INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
10 August 2011

The meeting was called to order at 8:02.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer (until 10 a.m.), Frank Campbell, Dave
Crocker (until 9.30 a.m.) and Paula Markert.
Absent: Dick Hennig – Vice President

Key Decisions and Information:
1.        The minutes of the 13 July meeting were approved.

Treasurer Report
2.        Operating cash was approximately $21,000 remaining for this financial year.
3.        The Quarterly loan repayments were processed on Aug 1st
4.        The money raised from the July Estate sale amounted to $3,555 and the Beautification
Committee asked that the money be used exclusively for their projects such as the new fencing and
the like. The Board agreed that the money be put in a restricted account.
5.         The Rainbow lake dam reserve funds account will be renamed the Rainbow Lake
Dam/Emergency Funds account. Currently the fund contains $20,000.
6.         A number of invoices were reviewed for payment, all related to water issues including repairs,
analysis and installation of surge protectors in the pump houses. Board agreed to their payment.
7.        The Budget for 2012 was reviewed by the Board and with minor adjustments was approved.
8.         The Budget will be presented to members at the Annual Meeting on
September 10th
9.         Susan will be unable to attend the Annual Meeting this year; a member of the Finance
Committee will be approached to present the Budget.

Secretary Report
10.        Robb Bennett‘s contract was checked and there was no specific verbiage related to drainage
ditches, only culverts were specifically mentioned. The separate invoice for ditch clearance on Indian
Lake Road has been paid.
11.        Robb has been reminded not to cut the grass on the dams unless directed to do so by a
Lakes/Dams committee co-chair or the Secretary.
12.        All the local realtors have been contacted and invited to use the newly installed Property Info
Box. All seem keen to use it.
13.        Copies of the Club’s approved EAP were delivered to both the Transylvania Emergency
Management and the Lake Toxaway Fire & Rescue as directed by the state.
14.        Don Jordan was approached to prepare documents for both the deeding of property and the
easement on Don Harrison’s property but his costs seemed a little high. Don Harrison is looking into
using his daughter to set up the relevant documents for deeding over part of his property to the Club.
The Club is investigating other sources.
15.        The Godbeys have been contacted (via Email) to ask if they are prepared to deed over part
of their property that impinges on the Dam to the Club but no reply has been forthcoming to date.
16.        Paula was sent the current ACR’s to be updated with verbiage related to consolidation of lots.
17.        The Rossi’s have been contacted by phone (voicemail) to ask for confirmation of receipt of
Club documents and their contact info (email, etc) but no replay has been forthcoming.

Committee Reports:
18.        Water usage and pressure is in good shape and the monthly electricity bills should be
considerably lower
19.        New surge protectors installed at both Pump Houses will provide excellent protection during
severe storms and will cost $6.99 per month for each protector.
20.        Some additional electrical work will be needed in both Pump Houses and Dick Hennig will
approach Fred Petersen to undertake the work.
21.        A minor leak was reported on the Murphy property on Hiwassee Road at the mains valve. It is
currently being monitored and will be repaired in due course.
22.        Mouse damage at the Toxaway Pump House was being addressed using D-Con traps.
23.        N&J Maintenance Contract that was requested should be presented to the Board in the near
24.        Dave will reach out to Robb Bennett to ensure that the blocked culverts and ditches are
cleared and cleaned up.
25.        Dave will also approach Robb to take down a dangerous dead tree at the junction of Indian
Lake Road and Hiwassee Road
26.        Dave will complete the Road Committee Annual Report with the additional analysis he had
indicated in previous meetings to present at the Annual Meeting.

27.        Fred Markert had been in touch with a representative of DENR and the repairs identified for
Rainbow Lake Dam at the previous meeting need not be addressed until the major repairs are
scheduled in 2013.  A temporary fix may be needed for the pipe.
28.        Rance Jones had been out to assess the work needed and cost of repairs to the Rainbow
Lake Dam and had suggested that the Lakes/Dams Committee members take a look at a system that
was installed recently at the Lonesome Valley Dam.
29.        Robb Bennett had given an estimate of $200 to clear out the ditches and repair the culverts
on the access road/path down to the Indian Lake Lower Dam.

Architectural Control
30.        There was some discussion on the wording of the ACR’s related to the building of docks and
additions. The general consensus was that an addition was defined as building that involves extending
the footprint of the dwelling, including the deck.
31.        It was agreed that the ACR’s be reviewed and possibly updated
32.        Impact fee had been received from John Pappas for his building work on his Toxaway Trail
33.        An invoice has been sent to the Lupo’s for an impact fee for the construction of their dock.

34.        The new fencing at Rainbow Lake Dam will be done by Fred Petersen.
35.        Waiting on estimates for the fencing.  It was the intention to use Locust fencing similar to the
new fencing installed at the entrance last year.
36.        The construction of new steps at the Waterfront Park is waiting on a decision on the type of
wood to use.

Old Business:
37.         Website – reported 5,290 (compared to 4,512 last month) views to date, with the highest
number being the Home Page 2,368 (compared to 2,036 last month), Photo Gallery 312 (254 last
month), Members Only 255 (214 last month) and Properties for Sale 200 (166 last month) respectively.

Lot 20A
38.        The Board has received an offer to buy the Club owned lot 20A. (Previously Lots 19 & 20). A
price has been agreed and the closing is expected sometime in early October.

New Business:

39.        The documents for the Annual Meeting were reviewed and accepted. It was agreed that the
documents be emailed to members wherever possible and sent via US Mail to those who have not
given the Club their Email or do not use computers.  This would be done on Friday 12th August.


40.        There was general agreement in principal to change the current set up of the quarterly
newsletter due to the availability and success of the Club’s website.
41.        A letter (email/snail mail) will be sent out to members on a quarterly basis from the Club’s
President with his/her synopsis on the current state of the community.

Renter’s Checklist
42.        It was recommended that the Board suggest to both local realtors who handle rentals and our
members who have rentals in addition to members who have family and friends come in to use their
home that:
o        A map of the community is provided
o        Information about the waterfront park , including the Wednesday gatherings
o        Information regarding Friday evenings at the Community Center
o        Local information – Brevard, Cashiers, Gorges State Park and the like
o        Rules and regulations regarding the community – speed, pets, etc.
o        Phone numbers for emergency and community problems
o        Other pertinent information, all of which should be place in a welcoming folder in the property
being rented or used.
o        The Club’s website would also provide a wealth of
information to a renter prior to their visit in our community.

Summary of Discussion:
•        Since 2 board members had to leave the meeting early, Everett’s report was deferred.
•        The minutes of the 13 July meeting were read.  Susan made the motion to accept the minutes;
Paula seconded; motion carried.
•        The Club’s Balance Sheet as of 31st July 2011and a comprehensive Profit and Loss Budget
Performance from January through July 31st, 2011was presented.
•        Reviewed the action items he had from the last meeting.
•        Reported on the correspondence received since the last meeting.(see Appendix A)
•        There were no items for Community Speaks.
•        Dave reported on the poor condition of much of Indian Lake Road which had not been repaired
due to lack of funds. If the winter is severe these roads will rapidly deteriorate further.
•        It was suggested that part of next year’s budget for road repair be used to ‘patch’ the poorest
sections of the road.
•        The web site was being used regularly on a daily basis and peaked when information is sent out
about updates each month e.g. the home page was viewed 65 times the day the stats were released.
•        The Club had received an Email from the DWSRF about monies that North Carolina will be
receiving ($24,305,000), a large majority of which ( m minimum 30%)is to be made available to non-
profit community water systems for the purpose of funding construction projects. (see Appendix B)
•        Ed stated that the quarterly newsletter (aka Smoke Signals) was no longer needed in its current
form since much of the information was available on the website for members to read.  (see Key
Decisions 40 & 41 above)
•        The website and email provided more immediate communication about events and news than a
quarterly newsletter.
•        Furthermore, the web provided a more user friendly avenue to display photos of interest to our
•        Frank introduced the idea that both realtors and members who rent out their property during the
year provide renters with a comprehensive checklist about our community.  (see Key Decision 42
•        Some realtors and members do supply renters with such a checklist but a recent incident with a
renter in our community highlighted the disadvantage to both the community and the renter if such a
check list is not provided.
•         Frank indicated that he had attended one of the Mountain Resident Group meetings and was
still undecided as to whether he would join the Group.
•        Frank reminded the Board of the Sesquicentennial Celebrations at Lake Toxaway Community
Center on Saturday 13th August.

Next Meeting: 10 Sept, after Annual Meeting, Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Frank moved the meeting be
adjourned; Paula seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:55
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President

APPENDIX A:  Correspondence received since the last meeting by the Secretary:

o        Received acknowledgement plus contact details from the new owners of 373 Toxaway Trail –
the Coopers. Their details had been added to the Member’s Roster
o        Received bio information from John Pappas for the ballot for Board of Directors election
o        Sent out a reminder about using the ACR’s to all members (email and where applicable snail
mail) at the request of the President.
o        Bonny Croker reached out to Ed to publicize the 150th Celebrations in Lake Toxaway
Community Center on 13th August on the web.
o        Posted the report and photos of the Estate Sale on the web
o        Posted new white squirrel photos on the web courtesy of Chris Bartol
o        Received an offer to purchase the Club owned  Lot 20A (see details under New Business)
o        Received Email from DWSRF Disadvantaged Community Program that was forwarded to all
Board Members for their consideration (see details under New Business).

APPENDIX B:  DWSRF Disadvantaged Community Program:
•        The Club had received an Email from the DWSRF about monies that North Carolina will be
receiving ($24,305,000), a large majority of which ( m minimum 30%)is to be made available to non-
profit community water systems for the purpose of funding construction projects.
•        Applications for a share of these funds must be submitted by September 30th 2011.
•        Some discussion on possible ways that Indian Lake Estates could benefit from such monies.
•        The Board recommended that Dick Hennig and the Water Committee take on the task of
formulating a bid for an appropriate project within our community.