INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates

Board of Directors Meeting
27 May 2012
(Replaces June 6th Meeting)

The meeting was called to order at 2.02 p.m.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Dave Crocker and John Pappas
Absent: Susan Sciullo – Treasurer ; Paula Markert
Members: None

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 11th April meeting were approved – proposed by Dick, seconded by John
President’s Report
2.        The President stated that there were two important  issues to discuss – the invoice for the road paving
from Rhodes and the Lower Dam Spillway Repair estimates.
3.        The President also commented on the successful Memorial Day Picnic where 30 members of our
community attended on a glorious day of sunshine.
4.        The President also mentioned that Ed Castle, the developer of Indian Lake Estates, was a guest at the
Picnic and this proved to be a wonderful opportunity for members to talk about the early days in the
development of Indian Lake Estates.

Treasurer Report
5.        The balance sheet, performance to Budget and a list of members yet to pay their fees were presented by
Everett in Susan’s absence.
6.        More collections came in during the month and now the Club is “at risk” of potentially being short $3 to
$5K in assessment fees against the budget.
7.        Susan will continue to follow up with the owners who are delinquent.
8.        Assessment revenue is running at 91% of budget or approximately $107K, still have approximately $10K
in outstanding AR (exclusive of owners whose property has a lien) to meet the budget.
9.        Expenses are running below budget which is very positive for the Club but we have not yet made any
payments for the road work that was approved at last month’s Board meeting.
10.        Cash balances:
Money market and operating account $71K
Rainbow Dam, Beautification and Emergency Reserve $41K
11.        May 1 Project Asphalt loan payments were made at the end of April and are reflected in the financial
statements for the month. The principal loan balance is $58,286.24.
12.        The Finance report for April was approved; proposed by Ed, seconded by Dick.

Secretary Report
13.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the invoices and passing them on to Susan.
14.        The Secretary, in Susan’s absence, had been collecting the checks for 2012 assessments and
depositing the money in the bank, keeping Susan updated with copies of the checks and deposit slips.
15.        The Secretary reported that he had copies of the 2 estimates for repairs to the Lower Dam spillway in
compliance with the NCDENR letter. The Secretary will be responding to the letter this week.
16.        The Secretary reported that one member failed to pay their first installment of their payment plan The
secretary stated that he had sent out a reminder to the member and further stated to the member that if they did
not meet the May payment then interest would be added to their account.
17.        The Secretary reported that he had still had no response from the Leblow’s.
18.        The secretary stated that various emails had been sent to members re: Memorial Picnic, the Club’s new
contact telephone number and the President’s Quarterly Newsletter. Snail mail had been sent to the appropriate
19.        The secretary stated that he had received notice of a change in contact information for the Pipkins and
that the Club records plus the website had been updated accordingly.
20.        The Secretary stated that a welcome package will be sent to the new owners of Lot 11 on Indian Lake
Road – Steve and Gina Slaby.
21.        The secretary report was approved – proposed by John and seconded by Dick.

Community Speaks:
22.        None.

Committee Reports:
23.        Dick reported that he had no issues to report other than the need for renovations of the Pump Houses.
24.        Dick will follow up with A&D Maintenance to get the Water Quality Report that is due.
25.        Dave stated that the paving had been completed with the exception of one small area on Toxaway
Trail.  This omission was due to the pavers using 50 tons of asphalt over budget.
26.        The Club has received an invoice for the original amount but stating that 11 and not 12 areas were
27.        Dave had several conversations with representatives of Rhodes and had left the decision on the
payment of the invoice to the Board.
28.        After some discussion it was decided to pay the invoice as is with the stipulation that the omitted area be
paved at no extra cost in the next phase of paving next year. Proposed by Dave and seconded by John.
29.        Dave stated that the worst areas with one exception near Rainbow Lake had been paved and that the
roads were now safer for the community.
30.        Dave stated that a member of the community had approached him with the idea of painting speed signs
on the roads at strategic points in the community.  After some discussion the Board suggested an alternative
idea to install a number of additional road speed signs similar to the one at the main entrance.
31.        John reported that the Committee had received 2 estimates for the spillway repairs to the Lower Dam.
After much discussion, the Board decided to contract with T.E. Allen Engineering to carry out the work.
32.        John further stated that the problem with the groundhogs on the Lower Dam had been addressed by
employing a local animal exterminator, Andy Mull (Critter Solutions) to remove the animals and fill up the holes.
The situation will be monitored for any new critter activity on the dam.
33.        John also mentioned that Bill Gifford, a member of our community, had offered his attorney expertise ,if
needed, when dealing with contracts with company’s undertaking work in our community
Architectural Control
34.        No activity to report.
35.        Everett  restated the success of the Memorial Day Picnic
36.        The social gatherings at the Waterfront Park will be switched to Thursdays instead of Wednesdays at
the request of the 30 members who attended the Picnic.
37.        The Secretary will send out an email notice to members.
38.        Everett  thanked the Pence’s for providing additional chairs to the Waterfront Park.
Old Business:
39.        The website continues to be used daily on an increasing basis and the total hits are approaching 10,000
40.        The Web Administrator noted that it was encouraging to see that the Members Only info page was the
number one visited page exceeding the ever popular Photo Gallery with over 400 visits.
Lot 25
41.        Nothing to report
Leblow Foreclosure Sale
42.        See Secretary Report above

New Business:
43.        Tickler – May 2012
No Board Meeting;
Nominating Committee formed – Aleta Tisdale(Chair), Don Harrison and Sandy Pipkins;
President’s Quarterly Newsletter was sent out;
Thursdays (changed from Wednesdays) at the Waterfront begin – 5.30pm.

Tickler – June 2012
Monthly Directors’ Meeting – 6 June(brought forward to 27th May), 8am; Road Committee Annual Report; Water
Quality Report to membership (see Water Committee Report) ; Finance Committee formed – Susan Sciuillo,
Everett Bedenbaugh and Gerry Gawronski

Tickler – July 2012
Monthly Directors’ meeting – 11 July, 8am; Lakes/Dams Committee Annual Report
44.        Invoices to be cleared
The Rhodes Brothers invoice was approved for payment.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 11July 2012 at 8 a.m. at the Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dave moved the meeting be adjourned;
Dick seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 3.20 pm
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President