INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates

Board of Directors Meeting
October 18, 2014

The Meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m.
Presiding:        Michael Gould
Attending:        Dick Hennig, Vice President, John Pappas, Everett Bedenbaugh, John McClung, Jeannette
Lee, Treasurer, Barbara Pence, Secretary
Community:  Frank Campbell

President’s Report:
1.  The President briefly reviewed Covenants 11,12 and 13 and the guidelines
for grievances.   He advised that the grievance procedure as written in the Covenants seems to be working
and that the Board has not had any referrals for complaints.
2. The President also discussed the security issues in the community reported by       homeowners who felt
their property had been entered and the previous unauthorized use of canoes/kayaks.  The Board was made
aware of the nearby Trails Carolina camp which could possibly be the cause of some of the intrusion on our
property.  The President will address community security in his November newsletter.

Minutes – September 6, 2014. Everett made a motion to approve the Minutes of the September
meeting, John McClung seconded; the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
     3.  Jeanette will forward a written financial report following a meeting with the previous treasurer.
4.  Jeanette advised Asphalt Loan payments in the amount of $4500 will be paid in October.  She
requested the Board approve $250 for updated software for QuickBooks.  The Board agreed.
5.  John Pappas advised that payment for grading the road to the dam is to be paid upon completion, and
Everett advised paving of the community roads of $25,000 will be paid in November.
6.  Discussion was held regarding mail pick up and banking in Jeannette’s absence.  It was agreed that
the current procedure with Ed as backup will work for now.
7.  Jeannette also advised that some assessments have been coming in ahead of schedule.

Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary did not have any news to report.

Community Speaks:  Frank Campbell representing the community, welcomed the new Board
Members and wished the Board success in the year ahead
Committee Reports:
8.  Dick reported the water leak which occurred on Tuesday, Oct 14 was caused by the rupture in a trunk line
which was under the driveway on the Harris property.  Piping was hooked up in the 70’s to an old well house
which is no longer functioning. Frank Campbell gave the Board some history on the original piping and well
house which was closed due to contamination.  Dick advised breaks like this could occur again with this old
piping and suggested replacing and re-routing new pipe along the road for easier repairs in the future.
Everett advised that after the dam repair we could see what funds we might have available.  Dick will get an
estimate from the contractor.   Michael advised that the Board’s main function is infrastructure.  The Board will
discuss at the next meeting.

     10.  Everett is working with Enlow to schedule road paving.  Hopefully it will be completed before they shut
down for the winter.   An additional cost of $250 will be added to patch the pothole across from the Tisdales.
The Board approved this additional expenditure.
11.  Everett advised that Robb’s crew cleaned up trees downed in the mid-week storm, and that roadside
maintenance will be scheduled every week or two to clear leaves off the road
until November when the leaves will be collected.
12.  Everett advised he would contact Robb this week to repair two washouts on Indian Lake Road.  Dick
suggested he also look at two more potholes near the Hair property.  John McClung discussed the pothole
between the two dams and was advised this will be repaired after we are finished with the dam repair.

     13. John Pappas advised the last cutting of the dams was done in September; Jeannette stated they look
14.  Algae were treated in Rainbow Lake and treatment was successful.  The contractor suggested we treat
quarterly.  The Board discussed and agreed to wait until next year to see if it occurs again.  Michael
suggested it could be weather related as this has not happened in prior years.  Treating the lake ourselves
was discussed.  John advised the cost of the chemicals is more expensive if we do it that way.
15.  There was a discussion of methods of eliminating pond grasses, including grass eating carp, a non-native
fish.  However, carp could cause problems in the future as they grow larger, eat less grass and could
eliminate spawning grounds.
16.  Dam Repair:
A.  John Pappas advised repair plans for the spillway are complete and have been submitted to
NCDENR, we are awaiting their approval.
B.  Whitemire has been authorized to repair the road to the dam and will begin November 3.  The
road repair will take approximately one week.  Whitmire will also touch up any road repairs needed after the
dam work.  We are still looking for a concrete contractor.   John will follow up, perhaps with Medlock
Engineering to find a contractor.  He is hoping the cost will be between $5K and $10K for concrete.
C. Jeannette questioned if weather would complicate the repair.  Everett advised that they can put
antifreeze in concrete and the concrete work must be completed before Uretek repair.
D.  When the lake is lowered, John Pappas will ask for community volunteers to help pull grass along
the banks.  Dredging is not an option because of heavy equipment and expense.

Architectural Controls:
17.  John reported that the Acierno home is nearing completion.
18.  There was discussion about homeowners pursuing major projects without notifying the ACC.  Michael will
include a reminder in his November newsletter to the community of the need to advise the ACC and/or The
Board when they are doing major repairs to their property.
19.  Everett advised of an upcoming sale of property on Toxaway Trail; Jeannette advised of another possible
sale of lakefront property at Indian Lake Road and Toxaway Trail, but the Board has not been contacted.
Michael advised the Browns may still try to build a small seasonal home on their property.
20.  Jeannette questioned the assessment dates for properties under construction.  Assessments will be
determined by occupancy status in November of each year.

     21.  Anne sent in a report advising that the storm damage at the front entrance was being cleared and the
waterfront park cleanup was being completed.  She questioned the storage of the benches and the Board
advised that the Beautification Committee could make that decision.   She advised that a work group would be
scheduled on Oct 25 to complete the winter preparations.

Everett moved the Committee reports be accepted, John seconded, the reports were accepted.

Old Business:
     22.  Everett advised there was still one homeowner with chickens on the property. John Pappas moved we
move ahead to enforce the covenants, John McClung seconded.  Michael and Everett will follow up by
contacting the homeowner by certified letter that he is in violation of the covenants.

New Business:
     23.  Contracts:  Requests for bids for snow removal, water system and roads and dams will be sent out
this month.  Dick and Everett will advise the Secretary as to whom the letters should be sent to.
24.  2014-2015 Committes.   The Committees were set as follows:  WATER: Dick Hennig Chair, Frank
Campbell.  LAKES/DAMS:   John Pappas, Chair, Jerry Hollar Co-chair,
Frank Campbell Co-chair, Fred Markert.  ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: Aleta Tisdale, Chair,
Michael Gould, John McClung, Dave Abrahamson, Chris Bartol.  BEAUTIFICATION:  Anne McClung, Chair,
Joyce Bedenbaugh, Pences, Noyes, Revies, Gawronski, Julie Coggins.
ROADS:  Everett Bedenbaugh, Chair.   Everett will advise when his committee is formed.
25.  2014-2015 Board Meeting Dates; The following dates were set:  December 6, 2014, February 21,
2015, April 18, 2015, June 13, 2015, August 8, 2015, at 8:00 a.m. at The Fire House.  The Annual Meeting will
be September 12 at 10:00 a.m at The Fire House
26.  Technology .  Michael questioned backup systems in use by the Secretary and Treasurer.  It was
agreed that backup should be on the cloud. Everett moved to have Michael set up cloud backup to store club
data; John seconded.  Michael will follow up with the Secretary and the Treasurer as to which service to use to
send files to the cloud.
27.  Web Development:  Michael feels it is useful to better develop our website to market our
community.  Two proposals were looked at for a more contemporary presentation than what we have.  The
Board agreed to pursue a proposal recommend by Ed which is used by Brevard Philharmonic.  Dick
nominated Everett to look into a new website, John seconded.  Everett will follow up.

Other Business:
     28.  The Board discussed the possibility of pursuing foreclosures on liened properties in our community.
John McClung presented his findings on properties in question.   Discussion ensued regarding costs involved
and what actions we have already pursued. It was agreed we would consult with Bill Gifford about the taxability
of real estate held by a nonprofit and also whether he can ascertain how many liens are on the subject
properties and which liens have priority.
29.  Jeannette requested an update of our membership roster; it was decided to include this roster with
the November newsletter, asking the community to update their information for our records.

There being no further business, Everett moved the meeting be adjourned, Barbara seconded;  the meeting
was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
_____________________                                ______________________
Barbara Pence, Secretary                                Michael Gould, President