INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc. – Indian Lake Estates
Board of Directors Meeting
6 October 2010

The meeting was called to order at 803.
Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Julie Coggins, Dave Crocker, Ed Tisdale
Absent:  Paula Markert
Members:  Joyce Bedenbaugh, Bill Noyes

Minutes:  The minutes of the Annual Meeting of 11 September 2010 were read.  There being no
changes noted, Everett asked for a motion to accept the minutes.  Dick so moved; Dave seconded;
motion carried.
The minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of 13 September 2010 were read.  There being no
changes noted, Everett asked for a motion to accept the minutes.  Dick so moved; Julie seconded;
motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  On the Monthly Budget Report, Frank noted the large expense for Line
Item -Testing/Analysis.  This is one of the three year tests. We will begin charting these expenses,
beginning with 2010, and adjust the budget annually, as necessary.
Everett and Frank explained the Project (Operation) Asphalt Funds handout.  It was noted that as of
today, our cost back to the members is $13,445 annually.  If the other pledges come in as noted, the
cost will rise to $17,500 annually.
Dick made the motion to accept the report for audit; Dave seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
  Water:  Dick reported that the system is operating smoothly.  The utility bill was at par.  Frank will
follow-up with another set of phone calls and letters to Haywood EMC regarding request for financial aid
for the water bills incurred.  An invoice received from N&J Maintenance (9/10/10) will be forwarded to
Haynes Utility for payment.

 Roads:  Dave reported that the committee has met twice.  The minutes of the 20 September meeting
are part of each Director’s meeting package.  After walking, measuring, and estimating the cost of
repair using the Rhodes Bros Paving bid, the committee prioritized areas of repair.  The estimated cost
for the worst areas in the community is $68,000.  To date, the Club has $61,000, with pledges totaling
$77,000.  The budget allowance for repair will be about $40,000 after paying the loans.  Dave will be
meeting with the Rhodes estimator later today and will report back.
Joyce Bedenbaugh asked when Spring paving begins.  The answer is mid-March.
Dick made the motion to accept the Committee’s Report, contract with Rhodes, and move forward; Julie
seconded; motion carried.
Note: Dave requested a meeting of the Road Committee and the Board of Directors after meeting with
Rhodes Bros.  The meeting was set for 7:30 pm, this date.  Dave, Everett, Frank, and Ed represented
the Board; Dave, Robb Bennett, and Pat & Fred Petersen represented the committee.
Dave reported that he had a very positive meeting with Bill Enloe, the Rhodes estimator.  The $68,000
cost from this morning’s meeting came in at $36,400, including complete paving of Tellico Lane.  Dave
will meet with Mr Enloe later this week to confirm the work and let the contract.  The starting date will be
2-3 weeks.
Dave said that the committee’s estimated cost of the other areas in the community is evidently high;
after confirming that cost with Mr Enloe, those areas will be added to the contract as well.

What else to do?
}Pat Hawkins-Petersen asked that the section of Hiwassee from the park to Tisdale’s be included.
}Frank asked that the section of Indian Lake Road from Lupo’s to Bedenbaugh’s be included.
}Dave suggested that the entire area of Indian Lake Road, from the entrance to the Hiwassee
intersection be paved.
}Dave also said that Mr Enloe was alarmed at the ‘wavy’ section of Toxaway Trail from just beyond the
Indian Lake Road intersection to the top of the hill.
}These sections will be added to the overall job, if within budgetary constraints.
}It was noted that our ditches may be quite steep in some areas as a result of repair; it was suggested
that loads of crusher run be added to the work order.
}Dave suggested the Board should look into truck traffic, limiting the weight of trucks allowed.  This
includes garbage pick-up from house to house.  Perhaps we might build a container to be placed out
front for garbage pick-up.  The Board will add this to its agenda.
}Everett and Frank will write letter #3, RE “Operation Asphalt”, seeking still another pledge of money
since we are so close to the total needed.
Everett thanked Dave for the work his committee has completed.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:36

Lakes/Dams:  Ed reported for the committee.  Some water is going over the spillway as a result of the
recent rains.  The repaired caulking is holding, particularly at #3 joint – this was the point of concern for
DENR.  Fred initiated a meeting with the state inspection team this week.  They took pictures and will
report their findings to the Division of Land Resources at DENR.

Architectural Control:  No activity; Everett has asked Paula to chair the committee.

Beautification:  Joyce Bedenbaugh reported for the committee.  She noted 3 donations totaling $300,
from the Pences, Sciullos, and Eatons.  There are no immediate plans for additional planting.  Jerry
Hollar has weed-eated the canoe area.  Fred Petersen is installing the railing to the dock.  There will be
a meeting of the committee at the Park, Wednesday, 13 October, 4 pm.  This will precede Wednesday
at the Waterfront.  There are some members visiting the community, and we would like to meet and

President’s Report:  Everett expressed his appreciation to the committees for their work.  He also
thanked Frank for “helping me get my feet wet as I assumed the office of President”.  He then asked a
few questions concerning the Bylaws, explaining that at each meeting, there would be a ‘quiz’ on the
Club’s documents.

Community Speaks:  This is a new agenda item.  At this time, our members will be invited to add their
voice to the proceedings of the meeting.  There being none, Everett moved to the next item.

Old Business:
  Director Roster:  The roster for 2011 is part of each Director’s package.
2011 Meeting Times:  The meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 8 am at
the Fire Station.  This information will be published in the next issue of Smoke Signals.

New Business:
  2011 Assessments:  Carrying out the desire of membership at the Annual Meeting, Everett asked for
a motion making the 2011 assessment $941.  At this time, the projected assessment for 2012 and 2013
would be $960 and $990, respectfully.  Dick so moved; Ed seconded; motion carried.

There was some discussion as to whether we might use the Line Item – $20,000 reserve:
Rainbow Lake Dam – for road repair this next year.  It was felt that we need to be proactive in all
directions, but putting away the money for dam repair is paramount.  The Board will ask Fred Markert
and an expert in culvert relining for their opinion concerning the safety of Rainbow Lake Dam.  It was
noted that there is very little wiggle room in the 2011 Budget for any kind of unexpected expense.
 Rules for Funding Road Repair:  The paperwork regarding this item was part of the Director’s
It read:  100% of loan principle will be spent in 2010.
Maximum loan total – $200,000
Loans to be processed 1 November 2010
100% of 2011 prepaid assessments will be spent in 2010
100% of 2012 prepaid assessments will be spent in 2010
On any prepayments for 2013 and beyond, 40% of amount will be
allocated to road repair; 60% will reserved for Operations.
Exception: if the member designates the prepayment be applied
to 2010, then it shall.
Ed made the motion to accept this recommendation; Dick seconded; motion carried.
Approve Funds for Road Repair:  See Road Committee Report
Tellico Lane – Repair Priority:  This decision was part of the 13 February 2009 Board of Director’s
Meeting.  It was recommended by the Lakes/Dams Committee at that meting, and accepted by the
Standing Committees:  The list is part of the Director’s package.  It will be distributed to the
 Water Utility Policy:  This Club document is part of the Director’s notebook.  It was approved in
1991, by Bill Noyes’ Board.  Everett asked that each Director study the document for review at the next
Donation to Fire Department:  Everett asked the Board to approve a $200 donation to Lake
Toxaway Fire Rescue for the use of the meeting space.  Dick made the motion; Ed seconded; motion
carried.  Frank will follow through.

Other:  Joyce Bedenbaugh expressed their concern over the amount of plant removal on the easement
of the property.  The ground will be covered with seed and straw.  Joyce and Everett should feel free to
speak with the crew and with Haywood about any repair to the corner.
The Private Property sign will be installed at the Harris property.  The priority of the installation time has
been superceded by more pressing Board actions.

Next Meeting:  17 November 2010, 8 am, Fire Station

There being no further business, Everett asked for a motion to adjourn.  Julie so moved; Dick
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 1006.

—————————————————              —————————————–
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                Everett Bedenbaugh – President
The meeting was called to order at 803.

Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer,
Julie Coggins, Dave Crocker, Ed Tisdale
Absent:  Paula Markert
Members:  Joyce Bedenbaugh, Bill Noyes

Minutes:  The minutes of the Annual Meeting of 11 September 2010 were read.  There being no
changes noted, Everett asked for a motion to accept the minutes.  Dick so moved; Dave seconded;
motion carried.
The minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of 13 September 2010 were read.  There being no
changes noted, Everett asked for a motion to accept the minutes.  Dick so moved; Julie seconded;
motion carried.

Secretary/Treasurer Report:  On the Monthly Budget Report, Frank noted the large expense for Line
Item -Testing/Analysis.  This is one of the three year tests. We will begin charting these expenses,
beginning with 2010, and adjust the budget annually, as necessary.
Everett and Frank explained the Project (Operation) Asphalt Funds handout.  It was noted that as of
today, our cost back to the members is $13,445 annually.  If the other pledges come in as noted, the
cost will rise to $17,500 annually.
Dick made the motion to accept the report for audit; Dave seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:
  Water:  Dick reported that the system is operating smoothly.  The utility bill was at par.  Frank will
follow-up with another set of phone calls and letters to Haywood EMC regarding request for financial aid
for the water bills incurred.  An invoice received from N&J Maintenance (9/10/10) will be forwarded to
Haynes Utility for payment.

 Roads:  Dave reported that the committee has met twice.  The minutes of the 20 September meeting
are part of each Director’s meeting package.  After walking, measuring, and estimating the cost of
repair using the Rhodes Bros Paving bid, the committee prioritized areas of repair.  The estimated cost
for the worst areas in the community is $68,000.  To date, the Club has $61,000, with pledges totaling
$77,000.  The budget allowance for repair will be about $40,000 after paying the loans.  Dave will be
meeting with the Rhodes estimator later today and will report back.
Joyce Bedenbaugh asked when Spring paving begins.  The answer is mid-March.
Dick made the motion to accept the Committee’s Report, contract with Rhodes, and move forward; Julie
seconded; motion carried.
Note: Dave requested a meeting of the Road Committee and the Board of Directors after meeting with
Rhodes Bros.  The meeting was set for 7:30 pm, this date.  Dave, Everett, Frank, and Ed represented
the Board; Dave, Robb Bennett, and Pat & Fred Petersen represented the committee.
Dave reported that he had a very positive meeting with Bill Enloe, the Rhodes estimator.  The $68,000
cost from this morning’s meeting came in at $36,400, including complete paving of Tellico Lane.  Dave
will meet with Mr Enloe later this week to confirm the work and let the contract.  The starting date will be
2-3 weeks.
Dave said that the committee’s estimated cost of the other areas in the community is evidently high;
after confirming that cost with Mr Enloe, those areas will be added to the contract as well.

What else to do?
}Pat Hawkins-Petersen asked that the section of Hiwassee from the park to Tisdale’s be included.
}Frank asked that the section of Indian Lake Road from Lupo’s to Bedenbaugh’s be included.
}Dave suggested that the entire area of Indian Lake Road, from the entrance to the Hiwassee
intersection be paved.
}Dave also said that Mr Enloe was alarmed at the ‘wavy’ section of Toxaway Trail from just beyond the
Indian Lake Road intersection to the top of the hill.
}These sections will be added to the overall job, if within budgetary constraints.
}It was noted that our ditches may be quite steep in some areas as a result of repair; it was suggested
that loads of crusher run be added to the work order.
}Dave suggested the Board should look into truck traffic, limiting the weight of trucks allowed.  This
includes garbage pick-up from house to house.  Perhaps we might build a container to be placed out
front for garbage pick-up.  The Board will add this to its agenda.
}Everett and Frank will write letter #3, RE “Operation Asphalt”, seeking still another pledge of money
since we are so close to the total needed.
Everett thanked Dave for the work his committee has completed.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:36

Lakes/Dams:  Ed reported for the committee.  Some water is going over the spillway as a result of the
recent rains.  The repaired caulking is holding, particularly at #3 joint – this was the point of concern for
DENR.  Fred initiated a meeting with the state inspection team this week.  They took pictures and will
report their findings to the Division of Land Resources at DENR.

Architectural Control:  No activity; Everett has asked Paula to chair the committee.

Beautification:  Joyce Bedenbaugh reported for the committee.  She noted 3 donations totaling $300,
from the Pences, Sciullos, and Eatons.  There are no immediate plans for additional planting.  Jerry
Hollar has weed-eated the canoe area.  Fred Petersen is installing the railing to the dock.  There will be
a meeting of the committee at the Park, Wednesday, 13 October, 4 pm.  This will precede Wednesday
at the Waterfront.  There are some members visiting the community, and we would like to meet and

President’s Report:  Everett expressed his appreciation to the committees for their work.  He also
thanked Frank for “helping me get my feet wet as I assumed the office of President”.  He then asked a
few questions concerning the Bylaws, explaining that at each meeting, there would be a ‘quiz’ on the
Club’s documents.

Community Speaks:  This is a new agenda item.  At this time, our members will be invited to add their
voice to the proceedings of the meeting.  There being none, Everett moved to the next item.

Old Business:
  Director Roster:  The roster for 2011 is part of each Director’s package.
2011 Meeting Times:  The meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 8 am at
the Fire Station.  This information will be published in the next issue of Smoke Signals.

New Business:
  2011 Assessments:  Carrying out the desire of membership at the Annual Meeting, Everett asked for
a motion making the 2011 assessment $941.  At this time, the projected assessment for 2012 and 2013
would be $960 and $990, respectfully.  Dick so moved; Ed seconded; motion carried.

There was some discussion as to whether we might use the Line Item – $20,000 reserve:
Rainbow Lake Dam – for road repair this next year.  It was felt that we need to be proactive in all
directions, but putting away the money for dam repair is paramount.  The Board will ask Fred Markert
and an expert in culvert relining for their opinion concerning the safety of Rainbow Lake Dam.  It was
noted that there is very little wiggle room in the 2011 Budget for any kind of unexpected expense.
 Rules for Funding Road Repair:  The paperwork regarding this item was part of the Director’s
It read:  100% of loan principle will be spent in 2010.
Maximum loan total – $200,000
Loans to be processed 1 November 2010
100% of 2011 prepaid assessments will be spent in 2010
100% of 2012 prepaid assessments will be spent in 2010
On any prepayments for 2013 and beyond, 40% of amount will be
allocated to road repair; 60% will reserved for Operations.
Exception: if the member designates the prepayment be applied
to 2010, then it shall.
Ed made the motion to accept this recommendation; Dick seconded; motion carried.
Approve Funds for Road Repair:  See Road Committee Report
Tellico Lane – Repair Priority:  This decision was part of the 13 February 2009 Board of Director’s
Meeting.  It was recommended by the Lakes/Dams Committee at that meting, and accepted by the
Standing Committees:  The list is part of the Director’s package.  It will be distributed to the
 Water Utility Policy:  This Club document is part of the Director’s notebook.  It was approved in
1991, by Bill Noyes’ Board.  Everett asked that each Director study the document for review at the next
Donation to Fire Department:  Everett asked the Board to approve a $200 donation to Lake
Toxaway Fire Rescue for the use of the meeting space.  Dick made the motion; Ed seconded; motion
carried.  Frank will follow through.

Other:  Joyce Bedenbaugh expressed their concern over the amount of plant removal on the easement
of the property.  The ground will be covered with seed and straw.  Joyce and Everett should feel free to
speak with the crew and with Haywood about any repair to the corner.
The Private Property sign will be installed at the Harris property.  The priority of the installation time has
been superceded by more pressing Board actions.

Next Meeting:  17 November 2010, 8 am, Fire Station

There being no further business, Everett asked for a motion to adjourn.  Julie so moved; Dick
seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 1006.

—————————————————              —————————————–
Frank Campbell – Secretary/Treasurer                Everett Bedenbaugh – President