INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
8 Dec 2012

The meeting was called to order at 8.02 a.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer (on speaker phone), Ed Tisdale – Secretary
and John Pappas
Absent: Dave Crocker (ill) and Michael Gould
Members: Robb Bennett

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 20th October meeting were approved – proposed by John, seconded by Dick
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that he had received an email from one our members suggesting that the Club request
that members pay future years’ assessments in 2013. This is one of the methods that was used by the Club to
raise capital for the first phase of road paving.
3.        The President suggested that we wait to approach members until after we have a firm plan and cost
estimate in hand for the Indian Lake Dam spillway repairs.
Treasurer Report
4.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented to the
Board by Susan over the speaker phone.
5.        Susan stated that we have now exceeded the revenue budget by a few hundred dollars.
6.        Apart from those owners with liens, we still have outstanding AR from a few of our owners.
7.        Expenses continue to run favorable to budget and no extraordinary items.
8.        Net income is $14,875 at November month end but we have one more month of expenses to cover.
9.        It is forecast that we will have a positive operating surplus of $10K or more at year end.
10.        Cash balances
a.        Operating and Money Market        $43K
b.        Savings                                $41K
c.        Total                                $84K
11.        The Finance report for November was approved; proposed by Dick, seconded by Ed.

Secretary Report
12.        The Secretary had been out of the country for 2 weeks during November.
13.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
14.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2012 and 2013 assessments and
depositing the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
15.        Payment of $100 had been received from one of our members who is delinquent on the fees.It was agreed
to give the member two more months to re-start a regular monthly payment to avoid issuing a lien. If no regular
payments were forthcoming the Club would issue a lien in February.
16.        A check for $270 was sent to Aubrey Deaver to accompany the application form that he fills out and signs
on our behalf for the Annual Water Permit. The Club has received the Certificate from the State for 2013.
17.        No further updates on the Leblow foreclosure. The Secretary wrote to the temporary trustee requesting
that the details of the lien on the property be passed on the bank (New York Mellon) who apparently now owns the
property but no response.  The Secretary has acquired the name and address of the current owner of the property
– Bank of New York Trustee based in Texas. The Leblow’s allegedly have a Federal Law suit against the bank and
this would explain why the property is currently owned (according to public records) by a trustee of the bank and
not the bank itself. The Secretary will write to the trustee and remind the current ‘owners’ that monies are owed on
the assessment fees for the past 3 years.
18.        The Secretary sent out letters on November 1st to local contractors for proposals for both Road and Dam
Maintenance. He also wrote to the current snow plow contractor (Bobby Smith) for any updates to the contract.
19.        The Secretary stated that he had received only one proposal for Road & Dam Maintenance.
20.        The Secretary had received a new proposal for snow plowing since Bobby Smith was no longer offering
snow plowing services.
21.        The Secretary had received details of 2013 Water Repair rates from CLJ Maintenance.
22.        Since the last Board meeting, the Secretary had received a call from a Mr. Bob Bush based in Florida who
was in the process of buying the Durling lot. He was asking for details of our Bye-Laws and Covenants which were
made available to him.
23.        The Secretary stated that he had not had a chance to communicate with the State of the two minor
updates to the Club’s Emergency Action Plan. He would endeavor to contact the State as soon as possible.
24.        Susan informed the Board that she had purchased the lot adjacent to her property from the Pratt’s and
that the closing was imminent.

Community Speaks:
25.        Robb Bennett addressed the Board about his proposal for Road & Dam Maintenance for 2013 stating that
the Club could save some money if during the Fall clean up the leaves were blown off the roads into the woods in
place of vacuuming them. Following some discussion, after Robb had left the meeting, the Board felt that members
were very happy having the leaves vacuumed instead of being blown into the roadside wooded areas and that the
additional cost was worthwhile for the community as a whole. The new contract, if signed, would need to specify that
the vacuuming should be completed by no later than the week before Thanksgiving.  The Secretary would convey
this decision to Robb.

Committee Reports:
26.        Dick reported that the water tank on Hiwassee Road had been repainted and thanked Frank Campbell for
finding the reliable contractor.
27.        Dick reported that the electric heaters had been replaced in both well houses
28.        The Pump Insurance premium payment via a wire transfer had failed and since the Treasurer was out of
the country at the time, the insurance company had gone ahead and paid the premium for the Club. Susan stated
that she would be contacting the bank to ascertain why the transfer had failed. The insurance company would be
reimbursed in due course for the payment of the premium.
29.        Everett reported in Dave’s absence that there were no updates to report other than Dave will call a
meeting of the committee in January to discuss paving when it is clear on how much there is to spend out of the
30.        John stated that another estimate on the spillway repairs had been received from Whitmire for $148,000.
This estimate was considerably higher than the first estimate received from Cantrell for $96,000.
31.        John stated that in independent conversations with the contractors their unanimous opinion was that the
plans for the spillway repairs would not resolve the problem.
32.        John also introduced an alternative solution suggested by one of the contractors that would involve digging
up part of the level part of the spillway and digging a very deep trench and filling it with concrete to form a barrier to
the water that was building hydrostatic pressure and coming up through two of the seams of the spillway.
33.        John stated that he was meeting with two other members of the Committee – Fred Markert and Fred
Peterson to discuss this potential alternative solution later in the day (8th Dec).
34.        John also stated that it had been suggested to him that he contact another local engineer who had
experience in working on the Lake Toxaway Dam for possible alternative solutions. The Board agreed that this
would be a good idea.
35.        The Board also discussed the tactics of dealing with the State on this matter.
Architectural Control
36.        Everett stated in Michael’s absence that Michael Gould had met with some of the members of the
committee to review the ACR’s and he had reported  back on recommendations for changes and distributed them
to the Board members.(see details in addendum to these minutes)
37.        Everett stated that Louise Harrison, Pat Hawkins and Linda Hair had put up the Christmas decorations at
the entrance to Indian Lake Estates and also that Don Harrison and Don Hair had worked on cleaning up garden
area at the entrance.
Old Business:
38.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are over 12,600
39.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery(455) with over 550 visits and that the
Properties for Sale page was also over 430 visits.
Lot 25
40.        The contract with Hummingbird Realty has expired and has not been renewed. The lot is therefore no
longer on the market although it is listed on the Club’s website.
41.        The asking price for the lot is $4,500
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
42.        See Secretary Report above
New Business:
45.        Tickler  – December 2012
Monthly Directors Meeting – 8 Dec, 8am
46.        Tickler  – January 2013
No Monthly Directors Meeting
47.        Tickler  – February 2013
Monthly Directors Meeting – 16 Feb, 8am; President’s Quarterly Newsletter
48.        Tickler 2013
Copies distributed to Board members and it will be posted on the Club’s Website
49.        Invoices to be cleared
50.        Contract Proposals for 2013
a)        Board agreed to accept Robb Bennett’s proposal for Road & Dam Maintenance and convey to him that the
vacuuming of the leaves as part of the Fall Clean Up be completed by the week before Thanksgiving. (also see
Community Speaks above)
b)        The clause in the new Snow Plowing proposal asking for a retainer of $2,000 for buying salt caused some
concern to Board members. The hourly rate of $120 was also far higher than last year’s contract. The Secretary
will follow up with the contractor to clarify these concerns.
c)        The Board would try and find alternative contractors for comparison
d)        Everett stated that the Secretary be given the authority to sign the 2013 contracts when approved.
Proposed by John, seconded by Dick. Board agreed unanimously.
51.        None
Next Meeting: Saturday 16 Feb 2013 at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dick moved the meeting be adjourned; John
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 9.30 am
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President