INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
8 December 2010

The meeting was called to order at 803.

Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Julie Coggins, Dave Crocker, Paula Markert, Ed Tisdale

Minutes:  The minutes of the 17 November 2010 meeting were read.  Ed moved the minutes be
accepted; Dick seconded; motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  The Monthly Budget Report, Bank Balance, and Customer Summary
were studied.
Attorney’s Update:  The Club is in receipt of the deed for the Darby property – Section 2, Lot 20.  Frank
has signed the paperwork to start the foreclosing procedures on the 7 lots owned by Monty Burrell/Laura
The Club is in receipt of an Invoice from Don Jordan for the work conducted on the Darby lot – $2500.
The Board authorized payment in January.
Paula moved the report be accepted for audit; Dick seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
      Water:  Dick reported that the system is functioning with no problems.
Frank Eaton has requested to be removed from the committee.
Dick has worked on the Water Utility Policy; he and Frank will get together to re-type the document for
the January meeting.

Roads:  Dave reported that the work completed by Rhodes Bros seems to be satisfactory.  The new
pavement should last up to 10 years depending on traffic.
There is a cave-in on the Murphy lot (between Tisdale and Timis).  The committee contracted with
Dwight Rigsby to repair it.
Concerns: The thickness of the pavement in certain areas leaves a drop-off at the edge that could be
dangerous.  Heavy trucks, such as those used for weekly garbage pick-up, remain a concern.  With the
new surface, members and service people will increase speeding; speed bumps might be an answer.
There isn’t much of a ditch system on Toxaway Trail at the curve that has just been repaired; water runs
across the road during the rain.  This could be dangerous in the winter.
The Board charged the committee to begin planning for more repair this spring.  Everett asked Dave to
have a plan ready for the January meeting.

Lakes/Dams:  The EAP was sent to DENR on the 19th and received on the 22nd.   Ed has
developed a spreadsheet to use when monitoring the lakes and dams.  The recent rain has caused the
lake to rise; water is moving over the spillway.  The caulking seems to be holding, though there may be a
problem at the 4th seam.  Branches have been removed form the top of the spillway.

Architectural Control:  Paula reported her findings on lot consolidation in Toxa- way Estates and
Connestee Falls.  In both communities, the individual is responsible for the lot(s) survey, and there are
various fees levied.  Everett asked the committee to put together a proposal for our community so that the
Board is prepared should the question come up.  This proposal will be presented in January.

Beautification:  Everett reported for the committee.  Joanne Revie has submitted her resignation as
Committee Chair; Joyce has accepted the Chair position.  Paula agreed to remain as Co-chair.
The work on the entrance fence has been completed, and the bill received.  There have been enough
donations to cover all but $100 of the cost.

President’s Report:  Everett expressed the community’s thanks to Dave and his committee for the
repair of the roads.  Plans to continue repairing will be made.
Fred Petersen is working on the entrance signs’ lighting.
Everett worked with the Board members on information from the Club documents.

Community Speaks:  No visitors present.

Old Business:
      Utility Policy:  covered in Water Report

Website: Ed showed the Board the proposed information on the computer.  The members approved
the information as set up; Ed will launch the site soon.

Bids: Robb Bennett -Roadside maintenance: The bid had been studied at the last meeting; Frank
shared a letter from Robb explaining the make-up of his crew.  The cost per month is $590, for an annual
cost of $7080; this is a savings of $1104 per year. The service will remain the same as it has been for the
past 3 years.  Ed made the motion to accept the bid; Dick seconded; motion carried with a 6:1 vote.
Roberto Martinez – Dam Maintenance:  This bid came in at $955 for both dams, or $5 more than the
current contract.
Robb Bennett – Dam Maintenance: This bid came in at $720 for both dams, or $230 less than the
current contract.  Paula made the motion to accept Robb Bennett’s bid; Dick seconded; motion carried
with a 6:1 vote.
Because Ed checks Indian Lake Dam on a regular basis, he will work with Frank on setting up mowing

New Business:
      Huckabee Letter:  The Board read the letter from member Pete Huckabee; Frank had a copy of the
Austin memo to which Pete referred.  Discussion ensued.  It was determined that Everett will respond to
Pete’s letter in writing, primarily inviting him to come to meetings, or become a Board member.

Tickler:  January activity – meeting on the 12th.

Other:  Standing Committees – Ed asked Frank to send him a soft copy of the membership for the
Power Failure – Dave said he would take his generator to either pumphouse during a prolonged power
outage so the community would continue to have water.  Everett asked Dick to look into the electrical
needs at the pumphouse and work out the details with Dave.
Speed/Speed Bumps – After discussion, it was determined not to entertain speed bump installation at
this time.  However, the need for additional speed limit signs is apparent.  The Road Committee will add
the number and placement of Speed Limit signs to its report in January.
Ditching:  Frank will contact either Myers Mowing and Lawn Care or Robb Bennett to ditch the area on
the Toxaway curve.
Crusher Run in certain areas:  This was added to the report to be given by the Road Committee at the
January meeting.

Next Meeting:  12 January 2011, 8 am, Fire House

There being no further business, Everett asked for a motion to adjourn.  Frank so moved; Dick
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 1025.

________________________________________        _____________________________________
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                           Everett Bedenbaugh – President