INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
27 April 2011

The Meeting was called to order at 810.
Presiding: Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending: Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Dave Crocker, Paula Markert, Ed Tisdale
Absent: Julie Coggins
Member: Bob Gibson

Community Speaks: To accommodate our visiting member, Everett offered the floor to Bob Gibson
who had several questions for clarification.
1)        Is the Board seriously considering consolidation of lots?
Everett responded that the same answer exists.  That is, yes, if a lot will not perk (unable to sustain the
minimum of a 2-bedroom home), consolida- tion is considered, at the owner’s request.  The Board is
currently working on language that will amend the Architectural Control Regulations (ACRs) in that
2)        When will the dividends be paid?
Everett explained that the amortization table denotes payments to the loan quarterly: 2/1, 5/1, 8/1, and
11/1.  The current checks are ready to be mailed.
3)  Are there plans for increasing the assessment?
Everett responded that there was a slight increase per lot and house indi-
cated in the Forecast for 2012 and 2013 that was discussed at the Annual
Meeting.   The increase is in the range of $20, but any increase will be
decided by the Finance Committee during its meetings this summer.
The Finance Committee had a dual assessment established for 2011, but this was voted out by
Membership, at the Annual Meeting.
3)        Is the Board proceeding forward with foreclosing on some property?
Everett confirmed this.
Bob was thanked for being at the meeting and for his interest in the community.

President’s Report: Everett suggested that the Agenda be adjusted so that the President’s Report
precedes the business of the meeting.
His report:  Mary Coker and Everett had a recent conversation concerning assessments.  She needed
confirmation of the current assessment at $941 and followed by stating her feelings that the
assessment is high in comparison to surrounding communities.  This obviously hurts property sales.
She also suggested the Board look into “dredging the small lake for silt”.
Don Hair and Everett had a meeting to discuss the audit procedure and internal accounting controls of
the Club.  A copy of their recommendations was
distributed to the Board.  A copy will remain with the minutes of the meeting and another placed in the
Club files.
The Bulleting Board has had a statement about the website affixed.  Everett has asked Ed to
investigate a permanent sign advertising the website, to be attached to the posts of the Bulletin Board.
Everett, Dick, and Ed will meet in the next week or so to make plans for the changeover of the
Secretary/Treasurer position.
Minutes: The minutes of the 9 March meeting were read.  Dick made the motion to accept the minutes;
Dave seconded; motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  Frank had four parts for the budget report: Final 2010 Budget Report,
2011 Budget copy, Monthly Budget Report for March, and the Balance Sheet/Customer Summary
The Balance Sheet showed the balance in the Savings account incorrectly.  That sheet will be
corrected for the next meeting.
Dick made the motion to accept the report for audit, with the exception of the Balance Sheet; Dave
seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
     Water:  Dick reported that DENR conducted a sanitary survey with A&D Maintenance as part of the
Water Quality Report.  The survey indicated all aspects of our system are satisfactory.
Dick will be working with A&D to double check water usage.
Roads:  Dave reported that the workup – areas to be paved – for this spring are based on the
committee work completed last fall.  Toxaway Trail, Indian Lake Road, and Cherokee Circle are to be
paved in the marked areas.  Paving is currently scheduled for the week of the 2 May.  Dave has fielded
owner complaints.
Haywood EMC has removed the brush accumulated during the last portion of work completed at the
entrance.  The entrance lights continue to trip off.  Later this spring, the Board will have the wiring from
the pole to the lights checked.
Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn is currently completing roadside maintenance.
Owner Robb Bennett’s report is part of the meeting material.
Lakes/Dams: Ed reported he has received notice from the state that the EAP (Emergency Action
Plan) will be approved.  Once all the addresses have been received, they will be added to the plan.
The state is comfortable with the information as our fire department would be the first responders and
know the area should evacuation be necessary.  The notice will be filed with the EAP.
The spillway is functioning all right. Large quantities of water are flowing over the spillway from the last
rain(s).  The third seam and possibly the fourth will need to be inspected and possibly repaired.  The
grass on either side of the spillway needs trimming.  Robb (Blue Ridge Irrigation and Lawn) will be
Ed was given a copy of the Rainbow Lake Dam inspection report.  Copies were made for Everett, Dick
Endicott, and Fred Markert.  The original copy is filed.
Architectural Control: Paula reported that there have been no plans sub-
mitted.  The revision to the document – Architectural Control Regulations (ACRs), concerning
consolidation of lots, is being worked on by the committee.
 Beautification: Paula went over the report that is part of the meeting material.  Some bids have
been received for the fencing at Rainbow Lake Dam.
Old Business:
Bylaws: No report
Website: Ed reported that the number of views continues to increase, with the Photo Gallery,
Members Only Info, and Newsletters getting the most hits.
 Lot 19/20: The survey of the lot has been completed.  When Roger Raxter, the surveyor, files the
survey, it will be filed as a single lot.  The Board will receive a copy of the plat with Raxter’s invoice.

New Business:
Tickler – May: Everett will form the Nominating Committee.
Water Committee Annual Report is due.
Wednesdays at the Waterfront will open 18 May.
Smoke Signals to be published with a property for sale column in addition to usual
Tickler – June: Everett will form the Finance Committee
Road Committee Annual Report is due.
Water Quality Report to be mailed to membership.
2011 Budget: Everett and Frank will work on the overhaul of the budget.  It will be ready for
approval at the May meeting.
Changeover – Secretary/Treasurer: The position will become voluntary and will be split.  Everett
has appointed Ed Tisdale to become Secretary; he has accepted the appointment.  Everett has
appointed Susan Sciullo to become Treasurer; she has accepted.
Everett requested the Board approve the appointments to become effective 1 June, with the transition
completed by 1 July.  Paula so moved; Dick seconded; motion carried.
Hummingbird Realty:  Mary Coker had made a recommendation to the Board regarding For Sale
signs.  Because this signage was banned by member- ship vote several years ago, that decision stands
at this time.  Paula opined that signage is needed so people know where the property for sale is located
and suggested that perhaps Saturday Open House for homes and property be held more than once a
In the meantime, it was suggested that an Information Box be constructed and installed near the
Bulletin Board.  The box would hold maps and realtor information to be readily available for potential
owners.  In the meantime, realtors will be asked to file their ILE listing with Club.  The list will be
published in the newsletter and on the website.

Other: Ed reported that on Easter Sunday evening, a gun was fired four times in the area of his
residence.   The Bylaws will be checked regarding firing guns in the community.
Ed reported that during the heavy rains, water runoff was quite apparent off Hiwassee on to the Sciullo
property. Perhaps a curb needs to be installed.
Ed has a concern over the number of stray dogs roaming the neighborhood.

Next Meeting: 11 May, 8 am, Fire House
There being no further business, Dick moved the meeting being adjourned; Dave seconded.  The
meeting was adjourned at 1030.

_____________________________________              ___________________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                           Everett Bedenbaugh – President