INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
October 12, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m.
Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Michael Gould, Julie Coggins, Barbara Pence,Secretary, Dick Hennig ( via
Absent:  John Pappas

Documents provided to Board members:  Agenda, Architectural Club Regulations Documents, September
2013 Financial Statements

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        Welcome.
2.        Minutes of the August 10 board meeting were approved – motion made by Michael, seconded by Barbara,
the motion carried
Treasurer’s Report:
3.         Savings Account is at $80K
4.        Operating accounts are t $50K
5.        Total Cash Balances  $130K
6.        Accounts Receivable Balances are $62K, of this amount, $60K relates to properties that have been liened.
There is not much change from the Annual Report.
7.        Assessment income is at 103% of budget or $120K
8.        Total operating expenses are at 72% of budget or $84K; Generally speaking, in all categories we are
running true to budget.  Susan complimented Dick for doing a wonderful job with water.
9.        Net Income through September is $36K
10.        Susan will be sending out statements for assessments this month.
Secretary’s Report:
11.        Barbara advised the new owners of Section 7, Lot 10 are Dean & Karen Argentine from Gulf Breeze
Florida.   A Welcome letter and information packet will be sent to them.
12.        Ed Tisdale will continue to update the website and check mail and bills while Barbara and Susan are not in
Community Speaks:
13.         No community members requested to speak
Committee Reports:
14.         Dick Hennig reported a chlorinator malfunction on Toxaway Well giving out more chlorine than needed.  It
was to have been corrected.   Julie reported the chlorine taste and smell was still strong from her water tap.  Dick
will check into it again.
15.        If the State mandates an updated Well Test may be required to determine the maximum number of houses
that can be served before additional wells are required.  Dick reported that our contractor will instruct him on
procedures for conducting the 24 hour test thus saving the community some money.
16.        Tank Inspection is pending.  Dick is waiting to hear from the Department of Labor.
17.        The President reported that a suggestion was given at the Annual Meeting that if water lines need to be
replaced, a metal wire could be run alongside so they could be located in future years.
18.        The Secretary received a reminder notice that Radium Monitoring is due before December 31.  Dick will
confirm that our contractor received a copy of the notice. The Secretary will give the notice to Dick.
19.        The President advised that he will bring some large sacks of gravel to fill the pothole by Rainbow Lake and
he will drive his vehicle over it to pack it down to see if we can hold off further repair for awhile

Lakes and Dams
20.         John Pappas sent in a report as follows:   He has authorized Robb Bennett to cut the dams.  This work is
scheduled for October and should be the last cutting of the year.
21.        Jerry Hollar has researched the algae problem on Rainbow Lake and has consulted with Mountain Lake
and Pond Management about treating the algae problem.  Cost would be $1K, requiring 2 treatments, 2 weeks
apart.  The President suggest he do some further research to see if this is a treatment we could do ourselves  to
save money
22.        The cause of the algae was discussed.  The consultant advises that it is most likely caused by runoff from
the property where several chickens are housed.  There is further discussion under New Business
23.        Emergency Spillway Repairs.  John has asked Whitmire Grading to provide us a detailed proposal and
quote.  Whitmire cannot schedule the work in mid-November and would plan on doing it in March 2014.  Michael
suggested we get a commitment in writing from Whitmire and take it to the state so they know our plan to go
forward with the repairs.

24.        The President will work with John Pappas to try to get the contract as soon as possible

Architectural Control
25.        ACR Revisions regarding Setbacks: RVs and Perc Test Silt Fence requirements were explained by
Michael. . A Motion to approve the changes was made by Barbara; seconded by Susan.  The Motion was
approved.  The revised ACR document is attached to these minutes and will be sent to Ed to be posted on the
26.        Everett questioned that metal roofing was not included in the ACR document.   Michael will look into it and
report at the next board meeting.
27.        Michael also stated that if homeowners  had visitors traveling in RVs, they would be allowed  to park the
RVs on Indian Lake property on a temporary basis with permission from the ACC.
28.        Joyce Bedenbaugh sent in a report stating the following:
29.         Plants blocking the entrance signs have been transplanted and divided.
30.        Weeding continues on the rocky outcrop.  The committee will draft a maintenance plan to document plant
management for that area.
31.        Adirondack chairs and park benches will be removed to storage on Sat., Nov 2.
32.        Date and location for the community Holiday party will be December 7 at Holly Black’s home.
A save the date notice will be emailed and an invitation will follow at a later date.
33.        Christmas decorations will be hung at the front entrance the first week of December.
Old Business
34.         Susan suggested some acknowledgment should be made to the members leaving the Board thanking
them for their service.  The President will include this in his Quarterly Newsletter.
New Business
35.        Algae and grass in lakes.
A.         Discussion was held regarding the cause for the algae and the solution to the problem.  It was decided that
the chickens must be removed before the money is spent to clean up the algae.  The President will follow up with
the homeowner to find the status of chicken removal
B.         A Motion was made by Michael  to give the President the authority to spend up to $1000 for the cleanup,
but to also do research to see if there is a less expensive
solution.  The Motion was seconded by Susan.  The Motion passed.
C.         Dick suggested that the winter cold weather might also be helpful in killing the algae.  Julie affirmed that this
may be the case.

36.         Board of Directors Meetings for 2013/2014.  The meetings were tentatively scheduled for
December 7,   February 22,   April 5,   June 7,   August 9.  The Annual Membership Meeting will be September 6;
followed by the September Board Meeting.  A copy of the proposed dates for the BOD meetings was put in the fire
chiefs’ in mail.

37.         2014 Annual Contracts.  Dick will send out letters to solicit bids for maintenance contracts and will try to
have the contracts for the December meeting.
Tickler for November

38.         EAP.  The Secretary will send a letter to the NC State Dam Safety Engineer with our EAP package after
the contact information is changed to reflect the change in secretary.  A committee will be set up in the future to
study the current EAP and make sure it stays up to date.  Everett and Michael indicated interest in serving on that
39.        President’s Quarterly Letter.   The President will be sending his Quarterly Newsletter in November and
discussed including the ACR changes, acknowledgment of the service of Ed and Dave to the community, and
upcoming assessment mailings which will be sent in October.

Next Meeting:  Saturday, December 7, 2013 at the firehouse.
There being no further business, Michael proposed the meeting be adjourned, Susan seconded.  The meeting was
adjourned at 9:18 a.m.

____________________________________        __________________________________________
Barbara Pence – Secretary                                     Everett Bedenbaugh  – President