INDIAN LAKE CLUB, INC. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
September, 14, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 12:25 p.m. immediately following the Annual Membership Meeting
Present: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, John Pappas, Michael Gould, Julie Coggins, Barbara Pence (via
Absent:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker
Members:  Joyce Bedenbaugh (acting Secretary)

Documents provided to Board members:  Agenda

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        Welcome new board members, Julie Coggins and Barbara Pence.
2.        All officers of the board were duly elected (see details below.)
3.        Minutes of the August 10 board meeting were approved – motion made by Michael, seconded by Susan, the
motion carried.
President’s Report:
4.        The President’s report was presented at the Annual Membership meeting.
5.        The President clarified that the Club’s by-laws state in Article 8 Section 11, “All Board meetings shall be
open to all Members. . . “
6.        The President reported as follow up to the last board meeting that the Coopers were sent a letter via email
concerning their parking a utility trailer in front of the Noyes’ house.
7.        The President reported in regards to Dave Crocker’s suggestion about introducing certain Koi fish to
Rainbow Lake in order to help with the algae problem.  Jerry Hollar is investigating the best options to reduce algae
and grass problems in the lakes.
8.        The President reported that he received an email from the Durlings requesting the Club’s Architectural
Control rules be changed to allow use of an R.V. (Recreational Vehicle) as a temporary residence.  The President
requested the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) to review the wording to clarify that the Club does not allow
RVs as residences.
9.        The President reported that he received an email from Tyler Allen requesting that residents be allowed to
keep chickens (see discussion below.)
Election of Officers
10.        Outgoing board members were excused from the meeting, and new board members proceeded with the
11.        Discussion took place regarding the position of President.  John and Michael both stated they would
consider the position of President next election year.  Susan suggested the board develop a plan for the position of
President for 2014.  Therefore,
12.        Everett Bedenbaugh was duly elected President for another year.
13.        Dick Hennig was duly elected Vice President for another year.
14.        Susan Sciullo was duly elected Treasurer for another year.
15.        Barbara Pence was duly elected Secretary.
16.        Motion was made to approve the election of officers by Michael, seconded by Susan and so carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
17.        The Treasurer’s report presented at the Annual Membership meeting was accepted as read.

Secretary’s Report:
18.        The Secretary’s report presented at the Annual Membership meeting was accepted as read.

Community Speaks:
19.        No community members requested to speak.

Committee Reports –
Water, Roads, Lakes/Dams, Architectural Control and Beautification
20.        All committee reports were presented to the Annual Membership meeting were accepted as read.

Old Business –
21.        Website: No report was available.
22.        Erosion Control:  The Club received a bid from Rob Bennett for repairing ditches that have erosion
problem areas as defined by Dick Hennig and Dave Crocker.  The total cost is $3,700.  Discussion followed. Motion
was made to approve the work by Michael, seconded by John, the motion carried.
23.        Lakes/Dams:  John will develop a timeline for the dam repair project.
24.        The President reported that poultry are not allowed in Indian Lake Estates as stated in paragraph 12 of ILE
Covenants.  ILE Covenants “shall be subject to the North Carolina Planned Community Act, NCGS Chapter 47F”
which states that an affirmative vote of 67% of members is required to make a change to covenants.  After
discussion, a motion was made by Michael to have the President inform affected property owners about this
requirement and request the removal of any poultry from Indian Lake Estates, seconded by John, the motion

New Business –
25.        Architectural Control:  Michael stated the AC committee will propose changing the wording to  the ACR
documents to clarify minimum setback, right-of-way requirements and the use of RVs as residences.  After
discussion, Michael stated the committee will draft the proposed changes for the next board meeting.

Tickler for October–
26.        Review EAP (dam)
27.        The next board meeting will be October 12, 2013 at 8 a.m. at the firehouse.
28.        All board members are asked to bring their 2013/2014 calendars for scheduling board meeting dates.
29.        Architectural Control Committee Annual Report: this report was presented at the Annual Membership

Next Meeting:  Saturday, October 12, 2013 at 8 a.m. at the Fire House.
There being no further business, John proposed the meeting be adjourned, Michael seconded.  The meeting was
adjourned at 1:12 p.m.

____________________________________                __________________________________
Joyce Bedenbaugh – acting Secretary                        Everett Bedenbaugh – President