INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
11 May 2011

The meeting was called to order at 801.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer
Ed Tisdale
Absent: Dave Crocker, Paula Markert
Member: Susan Sciullo
President’s Report: Julie Coggins resigned for personal reasons, effective 10 May.
By virtue of the Bylaws – Article V – the Board may appoint a new Director.
During her tenure, Julie was assigned two responsibilities:
1.        Membership in the Mountain Residents Group, as representative of Indian Lake Estates, and
2.        Form a committee to study the Bylaws to:
a.        ‘clean up’ the document’s language;
b.        move the document into the technological era in ways and means of
communication; and
3.        Recommend an amendment to exclude use of firearms in the community.
Minutes: The minutes of the 27 April meeting were read.  Ed made the motion to accept the minutes;
Dick seconded; motion carried.
Secretary/Treasurer Report: The corrected copy of the Balance Sheet for March was part of the
Director’s meeting material.
The monthly budget Report for April was discussed, as well as the Balance Sheet.
The Customer Balance Summary was discussed; individual accounts were analyzed.  It was determined
to process a lien against six properties.  Those accounts are four months delinquent, and the owners
have not responded to the Club’s invoices or letters.
A letter was read from Don Jordan, Club attorney. There are several legal entanglements holding up
the final step in processing the foreclosure with the court.  It was decided to seek the counsel of one of
our owners whose legal specialty is real estate.
Dick moved the report be accepted for audit; Ed seconded; motion carried.
Community Speaks: Susan Sciullo had no remarks. As our newly appointed Treasurer, she reserved
the right to question as we proceed through the meeting.
Committee Reports:
     Water: Dick reported no activity for the past month.
Roads: Dave sent in a report that he has been in contact with Rhodes Bros Paving.  The work will
begin as soon as possible depending on the weather.
Frank included a report in the Directors’ packets from Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn.  The report
concerned upcoming work on roadside maintenance.
Lakes/Dams: Ed reported that no further information has been received concerning the EAP.
There are a few limbs on the spillway; water is running rapidly.  As soon as possible he and Don
Harrison will work to remove the limbs.
The winding gear to operate the headgate may require some attention.  It may be jammed and
inoperable.  We may need to make contact with Toxaway Grading – Rance Jones, and have him check it.
A report from DENR on the inspection of the Indian Lake dam was copied for Dick Endicott, Fred
Markert, Ed, and Everett. The original is filed.  The inspection listed several concerns: depressions and
holes on the dam, and some compromise on the spillway.  Fred Markert had indicated in his report that
he would make contact with the engineer – JC Bumgarner of Pinnacle Engineers and request that he get
in touch with T Luckey Sons who caulked the spillway.
In the meantime, it was determined that the Club should respond to DENR with its plans to correct the
problems with both dams as noted in the reports.
Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn had begun the trimming on the Bartol/Indian Lake Road side of the
spillway.  The workers were run off by copperheads.  Robb called Frank and told him he would get back
over there with the necessary snake gear and finish the trimming.
Architectural Control: No report.  Dick asked how an owner goes about making a request to the
Club for an addition to a home.  Plans have to be drawn up and sent to the Architectural Control
Committee, with the appropriate Impact Fee.  Once the committee approves the plans, it is recommended
to the Board that the plans be accepted.  This process requires about a month.
Beautification: Everett reported for the committee.  There will be a meeting today at 430 at the park
to discuss upcoming plans. The park has been readied for next Wednesday’s opening of Wednesday at
the Waterfront.
Frank reported that Randall Galloway will submit a bid for the fencing along Hiwassee Road.
The Kicklighters will be in residence in July.  Jay and Andrew installed the entrance lights two years ago
and will inspect and repair the connections as necessary.
Jerry Hollar is working on the construction of an information box to hold maps and realtor information, as
discussed at the last meeting.
Old Business:
Nominating Committee: Everett is forming the committee and will announce the members at the
next meeting.
Annual Report – Water Committee: Dick Hennig, Chair.
The system is currently functioning well.  There were two homes with plumbing leaks; both have been
repaired.  Although the utility bills indicate normal usage, the Hiwassee pump continues to record high
gallonage.  The committee will continue to work with the management company to determine the
problem.  The committee urges homeowners to shut off the water when leaving their homes for a few
days or more.
Wednesdays at the Waterfront: Our weekly gatherings begin 18 May.
 Website: Ed reported 3229 views to date, with the highest number being the Home Page, Photo
Gallery, and members Only, respectively.

New Business:
     Tickler – June:
 Everett has developed the Finance Committee, to be announced in June.
Road Committee Annual Report: Dave Crocker, Chair.  He will be reminded.
Water Quality Report: Frank will complete the report from A&D Maintenance and send it to membership.
2011 Budget: Everett explained the necessity of approving the budget for 2011, as adjusted.  It was
examined, and Dick made the motion to accept; Ed seconded; motion carried.
The amended copy will replace the former budget in all areas of the Club – Club files, Directors’
handbooks, and website.
Vacated Board Position: In accordance with Article V of the Bylaws, Everett asked Susan Sciullo to
accept the position vacated by Julie Coggins’ resignation.  She accepted.  Frank made the motion to
accept the appoint- ment; Dick seconded; motion carried.  Frank will assemble the Board member’s
notebook for Susan.
Invoices: Two invoices – Raxter Surveying and Liability Insurance were presented for payment
Other: The Shedd property – Section 2, Lot 23, has been sold.  The closing attorney has forwarded a
check for the past due assessment and the new owner information to the Club.  Frank will follow through
with the usual welcoming letter and the Club information packet to the owner.
Ed reported that because their property is on the market, the Harrisons expressed concern about the
parking of Robb Bennett’s trailer.  The trailer is parked on Tellico Lane beside Robb’s mailbox, on his
property.  Frank will share their concern with Robb.
Everett has set up a meeting with the Sheriff’s Department concerning stray dogs and firearms within
the confines of the community.
Frank will be out of town 23 May through 5 June.
Susan will be out of town in June, except for the week of 12-19 June.  She will therefore be available to
work on the transition of the Club treasurer position in the interim.
Everett has set up a meeting with Dick, Ed, and Susan at his home – Thursday at 430, to discuss the
transfer of the Club materials to Ed and Susan.  Another meeting has been set up at the Club office with
Everett, Frank, Ed, and Susan – Saturday, 1 pm, for the same purpose.
Next Meeting: 15 June, 8 am, Fire House
There being no further business, Frank moved the meeting be adjourned; Dick seconded.  The meeting
was adjourned at 945.

____________________________________         ___________________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                     Everett Bedenbaugh – President