INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
10 October 2011

These minutes are DRAFT and will be approved at the next Board Meeting in November.

The meeting was called to order at 7.07 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker, Paula Markert and John Pappas
Absent: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer
Members: Bob Bartel

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 10 September meeting were approved – proposed by Dave, seconded by John.
President’s Report
2.        The President proposed that going forward any Board member who wishes to bring a proposal to
the table should have 2 minutes to make the case followed by discussion and a vote to speed up the pace
of the meetings. Recent meetings have extended to almost 3 hours which could be reduced considerably.
3.        All committee’s will be asked to produce a mission statement plus their areas of responsibility.
4.        The President will liaise with the committees to get the mission statements and responsibilities

Treasurer Report
5.        Operating and MM cash balances at 9/30 were approximately $15k.
6.        Cash balance includes $5,239 for sale of Lot 20A and its remaining assessment for 2011.
7.        Bills paid out in October to date were approximately $5,700 and loan payments are due by
November 1st so we will still be scrambling to be sure that we do not tap into the savings account by year
8.         Water utility bills have been much lower over the last few months.
9.        The Finance report for September was approved; proposed by Ed, seconded by John.

Secretary Report
10.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence has been collecting the invoices and passing them on to
Susan; more water bills plus late invoices from Robb Bennett due to his computer problems.
11.        The Club has received its annual Water Fee from the State that is due by November 4th ($270)
and this has to be accompanied by a form that needs to be signed and sent with the fee. The Secretary
will meet with the Treasurer at the weekend and arrange the payment
12.        The Secretary noted that he had had some conversations with the Cooper’s who bought the
Shedd property about the possibility of the Cooper’s purchasing the Rossi’s lot next door and modifying
the boundary between the 2 lots to overcome the shared portion of the Cooper’s driveway if the purchase
is completed. Such a boundary change may need to be ratified by the members of the community and the
Secretary will check the covenants etc to see if that will be the case.
13.        The Secretary spoke with Duane Allen (Fire Chief) following the last Board meeting about possibly
changing the meetings from Wednesday to Monday and either day will be available to the Club (see later
decisions about Dates and Times of future meetings)
14.        The Secretary received a couple of Emails from the Bruce family who live at the end of Pathkiller
Road but are not part of our community. They will be in residence for the month of October. In the distant
past the Bruces paid some fee toward the access to their property, a verbal agreement made with Ed
Castle, the original developer. The Board agreed to investigate further to determine if previous payments
had been made and that if payment had been made to pursue the issue and send the Bruce family an
invoice to cover the upkeep of the roads to their property.
15.        The secretary reported that the transfer by deed of part of the Harrison’s property that impinged
the Dam to the Club had been completed.
16.        The Secretary reported that later in the day the Grant of Easement to the Club for access to the
Dam via the Harrison’s property will also be completed.
17.        The Harrison’s have erected a fence and chain across the top of the access road and the Harrison’
s will supply the Club secretary with a key to unlock the chain across the road if access is needed for
maintenance / repair work to the Dam.
18.        The Secretary stated that he had heard no news of the sale of the Leblow property that recently
went into foreclosure. The Secretary agreed to follow up with the Tax Department in Brevard to find out
whom, if anyone bought the property so that the Club can pursue the back fees owed (some $1400) on
the property via the lien that already exists for such fees.
Community Speaks:
1.         The Club has received 2 letters from Frank Campbell requesting that the Club patch the bad
sections of the road before winter sets in.  Frank’s comments were discussed and noted.   Such a proposal
had been discussed at the Annual Membership Meeting and rejected as a waste of the Club’s finances at
this juncture.
Committee Reports:
2.        Everett reported in Dick’s absence stating that water usage was significantly down due to the
several leaks recently repaired
3.        It is proposed that the Club investigate the possibility of installing gas heaters in both pump houses.
(see later New Business)
4.        Dick Hennig will be discussing with A&D maintenance their rates of $70/hour charged when their
workers are waiting for the water system to drain prior to working on repairs and also after the repair is
completed and the system is put back on stream!
5.        Dave stated that the proposal that was made at the Annual Membership meeting  to install white
diagonal lines with the word SLOW next to them on our roads would not be a feasible proposition if the
Club was to keep the community as natural as possible.
6.        Dave also stated that the proposal to paint white lines on the edges of the sharp corners could be
done or as an alternative install reflectors at the sharp corners.
7.        Dave will call a meeting of the Roads Committee to discuss these two proposals.
8.        Dave also confirmed his opposition to patching the roads.
9.        The dead tree at the junction of Indian Lake Road and Hiwassee Road will be taken down by Robb
Bennett’s company next week.
10.        It was decided to get other estimates for Snow clearing since Rigsby’s contract expires at the end
of the year.
11.        It was also decided to review Robb Bennett’s contract and include specific tasks related to ditch
clearance and maintenance. The Club had received two invoices for ditch clearance work in addition to the
annual maintenance contract ($250 & $350)
12.        Everett reported after conversations with Fred Markert that the caulking repairs will be attempted
next week, weather permitting.
13.        It was also reported that to reduce the amount of grass in the lake, the Club would need to install
10-12 carp per vegetated acre to get rid of it.  The cost would be $10-15 per carp and they should be
introduced into the lake in two stages – 50% now and 50% in the Spring.
14.        Everett stated that he was awaiting information on the type of chemicals that may be used on the
grass as an alternative to the carp.
15.         Board agreed to pass the information about the carp to Jerry Hollar so that he could undergo the
purchase of the carp and add them to the lake at the appropriate times of the year.
Architectural Control
33.        Paula stated that the Committee would meet this month and review the rules related to impact fees.
16.        Everett reported for Joyce and stated that plans for the Christmas party were in progress. With the
approval of our hosts Paula and Fred Markert, the date would be Saturday 17th December from 5pm until
17.        Invitations would be created by Bonnie Croker and will be sent out to members by November 1st
18.        Christmas decorations will be placed at the entrance with the possibility of lights this year to add to
the feel of the celebrations.
Old Business:

19.         Website – reported 6039 (5754 last month) views to date, with the highest number being the
Home Page2824 (2604 last month), Photo Gallery 330 (320 last month), Members Only 299 (285  last
month) and Properties for Sale 224 (214 last month) respectively.
20.        10-15 Views are being recorded every day and daily views spike to 50 – 60 after the monthly
statistics are sent to members.
Lot 20A
21.        Lot 20A. (Previously Lots 19 & 20) has been sold to Dick Hennig.
Meetings – Time and Venue
39.        Since the Vice –President cannot attend meetings on Mondays; the Board discussed and agreed
that meetings would revert back to Wednesdays at 8am at the Firehouse. Proposed by Paula, seconded
by Dave.
40.        The remaining meetings in 2011 will be on November 9th and December 14th 2011.
41.        If some Board members are unable to attend future meetings, the use of Skype video calls will be
implemented where appropriate.
Lot 25
42.        Hummingbird Realty will handle the sale of this Club owned Lot and a signed contract with them is
New Business:
List of Realtors

22.        The Board agreed that when Club owned property became available for sale that two local realtors
that have a direct interest in our community would be offered the contract for sale alternatively –
Hummingbird Realty and WNC Properties. Proposed by Ed, seconded by John.
23.        The President will send out the second of his quarterly letters to members in place of the
24.        As stated above the Christmas party will take place on Saturday 17th December at the home of
Paula and Fred Markert from 5pm until 8pm.
Invoices to be cleared
25.        Since the Treasurer was absent, there were no invoices presented to the meeting for approval.
Review of the Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
43.        The Secretary presented copies of the minutes to the Board members and asked them to review
and provide feedback prior to the next Board meeting so that the Board could approve them before they
are presented to the membership at next year’s Annual meeting.
Gas Heaters in the Pump Houses
44.        After some discussion on this issue, Ed proposed that the Board grant permission to Everett,
Susan and Dick to investigate further the economics of installing new gas heaters into both Pump houses
compared to keeping the existing electric heaters and to report back to the Board at the next meeting in
November.  Motion was seconded by John. Motion was carried with one abstention (Dave).
Invitation to members to a Party hosted by Shirley and Bob Bartel
26.        Bob Bartel invited members to attend a party on Friday 21st October at his home on Cherokee
Circle at 2pm to meet and listen to his long standing distinguished friend from the UK, Sir Patrick Duffy.
27.        Mr. Bartel outlined the long and distinguished career of Sir Patrick and looked forward to members
of our community meeting him.  Louise Harrison is acting as liaison between the Bartel’s and the
community in inviting people to the party.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 9 November at 8 am at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dave moved the meeting be
adjourned; John seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8.33am The duration of this early morning
meeting set a record for this Board!!

____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                             Everett Bedenbaugh – President