Project Description
The Indian Lake Club’s Community Sale fundraiser was a tremendous success. Thanks to all the
donations, hard working volunteers and preparations we were able to raise over $3,500 !!
We sincerely want to thank all of those who volunteered so many hours and so much talent to make it such a success for our overall community benefit. So much planning, time and effort went into this project from veteran garage sale organizers, pricing experts, donation of outside movers to lift heavy furniture, preparing tabletop and road signs and distributing flyers, preparing our radio announcement and newspaper ad, managing the cash drawer, loading, moving and unpacking hundreds of boxes and thousands of items, and just plain brute labor and sweat.
Friday afternoon when the rain stopped over 21 volunteers from our community (plus a couple of family members) moved all the donated items to the Quebec Community Center. Then Saturday morning we had 12 shoppers waiting at the door before our 7 a.m. opening! Then a steady stream of shoppers came in all day some returning several times and bringing friends or family. Some shoppers commented that it was one of the best organized sales they had been to. At 2 p. m. we boxed up the few unsold items and Habitat for Humanity Restore truck picked them up. It was amazing how quickly the work went when we had so many working together.
As a result of all your efforts, we are now able to pay for the materials and labor to replace the broken-down fences on Hiwassee Road without using any Indian Lake Club funds. Fred Peterson has generously offered to oversee the project instead of contracting the work from an outside source.
Thank you again to all our volunteers! YOU DID A GREAT JOB!!
Indian Lake Club Beautification Committee
Joyce Bedenbaugh, Chairperson