Board of Directors’ Called Meeting
March 7 2013

Meeting called to order at 1905

Meeting was conducted via conference call which John Pappas facilitated.

Everett Bedenbaugh        John Pappas        Susan Sciullo        Dick Hennig        Michael Gould
Ed Tisdale        Dave Crocker

John Pappas requested this meeting to update the Board on the status of the Dam Project and to seek the
approval of the Board for the next steps to be undertaken.

Dick opened the discussion by inquiring if the company that maintains Toxaway Lake dam has been contacted
about this project.

John responded that they have not been contacted but that he would pursue the contact but that he believed that
this might not be the course to follow.

John then summarized the activities of the Dam Project since November.  His points are included in the attached
memo from him.  Fred Peterson and Fred Markert meet with Terry Allen to discuss the proposal as submitted to
DENAR and to explore alternatives.
•        Execute the original plan as submitted to DENAR at a cost of $100,000+ and hope that it works.  If it does not
then the entire spillway will have to be replaced at a cost that most likely will exceed half million dollars!
•        The “Freds” are willing to oversee the work on a more modest step approach to attempting to correct the
problem.  A local contractor would be hired to dig up the drainage system on one side of the dam and replace it will
new piping, gravel, etc.  The new work would be left exposed until it is determined that this approach solves the
problem.  The removed dirt would be allowed to dry and then would be spread over the face of the dam (saving
cost of hauling it off site).  If this works the other side may not have to be done but it is felt that DENAR will require
the building of the concrete “wing” at the bottom of the dam on the side that the work has been performed.

If the second alternative is acceptable, Terry Allen will communicate the new plan to DENAR.  An engineered plan
and surveying will be required – cost $4,000.  It is felt that the plan has a good chance of being approved by

Susan requested cost estimate for entire project.  John guesses the cost would be approximately $50,000 if the
one side approach works.

Susan wanted to know what would happen if we do nothing.  It was explained that doing nothing is not an
alternative.  Repairs are mandated from the State.
Susan liked the approach presented tonight.

Everett expressed the thought that this is the only choice we have considering our financial situation.

While discussing the cost, John mentioned that the dirt would have be moved to a staging area to allow it to dry
before spreading it over the down slope side of the dam.  New soil would have to be used as fill in the ditched
area.  However, much less soil will be needed than was removed since the ditch will be partially filled with gravel.

Dick inquired as to why the soil could not be dried at the dam site.  John will follow up to see if this is possible.

Surveying will be required before the project can start at a cost of $1900.

John pointed out that part of the dam is on private property.  John will contact property owners about deeding land
to club so that surveying can be done at the same time the other work is being done hopefully saving survey cost.

Discussion of the financial ramifications followed.  Susan stated that at the present we have $50,000 set aside for
this project with an additional $25,000 to be added to the reserve this year.  All agreed that if we could remedy the
problems within these funds it would be outstanding.

John mentioned another dam problem – critter dens in the face of the dam and thought that we should contract for
a service to periodically clear the dam of unwanted critters.

Motion introduced by Everett to authorized $2,000 for additional studies, permitting, and documentation to DENAR.
Seconded by Dick Hennig
Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

John and Susan discussed the logistics of paying Terry Allen for the additional work.  It was felt that Terry could
wait on the check until after Ed Tisdale returns or Susan may pay him by electronic check.

John thanked everyone for their inputs.

Meeting was adjourned at 1945.

Attachment: February 23, 2013 memo from John Pappas

Lakes/Dams Committee Report
> In early December, 2012, Fred Markert, Fred Peterson and John Pappas met to review the plans drawn up by
Terry Allen. It was our concensus that the repairs proposed by Terry are necessary and most likely the right
approach.  As a result, the focus is to see how much of the plan really needs to be implemented  and how we can
cut down on the costs.
> Following this meeting, Fred and Fred met with Terry Allen and discussed what options we have for reducing the
costs. Our assessment is that the bulk of the cost is two-fold: 1) removing the wet dirt and replacing it with dirt that
is packable; 2) concrete wing footings at the bottom of the emergency spillway on each side of the opening.  There
are no “wings” today and Terry thinks we need them to hold back the new sand/dirt as described in the plans.  The
problem with the footings is that they will require that we get into the creek below the spillway and it will trigger a
several EPA, trout protection erosion regulations and required permits. We will be working to dispute the need for
these as there are not any today and if we can fix the caulk problem, that should be the end of it.
> What was discussed with Terry is a plan to hire a sub-contractor and dig out one side of the spillway, see what is
going on and do the necessary repairs.  While the side of the spillway is open, we will observe what is going on and
also give us time to allow the dirt to dry out.  At that point, we can do the other side if necessary and close things
back up.
> As a result of the meeting, Terry has sent us a proposal to modify the DENR plans and get approval to move
forward in the May time frame.  That proposal is attached at the end of this report.  We recommend that we
continue to work with Terry and spend the $3900 described below and move forward now with getting plans
approved so that we can begin work in the May time frame.  I will be requesting board approval and will need a
check for $2,000 to get the ball rolling with Terry.
> Not much else to report.  The fish population looks healthy but we plan to add an additional 4 buckets of minnows
($12/bucket) to the lake for additional food source as spring arrives.  We believe we have enough funds in the fish
stocking fund. Jerry Hollar is taking the lead on this.  Many thanks to Fred Peterson and Fred Markert for applying
their wealth of knowledge and experience to sorting through this challenging dam repair.
> Thank you,
> John Pappas