INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
11 April 2012

The meeting was called to order at 8.02 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker and
Paula Markert
Absent: John Pappas
Members: None

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 15th Feb and 14th March meeting were approved – proposed by Dave, seconded by
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that there were no immediate issues at this time and that the community seemed
unusually quiet with so many residents who are usually here during winter were absent.
3.        The President again thanked Bonnie Croker for the great work that she has put into transforming the
community’s Notice Board near the main entrance.
4.        The President will be writing his next quarterly newsletter to members in May.

Treasurer Report
5.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented by
6.        Operating and money market cash at March 31st was $67,444.16. The savings account balance of
$41,053 is restricted funds reserved to fund future Rainbow Dam and beautification projects ($40,000 and
$1,053 respectively).
7.        Susan pointed out the Club is “at risk” of being short of approximately $5 to $6K in assessment fees.  She
stated that of the $15,000 outstanding in fees, approximately $9,000 was collectable.
8.        Susan and Ed have been following up with the owners either by email or phone. Susan sent out a number
of statements in early March that prompted payments from a number of outstanding owners.
9.        The annual tax statement was filed and Frank Campbell received a 1099 for the income he received as
treasurer/secretary during calendar year 2011(January thru May).
10.        Susan reported that expenses are running below budget which is very positive for the Club.
11.        The Finance report for March was approved; proposed by Dave, seconded by Paula.

Secretary Report
12.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
13.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2012 assessments and
depositing the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
14.        The Secretary reported that he had heard nothing from Tony Austin from Toxaway Company since he
contacted the Club for their address and website URL as part of his securing a listing for one of our property
owners. Information from the meeting established that Mr. Austin was listing the Harrison property.
15.        The Secretary reported that one member who has a deliquent account had paid $500 towards their
assessment fees and had agreed to follow a payment plan at $160 per month starting in April that would satisfy
their account by year end. The secretary stated that he would send out reminders to the member each month.
16.        The Secretary reported that he had sent a letter to the Leblow’s as agreed at the February Board
Meeting and had no response. The Club received information that the Leblow’s house is up for sale through a
local realtor and that therefore they are no longer in foreclosure.   The secretary stated that he was disappointed
by the lack of response to his letter from a former President of this community! The secretary also stated that the
assessment fees owed could not be legally recovered until the Leblow’s house was sold.
17.        The secretary stated that he had received a request from Michael Gould to keep his kayak on one of the
racks at the community dock.  The secretary referred him to Lec Hobbs who oversees the canoe rack and if no
rack was available he could store his kayak at the dock in the area next to the racks and possibly secure it to a
nearby tree.
18.        The secretary stated that the Club had received a letter from the Bankruptcy court regarding the
settlement of the Jones’s debts as information only since the Jones’s lot had been purchased by Everett earlier in
the year.
19.        The secretary expressed his concern that the repair to the caulking on the spillway of the Indian Lake
Dam has yet to be completed and failure to repair may lead to heavy fines from the State of up to $500 per day.
The President stated that he would contact the Lakes/Dam committee to determine when the work could be done.
20.        The Secretary stated that he saw the ground hog at the Indian Lake Dam recently using a ‘back door’ to
his home that was previously blocked up with stones. The ‘back door’ is clearly visible from the path leading down
to the Dam from Tellico Lane.
21.        The secretary stated that he had been contacted by the Goodfellows with a request to have their lot
water tapped in and the electricity box moved across the road to be on their property. The Goodfellows were
advised to contact A&D Maintenance (water) and Haywood (electric) to determine if this was possible.  The cost
of any work undertaken would be the responsibility of the Goodfellows.

Community Speaks:
22.        None.

Committee Reports:
23.        Dick reported that he had no issues to report other than the request of the Goodfellows mentioned in the
secretary report.
24.        Dave stated that he had been in contact with the pavers and marked out the sections to be paved this
25.        The overall cost would be $33,750 some $1,750 over the budget for paving.  This would provide a one
and a half inch thickness to the remaining very bad sections of road in the community. The lower thickness was
chosen since many of the remaining bad sections have much lighter traffic than the already newly paved areas of
the previous 2 years. This price also includes an additional 30 tons to ensure that the newly paved areas are
leveled out.
26.        Dave also stated that the cost of ‘patching’ that had been previously suggested several times since last
year’s Annual Membership meeting was almost 3 times as much as paving sections of our roads – $120 per 7
feet averaging 14 feet width for paving and $350 per 7 feet averaging 14 feet width for patching. The larger cost
of patching was due to the need to hire a full crew for patching even though the areas to be patched would be
27.        Dave also stated that the Rhodes Company had been taken over by another company since last year
but that we would be dealing with the same personnel as last year.
28.        Following much discussion on the cost of paving exceeding the budget, the Board agreed to meet the
additional cost by approving unanimously on the following proposal:
a.        Considering our Balance Sheet and the amount that we have in the reserve it is recommended that
i.        The Club authorize the spending of up to $33,750 for paving in 2012
ii.        If necessary, funds will be ‘borrowed’ from the reserve fund for infrastructure expenditures
iii.        If money is ‘borrowed’ from the reserve in 2012, the funds will be repaid in 2013 by reducing the budget
for paving
iv.        In 2013, until the Rainbow Lake project is completed, the only paving that will be authorized will be for
emergency paving(e.g. if a road washed out in a heavy storm)

29.        The proposal was proposed by Paula and seconded by Susan and the vote for was unanimous with
none against or abstentions.
30.        Everett reported that there was no report from the committee. Dave asked if there had been any
discussion on the possible dredging of the silt accruing in Rainbow Lake when the lake will be drained next year
for repairs. The cost of any dredging would have to be met by the property owners on Rainbow Lake who wished
to dredge the lake silt next to their property.
Architectural Control
31.        Paula reported that there has been no activity on any future building plans except for an inquiry by
Miriam Carlen regarding her potential new home earlier in the year. Paula will contact Miriam to determine if plans
to build are imminent.
32.        Everett gave the committee’s annual report stating that the yard sale had raised over $3,000 that had
been used to erect the new fencing at Rainbow Dam and provide new Christmas decorations.
33.        The remaining funds ($1,053) would be used for the improvements to the community park – walkways
and railings.
Old Business:
34.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are approaching 10,000
35.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery with over 400 visits.
36.        It was also noted that there had been 430 hits on the Homepage in the past month and 24 hits on the
Property For Sale page over the same period
Lot 25
37.        Everett stated that there had been no activity regarding the sale of the lot. He had accepted the ruling at
the extra board meeting held in March that if he bought the lot then he would not be able to consolidate it with
one of his adjoining lots. However, Everett did state that the lot had a spring near its center than may preclude
any septic tank being installed if someone were to try and build on it.
38.        Based on this finding, Everett will consult with the State to see if they would consider declaring the lot
unbuildable due to the location of the spring.
39.        If the State should determine that the lot is unbuildable, then Everett, if he still wished to purchase the lot
from the Club, would be able to consolidate with his adjoining lot based on a written declaration from the State
that no house could be built on the lot.
William and Janet Jones Bankruptcy
40.        See Secretary Report above.
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
41.        See Secretary Report above

New Business:
42.        Tickler – April 2012
Monthly Directors’ meeting – 11 Apr, 8am;
Beautification Committee Annual Report (see section above);
Annual Financial Report to membership (Audit) – Everett will reach out to Don Hair to audit the Club’s finances

43.        Tickler – May 2012
No Board Meeting;
Nominating Committee formed – Everett will meet to discuss the formation of the committee;
President’s Quarterly Newsletter;
Water Committee Annual Report;
Review Club documents;
Wednesdays at the Waterfront begin – a workday will be set up soon to get the community park ready for the
Invoices to be cleared
44.        There were no invoices presented to the meeting for approval.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 6 June 2012 at 8 a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dave moved the meeting be adjourned;
Paula seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 9.42 am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                             Everett Bedenbaugh – President