INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
December 7, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 8:01 a.m.
Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Julie Coggins, Joyce Bedenbaugh (acting recording secretary)
Via Teleconference: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Barbara Pence – Secretary, Michael Gould, John Pappas
Absent:  none

Documents provided to Board members:  Agenda, Minutes of October 12 meeting (draft), Financial
Statements October 31, 2013, Architectural Control Regulations Document, Proposed Revision of Covenant 12,
Roadside/Dam Maintenance Proposed Contract for 2014,

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        Welcome and call to order.
2.        Minutes of the October 12 board meeting – motion to accept Minutes was made by Dick, seconded by
Barbara, the motion carried.

President’s Report:
3.        The Board members reviewed Everett’s proposed report and made some suggestions, additions and
clarifications concerning the revision to Covenant #12.  These changes will be made to his report and mailed the
week of December 9.

Treasurer’s Report:
4.        Susan reported the Balance Sheet cash total is around $125K.  Long term liabilities continue to decrease
to a current level of $35K.
5.        A/R Summary is longer due to 2014 assessments being mailed out.  Accounts that are over 90 days
amount to $63K; she is making efforts to collect these.  Most amounts on accounts over 90 days late comprise
liened properties or assessments being paid in installments.
6.        Income Statement shows income is $5K above budget which is very good.  Expenses have been managed
very well and are $26K below budget as of October 31, 2013.
7.        A discussion followed concerning Winter Maintenance and protocol for paying the snow removal
contractor.  Susan asked for clarification regarding dispersals to the snow removal contractor.  An initial pre-
payment was made of $1,500 with subsequent invoices to be deducted from this payment. Dick explained that
after the $1,500 is depleted, an additional pre-payment will be made to the contractor.  Everett authorized Dick to
coordinate payment approval with Susan and snow removal activities with the contractor on behalf of the club.
8.        Susan predicted that at year’s end 2013 the Club will have a surplus of approximately $15K of net income.
She suggested that any surplus be moved to the Club’s savings account.  After December closing, she will report
to the Board the exact amount of the surplus.

9.        Motion to accept Committee Reports was made by Dick, seconded by Susan.  The motion carried.

Secretary’s Report:
10.        Barbara reported on sending Welcome Packets to new members: Argentines (Goodfellow’s lot) and
Kirsches (Grist house).  She has received Boiler Permits from the state; she will forward to Dick for him to post at
the well houses.  She also commented that Ed Tisdale had been very helpful in the transition.

Community Speaks:
11.        No community members requested to speak

Committee Reports:
12.        Dick reported a PUMP ?? was replaced in October.  A 30,000 gallon leak caused by human error was
13.        Everett reported that Rob Bennett’s crew have not completed leaf pick up due to rainy weather.  Pick up
is scheduled for December 9 as weather permits.  Erosion control/culvert repair contract has been signed and
work should start before Christmas.  Dick will coordinate the effort.
14.        John reported the spillway repairs are approved by DENR and are slated for March 2014.  A second
contractor, Pinnacle Grading is planned to review the project and submit their bid.  Everett stated that we should
strive to get the second bid by end of this year.  John stated that he has noticed an excess flow of water over the
spillway and questioned if we should open the main culvert gate to lessen the flow over the spillway.  Everett
suggested that John contact Fred Markert to discuss.  The committee report on algae/grass in Rainbow Lake to
be discussed later under New Business.
Architectural Control
15.        Michael reported he has been pleased with the increase in AC activity due to property sales.  He noted
that no requests have been received for new permits.  His committee has been working on revisions to the
Architectural Control Regulations document to be discussed later under New Business.
16.        Joyce reported that the committee has planned the community holiday party tonight at Holly Black’s home
at 5 p.m.  Holiday decorations have been placed at the entrance and at each street sign throughout the
neighborhood.  Adirondack chairs and park benches have been placed in storage for the winter.  She wished to
thank the many volunteers who continue to work for the community.

Old Business
17.        There was no old business to report.

New Business
18.        John thanked Aleta Tisdale for the information she gathered from DENR regarding algae in lakes.  He
also thanked Everett for information he supplied for chemically treating ponds to control algae.  DENR indicated
to Aleta that they could do fecal tests of the lakes at no charge to our community.  John expressed his
reservations about getting DENR involved; he suggested that a private company should do the tests.  Julie stated
that this is a very simple test to perform and that she agreed that we should not get DENR involved.  Recent
observation of Rainbow Lake indicated that the algae problem has virtually disappeared, probably due to the
cooler weather.  The situation will be monitored by John’s committee.
19.        A summary of Aleta’s findings with DENR indicate the following:
20.        Possible causes of algae may be due to 1. naturally occurring, 2. animal or human waste related (septic
systems), 3. lawn care nutrients (fertilizer, etc.)  Further, if there was an algae bloom, the entire lake turns
antifreeze green.  DENR felt that run off from chicken coops could be responsible only if there are more than a
dozen chickens.
21.        Everett stated the following based on the information he has received:
22.        Studies have shown that a maximum of five chickens should not cause environmental concerns; twenty or
more chickens will most likely cause environmental concerns. Depending on the situation, the number of chickens
that can be raised on a lot without causing environmental concerns are between five and twenty.
23.        Discussion followed about treatment methods.  Julie asked what chemicals may be used; John will relay
that information to her.

2014 Annual Contracts
24.        Roadside/Dam Maintenance:  Dick reported that the contract on Roadside/Dam Maintenance with Rob
Bennett is the same as 2013.  Susan asked for clarification on the cost of dam mowing.  Dick explained that the
$720 charge will be for both dams to be mowed.  John agreed to clarify the charge also with Rob since it is part of
his committee’s responsibility.
25.        Water System:  Barbara and Dick need to confirm that they have signed contracts from the contractors, A
& D and C & J.

Proposed change to Covenant #12
26.        Everett presented the proposed revision as follows:
COVENANT 12 – ANIMALS: No animal or livestock of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot.  No poultry
of any kind except as noted under exceptions shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot.

1.        a reasonable number of dogs, cats, or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not bred
or maintained for commercial purposes.
2.        a reasonable number of caged hens may be kept provided that they are not bred or maintained for
commercial purposes.
   a) a reasonable number of household pets shall not exceed three (3)
b) Reference Covenant 11 above for guidelines as to animal behavior
c) a reasonable number of hens shall not exceed five (5)
27.        Discussion followed about the impact of the possible cumulative effect if multiple lot owners kept hens, on
how to regulate the number of hens per lot and how to enforce any violations.  It was agreed that both pros and
cons should be presented to the community before a vote is taken.
28.        Motion was made to proceed with presenting the proposal to the community by Susan, seconded by
John.  The vote passed unanimously.

Architectural Control Change
29.        Michael presented his committee’s change regarding metal roofs.
30.        Motion was made to accept ACR changes by Barbara, seconded by Julie.  The motion carried.

Tickler for February
31.        President’s letter due.

Next Meeting:  Saturday, February 22, 2013 at 8 a.m. at the firehouse.

There being no further business, Dick proposed the meeting be adjourned, John seconded.  The meeting was
adjourned at 9:10 a.m.

____________________________________        ________________________________________
Joyce Bedenbaugh (acting Recording Secretary)                Everett Bedenbaugh  – President