INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
9 February 2011

The meeting was called to order at 810.
Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Julie Coggins, Dave Crocker, Ed Tisdale
Absent:  Paula Markert
Member:  Joyce Bedenbaugh

Minutes:  The minutes of the 8 December 2010 meeting were read.  Ed made the motion to accept the
minutes; Dick seconded; motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  The monthly budget report and balance sheet for December were
presented and studied.  There remains reconciliation to be completed before the 2010 fiscal year is
finalized.  The final report will be presented in March.
The final total for dam expenses is $275,933.76.
The January budget report and budget forecast were presented.  The President and Secretary/Treasurer
will work on the 2011 budget to set it up for the year.
The Customer Balance Summary was studied.  Only 15 owners have not responded to the assessment
invoices.  23 owners have selected a payment plan.  With the prepayments already in place, the owner
response to the 2011 assessments has been very positive.
Attorney update – A letter was sent to Burrell/Green giving them one more opportunity to settle out of
court.  Mr Jordan had heard nothing in the 15 day grace period ending 3 February.  Foreclosures on the
seven properties have moved forward.
Dave moved the report be accepted for audit; Julie seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
    Water:  The Hiwassee Well is pumping much more water than seems necessary.  Dick will work with A&D
Maintenance this week to uncover the problem.  The Toxaway system seems to have returned to normal.
In order to accept a generator, the well house would require re-wiring.  One estimate came in over $700.
We have to decide if the potential use of a generator is necessary.  In the meantime, other bids will be
sought, and Dave will check out the electrical system.  The generator would be used at the Toxaway well
during a power outage of several days.  This would assure the community of water.
Repairs:  A meter was replaced at the Hiwassee Pumphouse in January and a leak was repaired on Indian
Lake Road in late January.

Roads:  The cross road curbing to deter water runoff at the switchback on Indian Lake Road was
broken apart by the plow.  This curbing was installed by the road crew after the paving had been completed.
The shoulder cave-in on Hiwassee Road will be repaired by Rigsby’s Inc.
The Road Committee will inspect the community and determine the needs for further repair, shoulder work,
and widening projects.  The list will be prioritized and work will commence in early spring.

Lakes/Dams:  DENR has responded to the EAP (Emergency Action Plan) that was completed in
November.  The plan looks good overall. The state has requested that Lake Toxaway Fire/Rescue be
consulted to review the hazard map and provide additional information.  This was suggested as the fire
department is the first responder to any emergency, including one caused by the dam.  Ed will meet with
the Fire Department to complete the mapping.
Water is running over the spillway at a good rate, and the system appears to be in good shape.

Architectural Control:  No report
Beautification:  Plans for the year include:
1.  Front entrance plant design and work;
2.  Maintenance for the picnic area and outcrop; and
3.  Rainbow Lake fencing – a fundraiser is being planned.

President’s Report:  Everett reported that Bob Gibson has been in conversation with various owners
concerning the bleakness of the Club’s finances.  Frank’s and Nancie’s names were brought up. What do
we know?
Assignments:  1. Julie was asked to represent the community with the Mountain Residents Group.  Its first
meeting was held 31 January, and the minutes are part of each Director’s package.
2. At this point Everett has made some decisions for the Finance Committee membership, to include Susan
Sciullo and Don Hair.
3. Julie has been asked to chair a committee to review the Bylaws.  The objective is to assure the Bylaw
language is in line with what the Club is today.  Each Board member has been asked to review the
document and send suggestions to Julie.
Community Speaks:  Joyce gave the Beautification Committee Report.

Old Business:
    Water Utility Policy:  Each Board member had a reprinted copy based on what had been
recommended by the Water Committee.  Several points were discussed; the document will be edited for
approval at the March meeting.

Website:  Ed reported that there have been 1300 hits to date, with home, photos, and members only
looked at mostly.

EAP Report:  covered in Lakes/Dams

New Business:
Reaction – Speed Limit:  Bob Gibson sent the Board a poem; it is part of each Director’s package.
Speed Limit Signs:  The Road Committee will make recommendations for additional signs.
Hummingbird Realty:  Mary Coker sent the Board some suggestions for the use of For Sale signs in
the community.  The information was discussed; it was given to Julie to include in her committee
recommendations to Bylaw changes.
Tickler – February:  Smoke Signals will be published this month. Members will receive email notification
that the newsletter is on the website.  Those members with no email address will receive the hard copy with
a request to send their email address to the Club.
Lots 19/20:  The Board chose to offer Mary Coker – Hummingbird Realty, the opportunity to list the
lots.  Realtors who serve our community will share Club listings in a revolving manner.
Letter to State of NC Elected Officials:  Frank shared the letter written to our Governor, State
Representative, and State Senator regarding a request for funds to help our paving project.  Gov Perdue
has written back; she informed us that she has forwarded the letter to the Departments of Transportation
and Commerce and will follow through with them.
 Minutes – Mountain Residents Group:  The minutes of the first meeting were part of each Director’s
package.  A synopsis of the minutes will be published in Smoke Signals.
Operation Asphalt – New Loan:  A loan package for $5000 was received on 8 February.  The Board
accepted the loan and will adjust the 2011 Budget Forecast to reflect these additional funds.

Other: No additional business.
Next Meeting: 9 March 2011, 8 am, Fire House

There being no further business, Dave made the motion to adjourn the meeting; Dick seconded.  The
meeting was adjourned at 1052.

_____________________________________                ________________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                              Everett Bedenbaugh – President