INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
15 June 2011

The meeting was called to order at 8:02.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Ed Tisdale – Secretary, Susan Sciullo – Treasurer, Frank
Campbell and Dave Crocker (until 9a.m.)
Absent: Paula Markert
President’s Report:
     •        Everett reported that the transition to the new Secretary and Treasurer had been a smooth
•       The new paving as part of Operation Asphalt (Phase 2) was looking good.
•       The Club had purchased a new phone for contact purposes (see details under New
•        Everett noted that there had been two recent complaints of excessive dog ‘poop’ in some
sections of the community, notably the Five Points and Cherokee Circle area (see further
details under New Business).
•        Everett apologized for not contacting the sheriff over the use of firearms in the community and
disturbances by barking dogs as discussed at the previous meeting. He will contact the sheriff
and report back at the next meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the 11 May meeting were read.  Dick made the motion to accept the minutes;
Susan seconded; motion carried.
Treasurer Report:
     •        Susan presented the Club’s Balance Sheet as of 14th June 2011. She indicated that the
values of the properties owned by the Club may need to be added to the balance sheet for
completeness and accuracy.
•        A comprehensive Profit and Loss Budget Performance from January through May 2011was
presented. Following discussion, some minor amendments were suggested and accepted.
•        It was also noted that the Club had five active liens against the properties of members with
significant arrears in the payment of fees. The Board agreed that interest would be applied to
the member’s entire balance, not just the current year balance.
•        Several recent invoices were also presented, the details of which were discussed under new
•        There was some discussion on the need for the Club to plan to build a significant surplus in
future years to cover not only the future repairs to Rainbow Lake but also for an emergency
fund. This is normal practice for non-profit organizations. Currently the Club has set aside
$20,000 for the future repairs to Rainbow Lake Dam scheduled for 2013.
•        Susan will be contacting the members of the Finance Committee to
set up the first meeting in July.
•        Ed moved the report be accepted for audit; Dick seconded; motion carried.

Secretary Report:
     •        Ed stated at the outset that the handover of the Club’s documents, computer, printer and
copier from the outgoing secretary went smoothly during the month of May and thanked
Everett and Dick for assisting in the removal of materials and filing cabinets from Frank’s
•        The Club’s computer is up and running in the new secretary’s basement.
•         All relevant Financial Files were handed over to the new Treasurer plus one of the keys to
the Club’s PO Box.
•        The Club’s Email ( was officially transferred to the new secretary’s
Comporium account with Frank’s permission.
•        The listing of the Board of Directors document has been updated to include new email
addresses for the President, Vice-President and Treasurer that can be easily transferred
when officers of the Club change.
•        There have been several updates to the Membership Roster including an expanded section
at the end listing important contractors who serve our community and copies were distributed
to Board members.
•        Updated versions of both the Board of Directors and Membership Roster can be viewed on
the Club’s website.
•        The installation of the new Community Waterfront Park railings has been completed. The
secretary recommended that a letter from the Board be sent to Fred Peterson and his son,
Daryl thanking them for their time and effort in providing the railings giving added safety to
members as they use the lower path down to the dock.
•        Jerry Holler is close to completing the Information Box for maps and realtor information.  It was
agreed that the Information Box would be located between the  Speed Limit sign and the
Community Notice Board near the entrance on Indian lake Road.
•        The re-stocking of the lake by Jerry Holler continues with more minnows being added as food
for the growing and healthy bream!
•        The secretary suggested that a permanent sign advertising our website to be attached to the
base of the existing notice board was an unnecessary expense at this time and a permanent
paper notice could be displayed stating “ Visit Us At :”.
•        The secretary presented a map of the community with the new sections of road repairs
displayed for information.
•        Dave Crocker stated that he could use the map to estimate the percentage of road repairs
completed against the cost incurred so far and compare this to the estimate for repairing all
the roads.
•        A letter sent to the DENR by the outgoing secretary last month giving our response to the
observations made regarding both Indian Lake and Rainbow Lake Dams was distributed to
Board members for information.
•        The Club received an Email from the Public Water Supply Section of DENR that stated that
the Club is now required to monitor our water supply for lead and copper, incurring added
cost to the analysis process. This monitoring needs to be done between 1st June and 30th
September 2011.  It was agreed that the email be forwarded to Aubrey Deaver at A&D
Maintenance  for their information and action.
•        An Email was sent out to members inviting them to the 4th July Picnic on July 3rd plus snail
mail to those members without email.
•        The secretary stated that an effort will be made to secure email addresses from the twenty
members who have not given the club email addresses for contact purposes.
•        The secretary had received three requests from members to add their property/lot to the list
of Properties For Sale on the Club’s website and the requests were granted.
•        The secretary visited the Club’s attorney, Donald Jordan to introduce himself and also get an
update on one of the Club’s foreclosure proceedings.  It was suggested that the members in
question may be open to agreeing to a settlement that was presented to them in January of
this year following a recent court appearance that did not favor the members. It was agreed
that the Board would instruct Mr. Jordan to follow up on his suggestion.
Community Speaks: None
Committee Reports:
     •        Dick  reported that a significant leak had occurred on the Lupo’s property on 10th June ,
discovered by Lec Hobbs when walking his dog. It turned out to be a broken ‘L’ due to poorly
installed piping by a private contractor and not by the Club’s recommended contractor (A&D
Maintenance). Following the repair of the leak at the homeowner’s expense, water
consumption fell from 10,000 to 3,000 gallons!
•        On Toxaway Trail, water usage seems to be high around 8,000 gallons. Dick is investigating a
possible leak between the Indian lake Pump House on Hiwassee Road and the Harris
•        Dick had a call from a Realtor to turn the water on at the former Shedd’s property for a home
inspection and no leaks were seen between the road shut-off and the house.
•        Dick was asked to contact A&D Maintenance ahead of a meeting of the Finance Committee to
get an estimate of their monthly fees for next year.
     •        Dave reported that all the sections of Operation Asphalt Phase 2 had been completed and
were looking good and that no further road repairs would be done in 2011 due to budget
•        Although the original list of sections identified as being a high priority had been exhausted,
there are still very bad sections of Indian Lake Road that will continue to deteriorate.
•        Dave will conduct an analysis of the road repairs done to date and compare the percentage
completed against the percentage of the total cost estimate for repairing all the roads to see if
we are getting value for money. So far the Club has spent approximately $135,000 on road
repairs against a total estimated cost of $440,000 to repair all sections of our roads.

•        There are still a few limbs on the spillway;
•        water is running continually over the spillway.
•        As soon as possible Ed and Don Harrison will work to remove the limbs.
•        The winding gear to operate the head gate remains a cause for concern.  Ed expressed his
opinion that in order to draw down the lake to repair the spillway, the winding gear may well
work to open the head gate but it is doubtful if it would work to close it.
•        The ground hog holes at the Indian Lake Dam will need to be filled to comply with the DENR.
•        When the Indian Lake Dam grass was last cut by Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn, a lower
section of the dam was not cut.  Robb Bennett, the owner, was contacted and the omitted
section was duly cut.
Architectural Control: No report.
     •        Everett reported for the committee.  Recently completed projects were: putting down mulch at
the front entrance, new handrail along lower path to the dock (see Secretary’s report), the
Adirondack chairs and picnic tables returned from winter storage and July 3rd Picnic
Invitations sent out.
•        A ‘Thank You’ goes out to the Harrisons, Hairs, Petersons and others for their hard work to
accomplish these projects.
•        Some donations of furniture and other items have been dropped off and stored for the July
Garage Sale.  However, the committee need many more donations in order to achieve their
fundraising goal of $1,000 plus. Everett urged members to spread the word and encourage
club members to donate their household items and furniture.
•        The committee members and volunteers will be working soon on cleanup at the waterfront
park and surrounding area. They are a little late in the year than normal for starting the
maintenance due to so many of them with personal and family obligations, illness and
surgeries requiring them to be away from the area. A clean up and maintenance day will be
scheduled soon.
Old Business:  
Nominating Committee:
     •        The committee will comprise Frank Campbell (chair), Nancy Naylor, Sandy Pipkins and
•        Frank asked the Board members for suggestions of people to be approached to join the
•        Dick Hennig stated that he would be willing to serve another term.
•        Frank stated that he would not be seeking another term.
•        It was suggested that the Board send an email to members stating that vacancies existed on
the Board and to ask for those interested to contact Frank or any of the other Nominating
Committee member.
•        Nominations are due August 10th ,2011.
Annual Report – Road Committee:
     •        Dave Crocker, Chair. This was deferred to the next meeting due to Dave having to leave the
meeting at 9 a.m.
Water Quality Report:
     •        This had been received and sent out to the membership.
     •        Ed reported 4,003 (compared to 3,229 last month) views to date, with the highest number
being the Home Page(1,776), Photo Gallery(225), and Members Only(175), respectively.
Lot 20A:
     •        Dick stated that Steve Riddell, a contractor for septic tank installation has been contacted and
he will advise, free of charge, where the septic should be located and also where the
appropriate location of a house should be.
•        A perk test will then be conducted for the lot.
•        It is expected that the location of the house will have its driveway on Slick Fisher Road and not
Indian Lake Road.
•        There was some discussion on what value to set for this Club owned lot. The suggestion was
New Business:
     Club’s new telephone and number:
•        Everett stated that the club has purchased a new phone($20) and 50 day plan from Verizon(
$100). Everett explained the details of the plan purchased which expires at the end of the
year. The phone should be more than adequate to receive and send Club related calls.
•        The new Club phone number is: 828 577 6999.
•        The Club’s members, contractors, relevant web site pages will be informed and updated with
this new number as soon as possible.
•        It was agreed that the secretary take possession of the new phone.
Tickler – July:
     •        Lakes/Dams Committee Annual Report:   Everett will contact Dick Endicott (Chair) regarding
the compiling of this report.
•         Garage Sale Fundraiser on 23rd July – for further details refer to the Beautification report
above or the Club’s website.
Invoices to be cleared:
     •        Susan presented a number of invoices received by the Club for approval to be cleared.
•        They included invoices from Roger Raxter, Rhodes Bros., PO Box Fees, A&D Maintenance,
Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn and Haywood Electric.
•        All invoices were approved.
Approve new committee chairpersons:
     •        Everett was appointed chair of the By-Laws Committee;
•        Susan was appointed chair of the Finance Committee.
•        Ed stated that he was no longer prepared to be co-chair of the Lakes/Dams Committee.
Everett stated that he would seek out other full time members who may be willing to co-chair
the committee.
 Dog Owner’s Responsibilities:
     •        Everett had received two complaints about the large amounts of dog ‘poop’ especially at the
Five Points and Cherokee Circle areas.
•        The restricted covenants clearly state that dog owners should be responsible for clearing up
excessive soiling of our community by their dogs.
•        It was also stated that some of the ‘poop’ may be from stray dogs that frequent our community
or raccoons !!
•        Everett will send out a message to members to remind them of their responsibilities with
regard to their own dog ‘poop’ when walking/running  them around the neighborhood.
     •        Jodi and Teressa’s Boat: Jodi and Teressa have requested that their pedal boat be kept at
the Waterfront Park and that they were offering other members of the Club use of the boat
when they were not using it themselves. It was agreed to grant their request and to email the
Board’s decision to them.
•        Expenses:  Frank put forward a motion that, because compensation is not possible per the
Bylaws, Board members be payed for their time and efforts with an allowance that would
represent 50% of the Club’s annual fees. This would be shown on the budget as ‘Expenses’.
Some discussion ensued but the feeling of the meeting was that this would not be acceptable
in the current economic climate and given the state of the Club’s finances. A vote was taken,
the motion was defeated 3(Everett, Susan & Ed) votes to 2(Frank and Dick).
•        Donation to the Firehouse: It was agreed that the sum of $200 be donated to the Firehouse
sometime prior to the Annual Meeting for allowing the Club to use their facilities for Board and
Annual Meetings.
•        Ditches on Indian Lake Road and Toxaway Trail: Dick pointed out that the ditches on sections
of Indian Lake Road in particular and Toxaway Trail be cleared by Blue Ridge Irrigation & lawn
as soon as possible. The recent heavy rains had caused severe damage to the roads since
much of the water was not running down the ditches. Ed will contact Robb Bennett to get the
ditches cleared.
•        By-Laws Update:  Everett presented an updated By-Laws document to Board members to be
discussed at the next meeting.

Next Meeting: 13 July, 8 am, Fire House
There being no further business, Everett asked for an adjournment, Frank moved the meeting be
adjourned; Dick seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:15

____________________________________         ___________________________________
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                                            Everett Bedenbaugh – President