
c.        Total $131K
12.        The Finance report for March was approved; proposed by Ed, seconded by Dick.

Secretary Report
13.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
14.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2013 assessments and depositing
the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
15.        Payment of $2,000 had been made to Terry Allen for the new revised plans for the Indian Lake dam spillway.
16.        No further update on the Leblow foreclosure. The Secretary had written to the current owner of the property
– Bank of New York Mellon but had not received any reply. The Leblow’s allegedly have a Federal Law suit against
the bank and in the last conversation that the Secretary had with Jim Leblow, it was stated that the fees owed for the
past 3 years on their property would be paid when the law suit was settled.
17.        The Secretary sent out an email to all members regarding the passing of Dick Naylor and details of the
service scheduled in Sarasota. Included in the email was the passing of Frank Campbell’s brother.
18.        Last month the Secretary had emailed and ‘snail-mailed’ the President’s Quarterly Newsletter.

Community Speaks:
19.        Aleta Tisdale presented the Board with a proposal related to the current road maintenance weedwacking
20.        The proposal does NOT want to limit the weedwacking of rhodos and laurels which is done for safety and
21.        The proposal does want to limit the weedwacking of the ferns and wildflowers along the roadsides
throughout ILE, particularly on the banks.
a.        This ‘weedwacking down to the ground from road to the tree line’ policy currently followed by Robb’s workers
cuts back the beautiful native plants that contribute to the beauty of this community.
i.        There is a clause in the contract that says not to cut the wildflowers and ferns.
b.        Robb’s workers should not do any weedwacking this spring and see how it goes.
i.         If the pipe culverts get blocked and cause a problem when it rains, then by all means, trim that, but the
current practice of cutting all flowers and ferns down to the ground, from road to ‘tree line’, is depriving us all of the
wonderful lilies, orchids, ferns, and other natives that make our neighborhood beautiful.
c.        As a side benefit, less weedwacking and less leaf blower cleanup that inevitably follows will allow us to enjoy a
quieter spring and summer. Wouldn’t that be great?
d.        The following neighbors are in agreement –
Goodfellows, Tyler Allen, Bartols, Susan Sciullo, Pipkens, Bob Gibson, Hobbs, Austin,  Fran Gould.
22.        In lieu of the weedwacking, Robb’s workers should pick up the dead branches and twigs that are everywhere
in ILE.  That task is currently in the contract but not currently done.
23.        The President stated that he would speak with Robb to see if such proposals would be practical.

Committee Reports:
24.        Dick reported that there had been no issues with water since the last Board meeting.
25.        Dave reported that he will be meeting with Bill Rhodes next week to discuss the cost of paving the areas of
greatest need that had been identified by him and Aleta Tisdale earler in the week prior to this meeting.
26.        Dave had identified areas with orange stripes that were eligible for repaving
27.        The original intent was to join up all sections of Toxaway Trail but examination of other areas within the
community identifies Rainbows End as being a higher priority.
28.        Dave acknowledged that there may be no money available this year for paving due to the anticipated
expense of the spillway repairs
29.        Dave expected that any estimates given by Rhodes would be higher than previous years partlt due to the
increases in fuel costs and that this would restrict how much paving could be done.
30.        John stated that there was little new to report on the spillway repairs but stated that Terry Allen would be
sending a letter and the new plans to DNER by the end of the coming week in order to get approval for the revised
31.        John also reported that groundhogs had been seen again on the Indian Lake Dam and that Critter Solutions
had been notified in order to get rid of them.
32.        John further stated that the access road to Indian Lake dam would need some work done to repair damage
due to recent heavy rainstorms
33.        At present there is approximately $53,000 in reserve for repairs to the spillway.
34.        John stated that we should adopt a stepped approach to the repairs – start with one side of the spillway to
determine if the flow of water through the drainage pipes can be corrected and hopefully solve the problem of the
two leaking seams. Part of the new plan involves spreading the dirt removed from the side of the spillway on the face
of the dam to avoid the high cost of hauling the dirt away.
Architectural Control
35.        Michael had nothing immediate to report and some less important issues would be deferred to the next
36.        Everett reported in Joyce’s absence by stating that a volunteer cleanup day was being scheduled plus tasks
to return benches and Adirondack chairs from storage, weed and mulch the entrance, waterfront park and other
flower beds as needed.
37.        It was also intended to plant annuals and work to improve the steps and safety to the waterfront dock
38.        It was also requested that the Board find a new committee chair to start after the Annual Meeting in
Old Business:
39.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are 13,000
40.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery(455) with over 578 visits and that the Properties
for Sale page was also over 460 visits.
Lot 25
41.        No offers since the lot was removed from the local realtor’s listings.
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
42.        See Secretary Report above
New Business:
45.        Tickler  – April 2013
Monthly Directors Meeting – 13 Apr, 8am; Beautification Committee Annual Report; Annual Financial Report to

46.        Tickler  – May 2013
No Monthly Directors Meeting; Nominating Committee formed; President’s Quarterly Newsletter; Wednesdays at the
Waterfront begin.
47.        Invoices to be cleared
51.        Dave Crocker presented to the Board a proposal to change the Restricted Covenants to allow chickens
(hens and NOT roosters) on member’s property.
52.        Dave stated that this would be to a limited degree, out of site from the roadway, no noise and the chickens
would be contained by fencing and not allowed to wander. Tyler Allen also supported this proposal. Brevard City
Council had recently allowed residents to keep chickens and had issued strict guidelines.
53.        The Board requested that Dave find out the details of the Brevard guidelines and present them to the Board
at the next meeting. The final outcome would be decided by a vote at the Annual Membership meeting in September
but there was no objection to the proposal in theory from Board members but the Board needed to follow procedures
to implement such a change in the covenants.
Next Meeting: Saturday 6 June 2013 at 8a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dick moved the meeting be adjourned; Michael
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 9.02 am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbough – Vice President