INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
10 September 2011

The meeting was called to order at 12:50pm, immediately following the Annual membership meeting.

Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Frank Campbell (retiring Director), Dave Crocker, Paula Markert and
John Pappas (Newly elected Director)
Absent: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        John Pappas was officially welcomed on to the Board of Directors. The Secretary provided John
with a package of essential documents as the newly elected Director.
2.        All officers of the Board were duly elected (see details below)
3.        The minutes of the 10 August meeting were approved – proposed by Paula, seconded by John.
President’s Report
4.        The President’s report was presented to the Annual meeting.

Election of Officers
5.        Everett Bedenbough was duly elected President for another year – proposed by Paula, seconded
by Frank.
6.        Dick Hennig was duly elected as Vice-President for another year – proposed by Dave, seconded
by Frank.
7.        Ed Tisdale was duly elected as Secretary for another year – proposed by Frank, seconded by
Susan Sciullo was duly elected as Treasurer for another year – proposed by Frank, seconded by Paula.

Treasurer Report
8.        The Treasurer’s Report as presented to the Annual Meeting was accepted as read – proposed by
Ed, seconded by Paula.

Secretary Report
9.        The Secretary waived his report.
Committee Reports:
Water, Roads, Lakes/Dams, Architectural Control and Beautification
10.        All Committee reports were presented to the Annual Meeting accepted as read – proposed by Ed,
seconded by Frank.

Old Business:
11.         Website – reported 5754 (compared to 5,290 last month) views to date, with the highest number
being the Home Page 2604 (compared to 2,368 last month), Photo Gallery 320 ( 312 last month),
Members Only 285 (255  last month) and Properties for Sale 214 (200  last month) respectively.

Lot 20A
12.        The Board has received an offer to buy the Club owned lot 20A. (Previously Lots 19 & 20). The
sale is under contract and the closing is expected sometime in early October.

New Business:
Lot 25
13.        The Board agreed that the price of the club owned lot 25 will be reduced to $7,895 and that
Hummingbird Realty will handle the sale – proposed by Frank, seconded by Ed.
14.        At the next Board meeting a list of Realtors that the club will use and how they will be rotated
when club owned lots become available for sale will be determined.

2012 Meetings – Time and Venue
15.        The Board agreed to move the Board Meetings to Mondays at 8 a.m. at the Firehouse, subject to
confirmation of the availability of the Firehouse. This was to accommodate the Board’s new Director, John
Pappas, who works out of Atlanta.
16.        The Architectural Control Committee will meet in October and review the current rules, particularly
related to impact fees, and report back to the Board on any recommended changes
17.        Since the Emergency Action Plan for the Indian Lake Lower Dam had been recently approved by
the State, no review will take place this year.

Invoices to be cleared
18.        Since the Treasurer was absent, there were no invoices presented to the meeting for approval.
However, new invoices for the repair of several recent water leaks were expected in the near future.

19.        After much discussion on the subject of heavy garbage trucks coming into our community and
putting wear and tear on our roads, the Board decided that no garbage collecting area at or near the
entrance to the community would be considered.
20.        It was suggested that those members of the community who have their garbage collected be
approached with the idea that they may wish to consider using the Rosman garbage collection location
and perhaps have some of their neighbors who use this collection area to share/assist in the transport of
the garbage.
Lake Toxaway Safety Day
21.        Frank reminded the meeting of the Lake Toxaway Safety Day taking place from 9.30 am to 3pm
today (Sat.10th Sept) at the Community Center and recommended to the Board that the Directors should
visit the Center on their way home from the meeting.

Summary of Discussion:
•        The minutes of the 10 August meeting were read.  Paula made the motion to accept the minutes;
John seconded; motion carried.
•        The web site was being used regularly on a daily basis and virtually every day there are at least 10
– 15 hits on the Home page
•        There was some discussion on impact fees for work done on member’s property. It was felt that if
heavy machinery or trucks were brought into the community for work that did not impact the footprint of
the property, such as heavy landscaping work, then an impact fee should be levied for such work. It was
agreed that the Architectural Control Committee will meet to discuss and review the current rules for
applying impact fees to our members.
•        Dave presented the argument for restricting heavy garbage trucks from entering our community
since they create excessive wear and tear on our road system. He suggested a garbage collection area at
or close to the entrance of our community. Much discussion ensued and most of the Director’s were
concerned that such a collection area would deteriorate into a much widely used garbage dump for
people beyond our community and would pose a health hazard as well as being somewhat unsightly.
•         Frank reminded the Board of the Safety Day at Lake Toxaway Community Center today, Sept 10th
from 9.30 until 3pm.

Next Meeting: Monday 10 October at 7 am at the Fire House (subject to confirmation)
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Dave moved the meeting be
adjourned; Paula seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 1.50pm
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President