INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates

Board of Directors Meeting
11 Aug 2012

The meeting was called to order at 2.10 p.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer ,Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker and John Pappas
Absent: Dick Hennig – Vice President; Paula Markert
Members: Don Hair, Don Harrison

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 27th May meeting were approved – proposed by Dave, seconded by John
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that this meeting would be the last meeting before the Annual Membership Meeting on
Saturday 8th September and thanked Susan for providing her home for the Board to meet on a Saturday.  (The
original date of this meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 8th August at the Firehouse.
Treasurer Report
3.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented to
the Board by Susan.
4.        Assessment revenue is running at 94% of budget or approximately $109K, still have approximately $7K in
revenues to meet the budget.
5.        Received only $320.00 in payments during the month of July. During the month, Susan invoiced all owners
who have overdue accounts and included interest and handling charges.
6.        Expenses continue to run favorable to the budget but note the following expenses for the month of June:
1. A second payment for Indian Lake repairs of $1500 for engineering consultation related to the spillway. This is
an unbudgeted expense. A transfer from the savings account will take place after all expenses have been paid out
for the repairs. To date, $3K has been expended to cover the Indian Lake repairs.
2. The August 1st Asphalt Loan Payments were paid out in late July and are therefore reflected in the July financial
7.        Cash balances
a.        Operating and Money Mark $25K
b.        Savings $41K
8.        Susan purchased the 2012 Quick Books and has upgraded the ILC application; this is Susan’s donation to
the Club.
9.        There was some discussion on the interpretation of members being in good standing as far as voting rights
are concerned if they are following a payment plan (e.g. $80 per month). The By-laws clearly state that members in
good standing are defined as being fully paid up members with regard to the assessment fees.
10.        Further discussion centered on members who are in arrears with assessment fees but have no lien on
their property.  A resolution proposed by Everett and seconded by Susan passed unanimously stating that any
member who is 6 months or more in arrears with their payment of assessment fees will be subject to a lien or other
legal action.
11.        The Secretary will write letters to the members who meet this criteria with a date of September 15th set as
the final date that members will have a chance to pay some, if not all, monies owed to the Club.
12.        The Finance report for April was approved; proposed by Dave, seconded by Ed.

Secretary Report
13.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
14.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2012 assessments and depositing
the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
15.        The Secretary reported that he had received the detailed plans for the spillway repairs from TE Allen and
had scanned the plans and distributed them to the members of the Lakes/Dams Committee.
16.        The Secretary reported that he had received 2 letters from NCDENR:
a.        Related to our EAP – our plan is approved but we are obligated to update it, if relevant, on an annual
basis.  Two updates were identified – Club’s phone number change and the Engineer – our engineer is now T.E.
b.        Related to Spillway repairs – The Club has been given the go-ahead with the plans submitted by T.E. Allen
17.        The Secretary reported that Kathy Godwin has failed to pay her first 4 installments of her payment plan
(April, May, June and July). The secretary stated that he had spoken with Kathy and also written her a letter stating
that if payments were not forthcoming by the time of this Board Meeting then a lien would most likely be issued on
her property (see Treasurer Report above).
18.        The Secretary reported that he had personally spoken with Jim Leblow and had been informed that the
Leblow’s were in dispute with their bank over the foreclosure procedure. Mr Leblow also informed the Secretary
that he had every intention of paying the assessment fees owed when the dispute with the bank was resolved.
Since the conversation, the Leblow property has been cited in the T. Times as going into foreclosure and the sale
of the property will take place in Brevard on Friday 17th August.
19.        The secretary stated that the package for the Annual Membership Meeting on Sept 8th had been sent
either by Email (the majority of members) or US “snail” mail (20 members)
20.        The Secretary stated that since the last meeting the Cooper’s had parked a large trailer in Thunderbird
Lane while their driveway was being re-graded. Mike Gould had mentioned this fact since it was parked adjacent to
his driveway and after determining that it was the Cooper’s trailer that was used to ship in large machinery to assist
in his driveway re-grading, Mike Gould was satisfied that it was a temporary occurrence.
21.        The secretary report was approved – proposed by John and seconded by Dave.

Community Speaks:
22.        Don Harrison requested clarification on Robb Bennett’s contract for roadside maintenance. Don had
complaints that there had been no cutting back of the brush at the roadside on Tentelow lane and that culverts
had not been cleared.
23.        Everett and Ed stated that Robb had been notified of similar complaints on Toxaway Trail and that the
complaints had been addressed.

Committee Reports:

24.        In Dick’s absence, Everett reported that there had been no issues to report other than a  temporary spike
in water usage that had been resolved by an unknown property owner.
25.        Dave stated that the paving had been completed with the exception of one small area on Toxaway Trail.
26.        Dave stated that the worst areas with one exception near Rainbow Lake had been paved and that the
roads were now safer for the community.
27.        Dave stated that the estimate received from A&P Services for replacing the wooden railings along Indian
Lake Road with metal railings seemed reasonable ($10,275) and requested that perhaps the railing replacement
be included in next year’s road repair budget.
28.        Don Harrison offered to use two bags of “Black Top” that he had art his home to fill in a couple of large
potholes on the road going over Rainbow Lake Dam on Hiwassee Road. The Board thanked Don for his kind offer.
29.        John stated that the Committee had met last week to discuss the spillway repairs etc and that John was
appointed Chair of the Committee.
30.        John stated that the plans for the spillway repairs had been received from T.E. Allen and that the State
had approved those plans.
31.        The plans cost the Club $3,000.
32.        John stated that it may be possible to get the repairs done with minimum permitting to reduce the cost and
‘red tape’. John has been in discussions with various local and state agencies related to this matter.
33.        T.E. Allen will oversee the repairs as our engineer and he has recommended 8 companies to the Club as
potential contractors for the work. The Committee will seek at least 3 bids for the spillway repairs from the
companies recommended.
34.        Dave brought up the problem of silting at the far  end of Rainbow Lake and asked if he would be allowed to
remove the build up of silt when the Rainbow Lake was lowered for its impending repairs scheduled for 2013 or
maybe later.
35.        John reported that the groundhog problem on both Dams had been resolved by Andy Mull, Critter
Solutions at a cost so far of $400.
36.        Don Harrison informed the Board that he had seen a potential groundhog hole near the winding gear at
the Lower Dam. John will investigate and contact Andy Mull if necessary.
Architectural Control
37.        Everett, in Paula’s absence, stated that the regarding of the Cooper’s driveway on Toxaway Trail did not
warrant an impact fee based on the ACR’s.
38.        No other activity was reported.
39.        Everett  stated that the work on the steps and railings at the Waterfront Park had been completed recently
at a cost of $600.
Old Business:

40.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are over 11,100
41.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery with almost 500 visits and that the Properties
for Sale page was also approaching 400 visits.
Lot 25
42.        Nothing to report
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
43.        See Secretary Report above
New Business:
44.        Tickler – August 2012
Monthly Directors’ meeting – 11 Aug, 2pm; President’s Quarterly Newsletter Letter; Plan Annual Meeting; Finance
Committee Report; Review/Evaluation – Sec/Treas
45.        Tickler  – September 2012
Labor Day Picnic & Games – Sunday, 2 Sept, 2pm  ; Annual Membership Meeting – Saturday, 8 Sept, 10am*;
monthly Directors’ meeting to follow AM.
*In the event of a natural disaster, the date will be 15 Sept
46.        Invoices to be cleared
Two large invoices – A&D for Water Analysis for $904 and from Galloway for work done at the Waterfront Park for
$600. Board approved payment.
47.        Approve 2013 Budget
The 2013 Budget had been circulated to Board members prior to the meeting for their review and Susan presented
the highlights to members of the Board. (The Finance Committee members who formulated the budget were Susan
(Chair), Everett, Don Hair and Gerry Gawronski.) Approval of the budget was proposed by John and seconded by
Ed.  The 2013 Budget and future forecasts will be presented in detail at the Annual Membership Meeting next
Don Hair gave details of his Audit and remarked how well the accounts were laid out and presented making his task
as auditor easier than in previous years.  A copy of the letter from Don Hair about the audit will be sent to members
via Email/Snail mail.
Next Meeting: Saturday 8 Sep 2012 at the Fire House following the Annual Membership Meeting
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Susan moved the meeting be adjourned; John
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 3.55 pm
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President