DRAFT – This document will be approved at the 10 August meeting of the Board.

                              INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
13 July 2011

The meeting was called to order at 8:02.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer (until 10.35 a.m.), Frank Campbell and
Paula Markert.
Absent: Dick Hennig – Vice President and Dave Crocker
Member: Don Harrison
Guest: Mary Coker, Hummingbird Realty, Ltd.
President’s Report:
      •        Everett reminded the Board of the upcoming Estate sale on Saturday, 23rd July at the
Quebec Community Center and stated that he was still waiting to hear if the Rose’s boat
would be part of the sale.
•        Everett commented on the highly successful Picnic on July 3rd at the Waterfront Park.
Members and their guests had a very enjoyable time.
•        Everett stated that the first Finance Committee meeting had taken place and much progress
was made to formulate the first draft of next year’s budget (More detail in the Treasurer’s
Minutes: The minutes of the 15 June meeting were read.  Susan made the motion to accept the
minutes; Paula seconded; motion carried.
Treasurer Report:
      •        Susan presented the Club’s Balance Sheet as of 30th June 2011.
•        Operating cash was approximately $26,000 remaining for this financial year.
•        The Club owned lots were not included on the Balance sheet as assets  due to the de minimis
cost basis.
•        A comprehensive Profit and Loss Budget Performance from January through June 30th,
2011was presented.
•        The Budget is off target by approximately $6,000 mainly due to fees that have not been fully
paid up. Susan will continue to invoice property owners who are in arrears with their
assessments and are not making timely payments.
•        Susan expressed concern that the Water Testing and Analysis and Water Utility expenses
were way over budget.  Several new invoices were presented for recent repairs to two major
leaks – one on Indian Lake Road, the other on Toxaway Trail. The Club was yet to receive
invoices for another major leak under the road on Cherokee Circle
•        The Board agreed that the payment of the water leak repair invoices be delayed until more
details were obtained from A&D maintenance on the breakdown of the costs involved.  It was
also agreed that the A&D contract be reviewed to determine how A&D handled sub-
contractors such as N&J Maintenance who had also submitted invoices for the water leak
repair work.
•        Several other recent invoices were also presented, the details of which were discussed and
one of the invoices from Blue Ridge Irrigation (Robb Bennett) for clearing ditches on Indian
Lake Road was questioned since it was thought that the monthly maintenance contract
covered such work.  It was agreed that the Secretary review the contract to confirm or
otherwise if that was the case before any payment was made. It was also stated that several
of the culverts in the community were currently blocked up and needed attention.
•        It was also noted that the grass on both dams had been cut prior to the holiday weekend
without notice being given to do so. The Dam maintenance contract states that the cutting of
the grass on the dams is contingent upon Robb Bennett being asked to do so. The Club has
budgeted for up to 4 mowings per year and already the dams have been mowed 3 times.  The
Board agreed that Robb be reminded that the grass on the dams should not be mowed until
either a member of the Lakes/Dams Committee or the Secretary gives him the go-ahead.
•        Susan reiterated her recommendation to build up an emergency fund for unexpected
expenses.  The $20,000 put aside for the repairs needed for the Rainbow Lake dam are the
only monies available if needed in an emergency and the use of such monies would only take
place as a last resort.  The Club should endeavor to build such an emergency fund into next
year’s budget.

Secretary Report:
      •        Ed reviewed the action items he had from the last meeting:
o        Robb Bennett was called to address the ditches on Indian Lake Road  and Toxaway
Trail and the work was completed within a few days.
o        A thank you letter was sent to Lec Hobbs for his help with discovering a water leak last
o        A thank you letter was sent to Fred Petersen and his son, Daryl for their work on the
Park railings down to the dock.
o        An Email was sent to Jodi and Teressa regarding their pedal boat and they replied that
they would be up in our community on the following Wednesday to move the boat to the
dock area and that they would appreciate Ed’s help in moving it.  They did not show up
due to personal circumstances. (Note: after this meeting Ed called them and they gave
him permission to move the boat since they were not expecting to be in the community in
the foreseeable future and they were keen to allow our members to use the boat during
the summer months. The boat was moved with the help of Don Harrison.)
o        An email was forwarded to Aubrey Deaver, A&D Maintenance regarding new water
testing requirements.  An acknowledgement was not received.
o        Donald Jordon was contacted to give him the go ahead to pursue a Burrell/Green
solution along the lines of the offer made in January 2011.
o        An email was sent to Members encouraging them to put their names forward as a new
Board Member.
o        Everett’s action item about dog owners responsibilities was completed and feedback
offered by Board Members (see Old Business for more details)
•        Ed reported on the correspondence received since the last meeting:
o        Bonny Croker reached out to Ed for information on the history of ILE. Ed supplied from
the Club files photos and copies of all issues of the Smoke Signals from its inception to
the present day (41 issues in total) The information will be used for a display during the
150th Celebrations in Lake Toxaway Community Center in August. (Frank was also
assisting Bonny with the display)
o        Received Email from FANNIE MAE requesting a statement of fees owed on Lot 22A,
Section 2 (The former Shedd property) since the property had been sold and the
closing was imminent. The statement was emailed to them and within a week the fees
owed were paid in full and the lien was lifted/released on July 12th and recorded by the
County. Copies of the Release were sent to FANNIE MAE and the attorney dealing with
the sale and a copy put into the Club files.
o        Received Email from DWSRF Green Project Reserve that was forwarded to all Board
Members for their consideration (see details under New Business).
o        Joyce Bedenbaugh  asked me to send out an email reminder to members about the ILE
Community Estate Sale taking place on Saturday 23rd July.
o        Email from Frank with Jeff Allen’s new address and the membership roster was updated
accordingly. Ed also mailed the new Club Contact information to Jeff Allen since his
Email was not working.
o        Request from Frank for copies of documents held in his Club file for his own personal
file. Ed compiled a list of documents and gave them to Frank – some were copies, some
were the original. The Club retained copies of all the documents in the file.
o        Received phone message on the Club’s new phone from Crockett Jones’s mother
stating that Crockett had moved permanently to his Florida address.
•        Ed spoke with Jerry Hollar at the 3rd July Picnic and was told that the Property Information Box
had been completed and installed on Indian lake Road between the Speed Limit sign and the
Club Notice Board with the assistance of Frank. (See New Business on how it will be used)
•        Ed repeated Everett’s positive comments on the 3rd July Picnic stating that it was a great
success and very well attended (approximately 30 members and their guests) Ed took some
photos and put them on the Club’s website on the 4th July.
•        Ed sent out Email and snail mail notification of the Club’s new Contact Information plus a
reminder of the Estate Sale (see above)
•        As Susan pointed out in the Treasurer’s report, the Club has received a number of checks for
fees owed, in particular the balance owed from Sean Ruddy and from FANNIE MAE.
Unfortunately, the fees received were far outweighed by the large invoices received this
month (see Treasurer’s Report).
•        The Membership Roster has been updated and posted on the Club’s Website.
•        New owners, the Rossi’s have not sent back any acknowledgement of receiving welcome
letter etc.   Ed will write to them again to get their telephone number and Email address.
•        The new owners of Lot22A, Section 2 (aka 373 Toxaway Trail) are Durie and Donna Cooper.
Ed will reach out to the attorney who processed the sale for their address and telephone

Community Speaks:
      •        Don Harrison stated that he would like to deed to the Club a part of his property (Tract 1A,
Section 9: 0.29 acres) that includes part of the Indian Lake Lower dam to remove his partial
liability for the dam.
•        He is also willing to grant a temporary easement on his property for access to the dam for
maintenance and repair work similar to the temporary easement he granted when the recent
repairs to the dam were made.
•        He asked if the Club would take care of the legal paperwork necessary to accommodate his
wishes.  The Board agreed to pursue the necessary steps to make it happen.
•        Some discussion followed on the possibility of the Bartol’s and Godbey’s to release part of
their property to the Club for the same reasons – remove their liability for part of the dam.
Frank stated that Chris Bartol had mentioned such a move and that the Board should follow
up with him. It was also suggested that Ed reach out to the Godbey’s to ascertain their
intentions for the part of their property that included the dam.

Committee Reports:
      •        Dick was absent but Frank commented that water usage was up but expected due to the
larger number of people in the community during the summer months. (Discussion about the
leaks were covered in the Treasurer’s report )
•        It was noted that water pressure was low at the Croker and Allen properties but there was no
indication that this was caused by any leakage
•        Susan commented that the electricity bills for the water system seemed high.
•        Frank had been invited prior to the meeting to join the Water Committee by Dick.
•        Dick will be asked to contact A&D Maintenance as soon as possible to get an estimate of their
monthly fees for next year so that the Finance Committee can finalize the budget (see
Finance Committee Report).
      •        Dave was absent but had stated that the report he gave at the last meeting should suffice as
an Annual Report.
•        The Board agreed that an Annual Report should be produced and that Ed would use Dave’s
remarks from the previous meeting to create such a report and would reach out to Dave to
review the report.
•        Dave will be asked to provide an estimate of how much of Indian Lake Road can be paved
with approximately $35,000 next year

•        The Lakes/Dams Committee met on Saturday 9th July and Frank was asked to join the
committee. Ed expressed his dismay at not being invited to the meeting since he was still a
member of the committee but no longer the Co-chair!
•        Both Jerry Hollar and Frank had agreed to act as Co-Chairs of the Committee; Dick Endicott
would remain as Chair.
•        Frank presented the Lakes/Dams Committee Annual Report to the Board and summarized its
findings and estimated cost of immediate repairs needed to both Rainbow Lake Dam and
Indian Lake Dam.
•        Total cost of immediate repairs identified would be in the region of $2,000.Repairs of the
Rainbow Lake Dam would reduce the reserve of $20,000 for the 2011 year.
•        The Committee had also presented their budget needs to the Finance Committee.
•        Restocking of Indian Lake continues to be successful thanks to Jerry Hollar.
•        The full text of the Annual Report can be read in the Appendix A attached to these minutes.

Architectural Control:
      •        Paula agreed to amend the ACR’s with the previously discussed and agreed to wording
related to lot consolidation.  Ed will send Paula the latest version of the ACR’s for Paula to
      •        Everett reported for the committee.  He stated that lots of items are being collected for the
23rd July ILE Community Estate Sale including furniture, jon boats and a canoe.
•        Flyers will be distributed ahead of time for the sale; an ad will be placed in the local
newspaper and on the radio.
•        At 3pm on the Friday before the sale, items will be moved from storage at Indian Lake Estates
to the Quebec Community Center. All volunteers will be welcome. Roberto will assist in the
moving of the items.
•        Habitat for Humanity have agreed to come after the  sale closes at 2.30pm on Saturday to
take all the unsold items.
•        Paula presented detailed estimates for building new steps at the Waterfront Community Park.
At a cost of $149.52, Lowes worked out to be the best option for getting the materials
needed.  For a detailed breakdown of the costs please refer to Appendix B of these minutes.

Finance Committee:
      •        Susan reported on the first Finance Committee meeting and progress that was made. The
first draft of the budget is almost complete except for a couple of missing estimates from A&D
Maintenance and the Road Committee on expected expenses for the next financial year.
•        The annual fees will be kept at this year’s level – $941 per lot.
•        Another $20,000 will hopefully be put aside for future repairs to Rainbow Lake Dam.
•        $33,000 will be budgeted for the roads.
•        $18,000 will be budgeted for loan repayments.
•        Budget will take into account the prepayment fees.
•       The Finance Committee has not signed off on the final budget but a draft budget will be
presented to the Board at the August meeting.

Nominating Committee:
      •        There will be two vacancies on the Board due to terms ending.
•        After considering several candidates from our community, the Committee accepted John
Pappas as a candidate for the Board of Directors. The Board approved the nomination;
proposed by Ed and seconded by Susan.
•        The other candidate is Dick Hennig who had previously agreed to be placed on the ballot for
re-election .
•        The committee will open and count ballots on Tuesday 6th September, meeting at Nancie
Naylor’s residence mid-morning.
•        The committee will be present at the Annual Meeting for report and to aid in voting that might
be raised at the meeting.

Old Business:

      •        Ed reported 4,512 (compared to 4,003 last month) views to date, with the highest number
being the Home Page 2,036 (compared to 1,776 last month), Photo Gallery 254 (225 last
month), Members Only 214 (175 last month) and Properties for Sale 166 (143 last month)
Dog Owner’s Responsibilities:
      •        Everett distributed his revised document to send out to members and asked for more
feedback from the Board.
•        After some discussion it was decided not to publish his document since there had been a
drastic reduction in dog ‘poop’ since the last meeting.  One of the reasons may well be the
absence of the several ‘stray’ dogs that had been wandering through our community on a
regular basis.
Lot 20A:
      •        The Board invited Mary Coker from Hummingbird Realty Ltd. to advise them on the next
steps  forward for this lot.
•        Mary presented a comprehensive view of the past and current sales of lots in our area and in
Indian Lakes Estates in particular.
•        Although conditions favor a buyer’s market, sales of lots are practically non-existent unless
they are priced at ‘give-away’ values.
•        Mary suggested that in order to sell the Club Lot 20A, the condition and pricing should be
more attractive than competitive lots.  Clearing a path to the stream was suggested to allow
potential buyers to visualize a home on the lot.
•        A successful perk test would be a favorable factor in a possible sale of the lot.
•        The value of the lot should be below recent successful sale values. $8,495 was proposed and
agreed to by the Board. Proposed by Frank, seconded by Paula.
•        It was also agreed to clear part of the lot by volunteers within the Board and community to
save money.  It was agreed that to pay up to $1,400 plus to get the lot cleared and undergo a
perk test was not feasible given the state of our budget at this time.

New Business:
      Tickler – August:
      •        Next Issue of the Newsletter.
•        Plan for the Annual Meeting.
 Invoices to be cleared:
      •        This was covered in the Treasurer’s Report above.
Roads Committee Annual Report:
•        This was covered under Roads Committee Report above.
Lakes/Dams Committee Annual Report:
      •        This was covered under Lakes/Dams Committee Report above.
Lakes/Dams Committee Co-Chairpersons:
      •        This was covered under Lakes/Dams Committee Report above.
 Review of By-Laws:
      •        Everett presented several proposed changes to the By-Laws that were discussed and voted
on by the Board.
•        All of the proposed changes involved removing phrases that no longer applied to the
community and clarifications of verbiage without changing the essential meaning of the laws.
•        One obvious change/addition was the use of communicating with members electronically
wherever possible.
Property Information Box:
      •        With the box completed and placed on Indian Lake Road (refer to Secretary’s Report) the
Board discussed the contents and the lettering to be placed on the Box.
•        It was agreed to label the Box “ Property For Sale Info”
•        Jerry Hollar and Frank will put additional slats inside the box to hold Realtors information.
•        Local Realtors will be contacted so that they can put Indian Lake Property For sale info in the
DWSRF Green Project Reserve:
•        The Club had received an Email from the DWSRF about monies that North Carolina will be
receiving ($24,305,000), a large majority of which is to be made available to non-profit
community water systems for the purpose of funding construction projects.
•        Applications for a share of these funds must be submitted by September 30th 2011.
•        Some discussion on possible ways that Indian Lake Estates could benefit from such monies.
An example would be to install water meters at strategic points within the water system to
monitor more accurately water usage and assist in detecting leaks.
•        The Board recommended that Dick Hennig and the Water Committee take on the task of
formulating a bid for an appropriate project within our community.

Other:  None.
Next Meeting: 10 August, 8 am, Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Frank moved the meeting be
adjourned; Paula seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:58
____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President

APPENDIX  A:  Lakes/Dams Committee Annual Report – 13 July 2011

Meeting called – Sat, 9 July, 10 am
Attending: Dick Endicott – Chair, Jerry Hollar, Fred Markert, Frank Campbell

Dick asked Frank to join the committee.  He requested Jerry and Frank co-chair the committee with him.
They agreed.
Dick updated us with the Board’s needs concerning the report.

Rainbow Lake Dam   The headgate has been inoperable for many years.  The drain pipe is rusted,
holey, and ill-functioning.  This, too, is an age-old problem.
As the Club is annually setting aside budget money for repair of the dam, the committee agreed repairs
to the release system could be done in 2013 as well.  Water is moving through the culvert at a regular
rate.  As plans are made two years hence, the video of the interior of the culvert will be viewed to
determine the necessity of relining.
In the meantime, the base of the culvert, where water from Rainbow Lake empties into Indian Lake,
needs immediate attention.  The culvert’s end, or tip, is loose.  That is, the bracing or collar that held it in
place has deteriorated.  There are holes in the bottom of the culvert.
Repair: the committee recommends repair, as follows:
1)        contract with Toxaway Grading (Rance Jones) to remove the end of the culvert; and
2)        to build a new brace/collar that holds the culvert steady as it emerges from the dam;
3)        estimated cost is $1500;
4)        an animal’s den appears to exist adjacent to the culvert; it should be blocked; and
5)        there is a tree limb laying across the culvert; Fred said he would cut it up so the dam
maintenance crew could remove it.

Indian Lake Dam   Headgate:
1)        Fred was on location when Toxaway Grading straightened the gear.  It was tested for
operation at that time.
2)        This date, Fred turned the gear 3 times.  He and Jerry rotated the gear back to its original
position; therefore, one operator can open the gate, but it is necessary for two to work to
close it.
3)        Recommend: apply grease or WD40 to lubricate the gear.

Lower Side – Recommend:
1)        Treat gopher hole with chemicals as done two years ago; fill holes with rock.
2)        Move earth back into crevice near the upper level, caused by machinery during repair.  This
indentation is not eroding.
Lake side – Recommend:
1)        Remove limbs from side of dam; pile at top of dam for dam maintenance crew to transport.
2)        Fill in hole at lake level with rock.

Spillway:  As reported in June, Fred made contact with JC Bumgarner, engineer for the dam repair
project.  Their conversation centered around an extensive excavation project on the dam side of the
spillway.  This would be to check the drainage system put in place in 2007, and to replace the tubing of
seam 6 if pressure cleaning proved ineffective.  The conversation concluded with Fred confirming the
Club would be in contact if needed.
1)        Starting from top or lake level, seams 5 and 6 appear to be in need of repair.
2)        Select/choose date of repair.
3)        Open headgate to lower lake, allowing spillway to dry.
4)        Re-caulk seams 5 and 6.  Employ professional caulkers (request Rance Jones to
recommend same).
5)        Clean spillway of limbs and debris.
6)        Estimated cost: unknown; perhaps up to several hundred dollars.

Access Road – from Tellico Lane
      Upper level area: ditch has filled with debris, causing water to run over bank, forming rivulets in road.
Repair: dam maintenance crew to clean out ditches; build up bank; readjust ditch rock to redirect
running water; fill in and level rivulets in road.
Estimated cost: $100

Silting: During the past week’s heavy rain, Indian Creek – where it empties into the lake adjacent to
Jerry Hollar’s – has been extremely muddy.
The committee discussed writing a letter in the form of a petition from our community concerning the
formation of silt in upstream Indian Creek and directing same to appropriate state agencies.

Restocking:  Jerry has caught and released several fish this spring, including a rainbow trout just
recently hooked near the dam.  Several guests have been fishing with good results as well.  Aleta
Tisdale was paddling while we were meeting on the dam and remarked that she sees numerous fish.
Bass and bream are plentiful.
Jerry pointed out one of the feeding/breeding stations for the minnow population near the lake side of
the dam.  Another is further up-lake near his
house.  Minnows were released at the feeding stations two weeks ago.
The catch and release program is still in effect.

Respectfully submitted,
The Lakes/Dams Committee
13 July 2011

APPENDIX B:  ILE Park Steps Estimate