NOTE: The following minutes are DRAFT ONLY and subject to approval at next Annual Membership
Meeting in 2012
INDIAN LAKE CLUB, Inc, – Indian Lake Estates
Minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting
10 September 2011

The Annual Membership Meeting was held at the Lake Toxaway Fire and Rescue, 850 Blue Ridge Road,
Lake Toxaway, NC, on the 10th day of September 2011.

The meeting was called to order at 10.05 a.m.

Presiding:  Everett Bedenbaugh – President
Attending:  Ed Tisdale- Secretary, Frank Campbell, Dave Crocker and Paula Markert
Absent:  Dick Hennig – Vice President, Susan Scuillo, Treasurer
Members:  28 people were in attendance representing 35 properties and 10 proxies
were held representing 17 lots, for an attendance of 41%.

State of the Community:
•      In his opening remarks, Everett welcomed all in attendance and commented on the fact that the  state
of the community is improving.
•        He pointed out that the expense of the Indian Lake Dam is behind us and a large percentage of our
residents now have safe and attractive roadways to use.
•        Best of all, Everett commented that community Volunteerism is affording the community the
opportunity to accomplish projects that could not be accomplished otherwise.
•        Volunteerism has come in four (4) forms:
o        Financial donations for specified projects
o        Materials donated for specific projects
o        Participation in specific projects
o        Members paying assessments years in advance to assist with Project Asphalt
•        There are 54 homes in Indian Lake Estates, 141 lots and 102 owners.
•        Everett summarized the success of the road repairs to date and stated that Dave would be giving a
comprehensive report later in the meeting.
•        Everett stated that the community still faces challenges:
o        There are still sections of roads that are unsatisfactory
o        The cost of operation of the water system continues to increase because of ever
increasing cost of meeting State mandated testing.  This year has seen an unusually
large number of leaks from our ageing water supply system with expensive repairs.
o        There are concerns about collecting assessments.
o        He pointed out that there is a significant number of members that are in arrears with their
assessment payments and that the Board and in particular the Treasurer had been active
in trying to secure payments from those members. There were 5 liens in place and others
may follow if payment is not forthcoming.
•        Everett indicated that the Club had acquired two lots – deeded over to the Club by members – and
that there was a contract pending on the sale of one of the lots.
•        Everett stated that the Indian Lake Dam spillway was in need of some repair via caulking of some of
the seams, details of which would be forthcoming in the Lakes/Dams Committee report later.
•        Everett mentioned the Club’s website and the increased use of electronic mail in communicating with
members. There were still 22 owners who did not have or were unwilling to give the Club their Email
•        Everett praised the new treasurer, Susan Sciullo, a qualified CPA for guiding the Board on the Club’s
finances and budget.
•        In Susan’s absence from the meeting due to pre-arranged vacation Everett indicated that Don Hair
would present the Treasurer’s report and Gerry Gawronski would present the 2012 Budget later in the
•        Everett also indicated that Frank Campbell would present the Water Committee Report in Dick
Hennig’s absence.
•        Everett commented on the number of small projects that had been undertaken by members on their
property throughout the year and that a full report would be forthcoming from Paula Markert, the
Architectural Control Committee chair.
•        Everett concluded by commenting that the Club’s cash flow was tight but he expected the Club to
meet all of its obligations by year end.
•        Everett thanked Frank Campbell who is retiring from the Board for all his work done for the
community over the past several years. The members showed their appreciation with a big round of

Quorum:  Ed reported a quorum had been established.  Needing 32 lots present and having 52 lots
represented at the meeting, a quorum had been established.

Note: Since Fred Markert needed to leave for an urgent business meeting, the agenda was adjusted so
that the Lakes/Dams report could be given early.
•        Fred Markert reported that an Emergency Action Plan(EAP) and a Maintenance Schedule for the
Indian Lake Lower Dam had been requested by the State and  had been completed and approved.
•        Fred thanked Ed for his efforts in creating both the Plan and Schedule and for working with the State
in securing their approval.
•        Ed was asked to give a brief overview of what each document contained.
•        Fred reported that the State had inspected both the Rainbow Lake and Indian Lake Dams and had
identified maintenance work that would need to be done – critter holes, blockage of spillway, re-caulking
and some erosion of the access road.
•        The Lakes/dams Committee had met and proposed a series of maintenance work to be completed
for both dams
Rainbow Lake Dam:
•        Drainpipe support needs to be repaired for the culvert that passes under Hiwassee Road.
•        Culvert that extends into Indian lake has rusted and needs to be repaired, although in conversation
with State representatives, this repair need not be completed until all of the major work needed on
Rainbow Lake is done in 2013
•        The Spill device – the valve and culvert standpipe are rusted and will need to be repaired. A new
overflow system will need to be engineered and built
•        The Committee members will visit the nearby Lonesome valley to view their recently installed system
that may be appropriate for Rainbow Lake
•        A critter hole will need to be checked out and filled in.
Indian Lake Dam:
•        A critter hole that was filled in from previous years has re-appeared and will need to be fixed
•        A small hole near the top of the dam will need to be filled in with dirt and re-seeded. This hole was
caused by a track hoe in the past.
•        Logs retrieved from the spillway and collected at the lakeside of the dam
will be burned.
•        Re-caulking of part of the spillway (one and half of the seams )will be done. Within the next 10 days
the lake will be drawn down to accommodate the repair.
•        Fred reported that the engineer had stated that water was seeping up through the seams on the
spillway and that this was a potential problem.
•        Fred reported that the ever increasing silt flowing into the lake was a problem and that DENR would
be approached following an investigation of where the silt was coming from upstream. Blue lake was cited
as the worst source plus a local farmer’s field upstream that housed cattle.
•        Jerry Hollar had reported to the Committee that grass was becoming a problem in certain areas of
Indian Lake. Jerry had added a number of grass carp to the lake to help solve the problem but there was
still a lot of  grass and sediment where Indian Creek enters the lake.
•        One solution that had been suggested for the sediment problem was to build silt retention ponds on
the creek and Fred Markert had offered to allow such ponds to be built on his property close to where
Indian Creek enters the lake.
•        A chemical solution had also been considered for reducing the amount of grass in the lake. Such a
solution will be further investigated by the Committee.

Minutes:  11 September 2010 – There was one correction noted – the number of lots was 141 and not
142, Everett asked for a motion that the minutes be approved.  Paula Markert so moved; Nancy Naylor
seconded; motion carried.

Committee Reports:

•        Frank reported (in Dick’s absence) that the water system was working efficiently.
•        It was stated that A&D Maintenance responded rapidly to problems with the water system, especially
some of our recent leaks.
•        It was also noted that A&D Maintenance had not raised their basic fees for the past 3 years and that
it held steady at $660 per month.
•        However, it was reported that the cost of repairs had increased due to cost of materials and gas and
the like.
•        The water repair bills this past winter had been high due to large leaks on both Toxaway Trail and
Hiwassee Road, one in particular near the Harris property that caused the newly paved road to be dug up
•        Some of the water leaks were caused by Haywood Electric when laying the new cables that have to
be 3 feet below ground.  Haywood did reimburse the Club for about half of the water repairs caused by
laying the cable. Part of the problem was inaccurate mapping of the water lines that have since been
•        With the pumps running continuously (24/7) because of leaks either at the roadside or in member’s
houses repairs from wear and tear were inevitable.
•        Furthermore one of the Pump Houses was struck by lightning.
•        Frank stressed the need for members to shut off the water system when they are away from their
property for extended periods of time. It protects the Club and ensures a safe and operable water system.
•        Due to the pumps running continuously, the electricity bills exceeded our budget.
•        Frank stated that at present there is a good water usage rate.
•        It was also stated that following the problems with the lightning strike, the Club has installed surge
protectors in both Pump Houses. The protectors were installed free of charge by Haywood but the
electrical hook up performed by a qualified electrician cost $150. The monthly fee for the surge protectors
that is added to our bills is $8.05 each (Slightly higher than the $6.99 that had been quoted) Note: At the
end of the meeting Pat Hawkins stated that she would donate $150 to the Club to cover the electrician’s
cost. Thank you Pat.
•        Frank indicated that the State had introduced new water analysis tests during the year at a cost of
$625 and that the water analysis/testing budget has doubled from $1800 to $3600.
•        Finally Frank reminded the members that the community had a highly integrated water system that
managed a very precious commodity (clean, safe water) and that the cost of maintaining such a system
was about 20% of the Club’s budget.

•        Dave reported for the committee.
•        It was stated that the community had about three and a quarter miles of roads, excluding Pathkiller
and Nantahala.
•        Dave stated that he had been out and about in the community and measured the amount of roads
that had been paved to date – 56% (9644 linear feet) had been paved at a cost of $139,000; 44% (7,719
linear feet) remain unpaved
•        Based on the Budget forecasts a budget of $109,000 (approx. $33,000 per year) will complete the
paving over the next 3 years.
•        Dave stated that Hiwassee Road was 80% complete.
•        Dave stressed that the state of parts of Indian Lake Road were a cause for concern (to quote
“Horrible condition”) but there were no funds until next Spring to pave more of the road. To date, 4160
linear feet had been paved, 2988 linear feet remained to be paved for Indian Lake Road
 Discussion related to Roads followed:
•        Madonna Gawronski asked if stakes with reflectors be placed at the bends on the roads to improve
•        Joanne Revie asked if white lines could be painted on the edges of the corners to assist safety.
Dave stated that he could get traffic marking paint at cost and would gladly help in painting the white lines.
•        Pat Hawkins stated that in order to reduce speeding on our roads within the community that we paint
diagonal white lines across the roads at strategic locations with the word SLOW also painted next to the
white lines. Such a system is used in Europe instead of ‘speed bumps’
•        Dave further suggested that we try and limit the number of heavy trucks, in particular garbage
trucks, from entering our community. This would significantly reduce the wear and tear on the new roads
that were expected to have a ‘life’ of 7 to 10 years. Dave suggested a garbage collection area at or near
the front entrance to the community. This idea was met with resistance, mainly because it would attract
other people from beyond our community to dump their garbage there. It would also present a health
hazard by attracting rodents and the like.
•        Linda Hair asked if the next round of paving could reduce the steepness of the edges that presented
a hazard if you were forced off the road. Dave stated that he would point this out to the pavers next time
around in the Spring.
•        Frank Campbell suggested that the pot holes be filled before winter with some of next year’s budget
for the roads. It was stated that there is no money for such an undertaking before winter and that in the
past a great deal of expense was wasted patching pot holes and that the roads budget should be used for
paving only.
•        Holly Black suggested a special assessment to cover the pot holing idea. This was rejected.
•        Gerry Gawronski suggested that we use the Rainbow Lake/Emergency Funds for the next few years
to complete the paving of the roads and put aside in 2013 the funds necessary for the Dam repairs.  This
was rejected by Everett and the Board since the Club needed to not only have funds put aside for the Dam
repairs but also for emergency occurrences over the coming years.
•        Joanne Revie proposed that the Club put white lines on the edges of the roads as a priority. Dave
stated that he would endeavor to get it done as soon as possible.
•        Finally, Paula stated that the recent water leak opposite Pat Hawkins driveway had uncovered a hole
in the culvert running under the road. This culvert should be repaired before that section of Toxaway Trail
is paved next Spring or beyond.

Architectural Control:
•        Paula reported that a number of small projects had been undertaken by members throughout the
year – dock on Indian Lake at the Lupo property; Room addition and new decking at the Pappas property;
New roof on Vivian and Mike’s porch.
•        It was reported that work maybe done on the Cooper property – driveway and decking but as yet no
plans had been submitted to the AC Committee.
•        Miriam Carlen may be building a new home in the community on one of her 3 lots but as yet no plans
have been submitted
•        Paula stated that there was a change/addition to the ACR’s – Two lots may be combined to allow for
a septic system for a two bedroom home. The owner must apply for this and pay all fees pertaining to the
combining and five years of dues at the rate of combining. The detailed verbiage can be viewed on the
website under the Other Info link.
•        It was stated that Open Houses are allowed in the community for members wishing to sell their
property and that Signage is allowed during Open Houses
•        It was stated that the community now has a Property For Sale Information box near the Bulletin Board
close to our entrance. All local realtors have been notified that they are welcome to use this facility to help
sell property in the community.
•        Ed thanked both Jerry Hollar and Frank Campbell for the construction and siting of the information
•        Paula pointed out that the Club’s Website was a great resource for showcasing our community but
also for information on homes and lots for sale.
•        Note: After the meeting Aleta Tisdale volunteered to replace Ed Tisdale as a member of the
Architectural Control Committee. This was agreed by Paula Markert, chair of the Committee.

•        Joyce Bedenbough thanked all who have volunteered through the summer working in the Park and
green spaces and in particular all the people who helped with the Community Estate Sale in July.
•        The volunteer spirit of this community is excellent with people donating their time, energy, employees
and monetary contributions to accomplish much needed projects.
•        In November, new fencing was erected at the entrance, park benches were renovated, the canoe
and John Boat inventory updated
•        In July the Estate Sale raised $3552 for the Beautification Committee to enhance our environment
•        Part of the monies raised by the Estate Sale were used to erect new fencing at the Rainbow Lake
Dam on Hiwassee Road. The old fencing (approximately 35 years old) was replaced by sturdy Locust
•        A new handrail was erected leading down to the dock
•        A new sign was erected at the Waterfront park to encourage angled parking
•        The community enjoyed great socials throughout the year – the Christmas party, July 4th Picnic,
Wednesday night gatherings at the Park and the recent labor Day Picnic and Games
•        Joyce stated that the next long term project was to create new and improve existing steps in the
Waterfront Park.  Don Harrison will oversee the creation of 4 new steps leading up from the dock; Fred
Markert will oversee the reorganization of the area within the Park where we eat by building new steps to
improve the safety of the area.
•        Joyce stated that between $1300 – $1400 remained in the bank for exclusive use by the Beatification
•        Joyce asked the members for a volunteer to host this year’s Christmas Party in early December–
Paula Markert willingly volunteered. Thank you Paula.

Treasurer’s Report:
•        In Susan’s absence, Don Hair presented the Club’s Balance Sheet as of August 31st 2011 and
Budget Performance Report for January thru August 2011.
•        Don highlighted several of the income and expense items
•        Don pointed out that what was not reported in the finances was ‘volunteerism’. This was income in
the form of people’s time, skills and talents. He stressed that our community was managed by volunteers.
•        Don stated that there was a forecasted shortfall by year end of around $3000. This shortfall may be
avoided if the sale of Lot 20A is completed successfully.  If a shortfall remains at year end, funds from the
Rainbow Lake Dam/Emergency Fund will be utilized.

Proposed Budget – 2012:  
•        Gerry presented the 2012 Budget as recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the
Board of Directors. Points made:
o        Assessments will remain at $941 per lot.
o        Budget for Water increased.
o        Additional money may come into the Club through lot sales.
o        Rainbow Lake Dam Repair/Emergency Fund – $20,000 is being set aside each year;
repair is therefore scheduled for 2013.
o        The total amount budgeted for 2012, based on 133 lots, is $116,795.
o         A projected outlook for 2013 and 2014 were highlighted.
o        A budget is a budget; money can be saved within the budget by continual volunteerism.
o        There were no questions raised by the Budget presentation.

Results of Voting:  
Frank reported the voting results.
o        Board of Directors: Dick Hennig was re-elected; John Pappas was elected.  The term of
office is for 3 years, or through the Annual Meeting of 2014.

Other Business:
By-laws – Amendments
o        Everett walked through the document presented to the members showing the amendments made to
the By-Laws
o        All the amendments were small and merely eliminated inaccurate statements that no longer apply
and added the use of electronic means of communicating with members via Email or the Club’s Website
Lake Toxaway Safety Day   
o        Frank reminded the meeting of the Lake Toxaway Safety Day taking place from 9.30 am to 3pm
today (Sat.10th Sept) at the Community Center and recommended that members should visit the Center
on their way home from the meeting.
o        Frank stated that the safety day had been organized by the Mountain Residents Group(MRG) and
the Fire Department.
o        The MRG was formed this year to represent our part of Transylvania County. One of its aims is to
try and set up a Sheriff’s substation in the area to help protect the community.

Everett reminded the Board of Directors – both former and new – of the regular meeting immediately
following adjournment of this meeting and to any member who wished to attend.

There being no further business, Everett asked for a motion to adjourn.  Joanne Revie so moved; Gerry
Gawronski seconded.  The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 12.35 pm.

—————————————   —————————————-
Ed Tisdale – Secretary                Everett Bedenbough – President