INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
June 5, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 8:04 am.
Presiding:        Michael Gould
Attending:        Susan Sciullo, Treasurer; Barbara Pence, Secretary
Via Teleconference:   Everett Bedenbaugh, President; Dick Hennig, Vice President
Absent:                John Pappas, Julie Coggins
Community:          Jeanette Lee, Don and Linda Hair
Documents Provided to Board Members:  Agenda, May Financials, April Minutes, President’s Report, Lakes
and Dams report.

President’s Report
1.        Everett reported the President’s Newsletter generated several responses from property owners concerning
assessments on unimproved lots.  This will be discussed under Old Business.
2.        Nominating Committee was formed with Frank Campbell as Chair.
3.        Don Hair will work with Susan on the Audit.
4.        President asked the following board members to review club documents before the August meeting:
Architectural Controls – Michael Gould, By Laws – Julie Coggins, Water Utilities Policy – Dick Hennig, Covenants –
Barbara Pence.
5.        President reported that one resident is removing/relocating his chickens from the community and another
resident is being contacted for the status on his chickens.
6.        President advised the Budget Committee needs input from committee chairs.  Susan moved to accept the
President’s report and Barbara seconded.   The report was accepted.
April Meeting Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the April 5 meeting was made by Susan, seconded by Everett; the minutes
were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
7.        Susan reported Accounts Receivable at the end of May at $99,621, of that $70,305 is property that is
liened, leaving a balance of $29,315.  More people are paying in installments than in previous years and those
who have not paid will receive invoices this month charging interest and billing charges.  A lien notice will be sent
to a homeowner whose balance is in arrears and has not responded to an installment payment plan.
8.        Susan suggested the Board look at costs of foreclosure proceedings for lots with large balances.  Everett
and Michael agreed.  Everett will contact Bill Gifford for his help in understanding these proceedings and will
discuss at next Board Meeting.
9.        Operating cash is $62K, Savings is $135K.  Reserve transfer of $30,157 was made in April.
With budget forecast expense of $10,157 for roads and $20K for dams, total infrastructure fund is estimated at
$165K.  Asphalt loan payments were made at end of April reducing outstanding loans to $26,380.
10.         Income assessments are at 85% of budget at the end of May.   General Maintenance is higher, but Water
is lower than budget; we should break even at year end.
Secretary’s Report
Barbara reported no new activity.   The Board discussed the property for sale information on the website and the
realtor box at the entrance.  Barbara will contact Ed to make sure the website is up to date and Everett will look
into posting a sign at the realtor’s box directing people to our website for updated information as the realtor box
often empties quickly.
Community Speaks
11.        Don Hair requested the Roads Committee look at trimming overgrown trees and bushes at some of the
curves on Indian Lake Road causing blind spots and unsafe driving conditions.  Jeanette suggested considering
mirrors at some of the corners.  Everett will drive the roads with Robb and to look at trimming and will investigate
the cost of mirrors.
12.        Don also suggested trees growing in the culvert on both sides of Beaver Dam be removed as tree roots
could weaken the culvert.  Everett will follow up with Robb.
13.         Dick reported two homeowner leaks which were repaired and one valve leak repair bill which was
contested.  Everett worked with Carl Johnson to resolve the bill.
14.        The Water Quality Report is good and the 2013 Annual Consumer Confidence Report has been filed
15.         Everett received 2 bids for repairs on Rainbow’s End, one from Robb for gravel only of approximately
$500 and one from the from the concrete company for patching half of that road at approximately $7K.  Everett
also received a request to repair a part of Cherokee Circle from the Naylor’s home to the Pence’s property and he
reported part of Indian Lake Road has been broken up due to construction traffic.
16.        Everett advised that since the Dam repair looks to be under $40K, he would request the Board release
$20-$25K for road maintenance.  Michael questioned the time table; Everett advised he would begin immediately
with roads not affected by construction equipment with a completion date of September 1.  The repair would be
asphalt paving which should have a 10-12 year lifetime.
17.        Susan advised we have $30K approved for infrastructure in the budget.  Everett made a motion to have
the Board approve up to $30K, holding some funds back until construction is completed.   Michael seconded, the
motion carried.
Lakes and Dams
18.        John sent in a report stating dams have been cut and river otters removed.
19.        Ed Medlock has re-evaluated the spillway issue and has tentatively approved the concept of either
horizontal drilling or caulking.  This will be at significantly less expense than previous estimates.  DENR agrees with
this concept.  Ed will proceed with plans and will manage the repair.  An invoice for $1500 consulting fee to Ed
Medlock was approved for payment by the Board.
20.        Susan questioned the time table and expense.   Everett will follow up.
Architectural Control
21.        Michael advised that the new construction in the community has required the ACC to look closely at the
wording of the Architectural Control Regulations.   Three areas were
discussed.                                                                                                A.  Clarification of wording regarding
disapproval of mobile, manufactured, on-frame modular homes, RVs or trailers as permanent or temporary was
discussed, along with giving the ACC power of final approval over plans.   The ACC will review wording and make
recommendation at the next board meeting.
B.  Clarification of separation of Impact Fees and Lot Clearing Fees was discussed and it was suggested wording
in the ACR indicate the $500 Lot Clearing Fee be noted as a separate fee.  Michael will discuss this with Frank
Campbell and will recommend change in wording at next board meeting.
C.  Burn Permit.  After considerable discussion and study of NC law, it was decided for the safety of the
community to change the wording to state that “Burning to clear land for lot clearing or construction is prohibited.”
Homeowners would still be allowed to have bonfires in contained areas, but large debris may not be burned.   The
Board approved this change.   Barbara will send the corrected wording to Ed to post on the website.
22.        Michael also suggested the Builder Packet ‘hard copy’ we circulate be accessible only from the website to
avoid incorrect updates, etc.  If this type of file is unable to be accessed, Susan suggested that we may have to
purchase updated software to allow this technology.
Michael will follow up.
23.        Everett thanked Michael for his Committee’s hard work and Michael acknowledged the considerable help
of Frank Campbell and Aleta Tisdale with this construction project.
24.         Joyce reported that a work committee cleaned up the park.  Frank Campbell and Larry Pipkins helped
move furniture and Larry cleaned up the hosta beds.
25.        Joyce requested $400 from the 2015 budget for the Beautification Committee.
Nominating Committee
26.         The Committee will be headed by Frank Campbell and we have the following three candidates:  John
Pappas, Dick Hennig, and Jeanette Lee.  Jeanette would replace Susan as Treasurer.  The Board acknowledged
Susan’s work as Treasurer these past years, and welcomed Jeanette.

Everett recommended acceptance of all Committee Reports, Dick seconded.  The reports were accepted.
Old Business
27.         Assessments on improved/unimproved lots.  Requests have been made by residents with multiple lots
and property owners with unimproved lots to look at the possibility of separate assessments for improved and
unimproved lots.
A.        The Board members listened to reports from Susan on variable expenses, comments from members
regarding the assets provided to the community (water availability, roads, lakes); comments from homeowners,
residents with multiple lots, and property owners with unimproved lots, and the common practice in other
communities to have separate assessments.
B.        Board also noted it retains fiscal responsibility to maintain the community.
C.        After considerable discussion, it was agreed that Susan would have the Budget and Finance Committee
look at the different options and present their findings at the next Board meeting.
New Business
28.          Michael advised that a new homeowner wanted to appeal the $3000 impact fee for modular homes.
Michael recommended that the appeal be denied as modular homes have greater impact upon the roads and
there is no procedure for appealing the impact fee.   The Board agreed and denied the appeal.
29.        Susan requested approval to pay Liability Insurance invoice of $2432 and a bill of $200 for use of the fire
house.   The invoices were approved.   Susan also mentioned the insurance excluded coverage for damages
resulting from violation of privacy rights.  Susan will contact the insurance company for clarification of this
Next meeting.  August 9, 2014 at 8:00 a.m at the Fire House

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

______________________________________           __________________________________________

Barbara Pence, Secretary                                Everett Bedenbaugh, President